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Halleluyah! SCR579X.EXE works! No more requests to download scripting that's available locally. Everything just loads!

Thanks barbarien, but of course especially MDGx for fixing whatever it was that was wrong with that at first. I have no idea if anything's broken, but so far nothing is apparently broken and that bug is gone. :)

Next comes 98SE2ME, 98MP10, NUSB.

I'll try the latest Shockwave then. Maybe with Scripting fixed the new one will work. If not, we know how to uninstall it and go back to the older ones so I'll give it a shot. Assuming I survive these next things first.

Soporific, it looks like websites do need the newer files (or really old ones perhaps) for the Scripting. Perhaps the next version of Auto-Patcher can include SCR579X.EXE? That, or the official Scripting 5.6 since that unofficial 5.6 seems to not work too well.

Halleluyah! SCR579X.EXE works! No more requests to download scripting that's available locally. Everything just loads!

Thanks barbarien, but of course especially MDGx for fixing whatever it was that was wrong with that at first. I have no idea if anything's broken, but so far nothing is apparently broken and that bug is gone. :)

Next comes 98SE2ME, 98MP10, NUSB.

I'll try the latest Shockwave then. Maybe with Scripting fixed the new one will work. If not, we know how to uninstall it and go back to the older ones so I'll give it a shot. Assuming I survive these next things first.

Soporific, it looks like websites do need the newer files (or really old ones perhaps) for the Scripting. Perhaps the next version of Auto-Patcher can include SCR579X.EXE? That, or the official Scripting 5.6 since that unofficial 5.6 seems to not work too well.

re: SCR579X.EXE -- I'll go one further than than just including it in the new release, i'm releasing the January version of AP as soon as possible. If you have suggestions for it, please say something soon.


Hi Soporific, I have just tried to use the new December 2007 full release of AP, but unfortunately I'm getting the same problem as I had with the previous version. I did manage to use the one before that successfully, but the last two versions won't run!

When I run them the DOS box comes up and then immediately closes down.

If I run the debug batch file, it runs OK until I press "any key to continue" and the same thing happens, it just closes!

No error messages, nothing...........

I have tried increasing my environment in config.sys manually from 768 to 4096, and even to 8192, but this makes absolutely no difference.

It still won't run if I close down all other running programs.

It will however run in Safe Mode, at least the DOS box stays open and will respond to commands, but I haven't tried actually using AP in Safe Mode.

Is this OK to do?

I would have thought that there would be things that it cannot do properly in Safe Mode, like system analysis.

Any idea why it won't run in the first place?

I did get the version before last to work OK, and I haven't changed any settings to my knowledge, so why would later ones now not work?

Unless AP changed something itself of course which is preventing it from running again!

Thanks, Dave.


Hi Soporific, I have just tried to use the new December 2007 full release of AP, but unfortunately I'm getting the same problem as I had with the previous version. I did manage to use the one before that successfully, but the last two versions won't run!

When I run them the DOS box comes up and then immediately closes down.


if you installed Revolutions Pack 7.11 AND the AP environment space fix, you will find AP doesn't load. The problem is due to the SHELL command in CONFIG.SYS -- click START then RUN and type in SYSEDIT in the run dialog box and hit enter. Your system files will come up -- in CONFIG.SYS find this line:


and delete it. If you subsequently find that you needed the fix in order for AP to work properly then we will need to make a special AUTOEXEC.BAT file for you to use. Let me know if this is the case.



Heh heh. Caught me speechless. Seems that this one worked great except for that Scripting problem and maybe Shockwave crashing if its latest version isn't prepped for 98SE enough or at all.

Only shot for it seems to be if the newer 5.7 scripting somehow makes Shockwave sites work properly with the latest Shockwave. I still have to try that out.

It was easy getting it to crash just going to the Adobe Shockwave support site and their test players page. The thing crashed Internet Explorer every time, either after the page loaded, when leaving the page, or when closing Internet Explorer.

That 48LBA thing was great. I installed with 120GB and after Auto-Patcher installed Partition Magic and expanded to just 40GB short of my 250GB drive (about 190GB or so). Partition Magic insists on keeping about 15% free space on larger drives for some reason.

I'm bidding on a SystemWorks 2003 because someone posted that Norton Utilities 2002, which I have, only has the dos version 48bit LBA compatible but not the Windows DiskDoctor and its defrager (name escapes me at the moment). I don't think the Windows Me versions in ScanFrag/98SE2ME are so I'm holding off on using anything for now. I bid a max of $15, which would be great but now there's another bidder. :(

That environment fix is a necessity for me. I tried it without it and got the out of space problem. I delete the lines when done since I use 98SE2ME and you gave that warning.

