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HFSLIP - Test releases


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Please remove at least these:

gdidettool.exe (blocked)

scripten.exe (you have the newest version too)

Windows-KB890830-V1.14.exe (you have the newest version too)

Windows-KB890830-V1.19.exe (you have the newest version too)

If that doesn't help, remove ALL hotfixes that aren't on MY list.

Ahhh well, after removing the above and misc hotfixes, the conclusion is that 1.00b-61004b is the last working build for me. Hmmm. I still need to try removing MP10Setup.....


removal of MP10SETUP (also removal of MP10 HFs) build goes perfect for 1.0.1....

Put MP10SETUP back in HF, "Files needed" dialog looking for WMLAUNCH.EXE

Edited by NtegrA
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If it's a regular MSI file, you can get away with it by dumping it in HFSVCPACK_SW. Any MSI file in that folder will be installed silently at T-13 using the /qn