And NUSB worked fine. It actually calls itself by the Via device name for it and names my 8237 southbridge. I guess it really is Via USB 2.0 PLUS. It had installed a Microsoft Enhanced one in VMWare, but it knew I had Via on the real motherboard here and installed it specifically. Awesome.

It a super time saver. Can't help an update having problems every so often. Wish I could think of more to suggest. I thought of Windows Media Player 7 Bonus Pack Full, but that needs user interaction and has to go on before the MDGx 98MP10 so even the manual installs folder is no good for it. Since this is a real install I installed that so I could have the fancy visualizations and skins. It's got a converter, but I think that goes one way from mp3 to Windows Media so that's kind of useless. If anything most would want the opposite.

Next is copying all my stuff. That's why I'm in Linux now. I don't look forward to hours and hours of copying. I gave up the ship until tomorrow.


re: SCR579X.EXE -- I'll go one further than than just including it in the new release, i'm releasing the January version of AP as soon as possible. If you have suggestions for it, please say something soon.

i found when i open 2-3 windows in IE oftens i lost connection , so i must restart the router to reconnect i dont no was it is

but in Firefox with tabbed browsing is it not , now new IE Patch 944xxx came along will see whats happend

replace SCR569X with SCR579x or Fix the Bug

better Installroutine for Service 9x ,Tools 9x ,TTFpack, 2 to 4 Digit Tooll ,HHUPD ,

add Shockwave replace 10.3.024 or give options to choose (Older Version runs really stable)

Flashplayer 9.0.115 looks Stable

add MDCUPL for better ICONS looks really nice

posibilitys ----Big Open Box Patch ,

replace Infrarecorder is a buggy Thing or wait for upgrads--other Freeware Options Deep Burner free, Burn4Free , Easy Burning 1.88 , Express Burn CD Burner 1.05 or this russian tool SmallCDWriter

give Options to choose IE 6 Components + Patches , to the whole Optional Windows Components module

add Netframework 2.0 + Patch

for me is still not clear the ADV IE REG when choose Settings in IE i only found the Connections entry set in the Registry

the other Options are nor there so is it set or not (RcvWindow,SackOpts,DefaultTTL) ??????

I make my own Internet Regfile to add these tweaks to the Reg.

and the Mediaplayer --- i cant see is your version this from mdgx unoffical release or the normal ?

interesting is to add a codec pack for ,divx,real,quicktime medias

and good Idee was to add a freeware Zipper like TUGZip because opens all cd image files !!!!!

add a Taskkiller Coolkill or something ,shellexview (shell extension)

newer Versions are available for Print Key 5.10 ,AnVir Taskmanager 4.9.5



Too much stuff, bloat is a major thing to avoid. Free stuff like most of what you mentioned are freely available for those who want them and are not Windows updates, fixes, patches.

Absolutely no codec packs please. Best way to destroy the Windows multimedia framework requiring a reinstall. But then, I've never tried one with the exception of FFDSHOW and I turned most of that off only keeping the odd codecs the major players don't install. I haven't even used that for quite some time.

The Maximus Decim Windows Me look and feel stuff is installable separately for those who want it, again not an update. There's still a Windows Me theme at the usual theme websites. I install that sometimes, don't apply it always, but do steal the icons from it if I want a different look. Applying it reminds me too much of Windows Me (go figure). But yeah, the icons are nice and if applied the Explorer backgrounds and html information panes have the Windows Me look.

Uberskin and the future of Revolution Pack looks interesting. But really there's no need to have either in Auto-Patcher. It's already there (the older Revo Pack) and it's nice to have it in the manual installs so there's no need to not include it, but adding eye-candy programs that folks can just come here and get that aren't really system updates is just going to make this thing too big.

Most don't want DotNET 2.0 except for specific purposes. The install and reboot for it and its updates take forever. It used to be in Auto-Patcher and was taken out, probably for those reasons.

Windows Media Player legacy is an install of 7.1. The WMP9 is the official one with the addition of the WMP Codec Package for 9x that was a Microsoft update. It gives 9x the missing codecs that came out after the last WMP9 98SE edition, stuff from WMP 9 and 10 on XP. No, it is not the cumulative unofficial version or the 98MP10. But Auto-Patcher does offer 98MP10 in a separate module. I install the downloaded version myself instead because what I add in between has to be done before 98MP10. What's nice about 98MP10 is it also includes a bunch of Internet Explorer updated files from the Windows XP version. It used to be two separate packages for the Internet Explorer XP stuff and the WMP 10 stuff but now they're combined. I prefer that to the WMP only and non-Microsoft things that are in the unofficial cumulative WMP 9 package. You can't use both either. It'll break!

DeepBurnerPro is cool. Don't know about the trial version though. I bought and used it for a while, but I've gone back to using the last Nero 7 Ultra Edition available for 98SE. I bought the thing and it works for me. I had gone for DeepBurnerPro back when Nero was too buggy (and I was having 98SE problems in general at that time), but that last version was pretty good and offers tons of features.

I've found that a combination of QuickTime, QuickTime 6.5.2, latest RealPlayer 10, Windows Media Player from 98MP10, Nero 7 Ultra, PowerDVD 6 Deluxe, Flash, Shockwave, Java, Adobe Reader, DejaVu (Lizardtech for a few cd's of comics I have) and DivX 5.2.1 get just about everything to play. Sometimes stuff like FFDSHOW and/or MediaPlayerClassic fills in the blanks and there are some things that just won't play without XP/Vista and newer versions of the players. But even though I install them, since that's just my choice and not a Windows Update I'd rather do it myself than have it in Auto-Patcher.

My philosophy has been I like proprietary official stuff, even if I need to buy it, on Windows, and free software and open source project stuff on Linux. They're different worlds and I think things you can buy for Windows work better on Windows than the 3rd party free stuff, and the reverse is the case on Linux. Probably because you just have upstream that is either a company or a few guys working on free stuff on Windows whereas often the same projects have hundreds of folks doing bug reports and distro maintainers fixing and patching them on Linux so of course the final result is a better piece of software. Less people use them on Windows so even though it's free software, the quality and compatibility of the software with the rest of the operating system is not as high as on a Linux distribution.

Point? I'd rather not have a lot of stuff like that cluttering up Auto-Patcher.

Posted (edited)

Hi, Eck!


It was easy getting it to crash just going to the Adobe Shockwave support site and their test players page. The thing crashed Internet Explorer every time, either after the page loaded, when leaving the page, or when closing Internet Explorer.


I had the same results with Shockwave It is not good for Win 9x+IE6. But Shockwave works fine on my system. However, I cannot find where I saved a copy of its full installer. I'd appreciate very much if someone were able to upload it somewhere and post a link to it.


I'm bidding on a SystemWorks 2003 because someone posted that Norton Utilities 2002, which I have, only has the dos version 48bit LBA compatible but not the Windows DiskDoctor and its defrager (name escapes me at the moment). I don't think the Windows Me versions in ScanFrag/98SE2ME are so I'm holding off on using anything for now. I bid a max of $15, which would be great but now there's another bidder. :(


That someone happens to be me. I guess my reply elsewhere was more categoric than it should have been. What I meant was that Norton Utilities 2001 is not compatible with 48bit LBA. And that I know for sure that System Works 2003 is compatible, and that NDD for DOS 2002 is compatible as well. I don't know for a fact that the windows applications in Norton Utilities 2002 are not compatible with 48bit LBA, because I don't have Norton Utilities 2002. Sorry if my message was misleading. Please do some testing, because it may be compatible after all.

I know first hand about NU 2000 (which is not compatible with 48bit LBA) and about the NU and Ghost in System Works 2003, which are compatible. And about NDD for DOS 2002 because it is the one that comes with System Works 2003 (2002 is the last version for the Norton DOS utilities). I've also read about NU 2001 not being compatible on various places, but I've never read anything about NU 2002. If you have it, please do test it and tell us your results.

Good luck!

Edited by dencorso

Heh heh, great, I blindly took your word for it and committed to a bid. I just found that SystemWorks 2005 was the last 98SE compatible version. I bought it pretty reasonably from Amazon a few minutes ago. Oh well, at the least I'll have a newer WinDoctor. :)

I sure hope that other guy who's bidding wins. I won't need 2003 with a brand new retail box of 2005 coming. It doesn't look good with it only being 5 bucks right now and I'm still winning. :( But maybe that other guy will want to spend more than $15 on it and I'll be saved.

You know, I used my Utilities 2002 on a 250GB SATA drive, a single FAT32 Windows 98SE with no noticeable problems a couple of years ago. Your's was the first comment that made me doubt it was really 48bit LBA compatible.

The only problem was perhaps that it did keep coming up with a lot of errors, much more so than Windows Scandisk would ever report. And there seemed to be conflicts between what the bad shutdown dos Norton DiskDoctor would report and what the Windows version would.

I could go a year without a single error, except maybe the first run, using Windows Scandisk. Norton made me nervous. Then again, perhaps it was something to do with the huge Sata drive and my running Scandisk on only smaller, 20-120GB drives through the years.

Well, I'll have some pretty boxes and cd's anyway.

I kind of think Norton Utilities was supposed to be fully 48bit LBA compatible, and have conjectured about it on old threads. But I don't believe Symantec ever officially made any comment about it.

All I know is it appeared to work and Windows kept working even after defrags with it. I just didn't want to take any chances. I'll just only install the Utilities portion of SystemWorks 2006 when it comes. I was peeved when they stopped the stand alone Utilities. I was a McAfee user, and now use Avast in 98SE. And GoBack? I had my fill of that chugga, chugga stuff back when I had the full versions of that. I do too many weird partition combinations now to try trusting that thing not to break my hard drive.

Posted (edited)
Hi, Eck!

It was easy getting it to crash just going to the Adobe Shockwave support site and their test players page. The thing crashed Internet Explorer every time, either after the page loaded, when leaving the page, or when closing Internet Explorer.


I had the same results with Shockwave It is not good for Win 9x+IE6. But Shockwave works fine on my system. However, I cannot find where I saved a copy of its full installer. I'd appreciate very much if someone were able to upload it somewhere and post a link to it.


i tested again 10.2.022 maybe its ok the testing Sites works will see

i tested this really cool Site http://lifelong.engr.utexas.edu/shock.html and no errors with 10.2.022

would say we try it




Edited by barbarien

I had the same results with Shockwave It is not good for Win 9x+IE6. But Shockwave works fine on my system. However, I cannot find where I saved a copy of its full installer. I'd appreciate very much if someone were able to upload it somewhere and post a link to it.


The versions of Shockwave on the Filehippo site are the full versions, with Google Toolbar. A link to "Slim" versions would be great. Meanwhile I have Slim (2.7 MB, dated 23.08.07). Let me know if you'd like me to upload it anywhere.

Posted (edited)

I had the same results with Shockwave It is not good for Win 9x+IE6. But Shockwave works fine on my system. However, I cannot find where I saved a copy of its full installer. I'd appreciate very much if someone were able to upload it somewhere and post a link to it.


The versions of Shockwave on the Filehippo site are the full versions, with Google Toolbar. A link to "Slim" versions would be great. Meanwhile I have Slim (2.7 MB, dated 23.08.07). Let me know if you'd like me to upload it anywhere.

go there http://oldapps.com/shockwave.php

very usefull Site for Win 98 users

Edited by barbarien

Actually the full versions of Shockwave are the best to use as they include all parts of Shockwave. That's good for legacy type programs or even newer programs that use more than just the web plugin. I've always replaced the Slim if I got it by installing the Full one over it.

The additional options like the toolbar can be unchecked, just say no, and it will install without it.

Well, the SystemWorks 2005 shipped from Amazon, and it looks like I'm going to win that ebay bid for 2003. Since my stand alone Utilities 2002 includes those Dos tools, I'll probably just install what I already have. Kind of positive it supports the large hard drives. If everything breaks when I run it I'll find out. :)

I just don't want all that other stuff in SystemWorks. I even turn off the installation of the Undo Wizard so I can install it without that problem filled Norton Recycle Bin replacer.

If I can keep 98SE stable, it'll be great as I have a ton of old favorites that run on Windows and it'll be nice to use them. Going into Vista was just too annoying for me to use it much so even though lots of that stuff would work fine, I avoided it.

Hi Soporific, I have just tried to use the new December 2007 full release of AP, but unfortunately I'm getting the same problem as I had with the previous version. I did manage to use the one before that successfully, but the last two versions won't run!

When I run them the DOS box comes up and then immediately closes down.


if you installed Revolutions Pack 7.11 AND the AP environment space fix, you will find AP doesn't load. The problem is due to the SHELL command in CONFIG.SYS -- click START then RUN and type in SYSEDIT in the run dialog box and hit enter. Your system files will come up -- in CONFIG.SYS find this line:


and delete it. If you subsequently find that you needed the fix in order for AP to work properly then we will need to make a special AUTOEXEC.BAT file for you to use. Let me know if this is the case.


Hi Sop, thanks for the quick reply! :thumbup

Unfortunately, I still haven't resolved the problem. :no:

I have never used Revolutions Pack BTW.

I tried deleting the SHELL= line from my config.sys as you suggested.

Autopatcher then kept running, and talked me through the environment space fix.

That all seemed to go OK, but after the re-boot it was exactly as before, running AP just makes a DOS box pop up briefly and immediately close!

I have checked config.sys, and the SHELL=COMMAND.COM /E:4096 /P line is there correctly, and the back-ups of config.sys are there OK in the C:\ root folder.

As I said before, I had already manually made that modification to config.sys with no result, and it looks as if AP's automatic fixing procedure is just producing the same result.

Any more ideas why if might not be running?

As I said, it does run OK in Safe Mode, but not in normal mode, even with everything but explorer.exe shut down.

Thanks, dave.


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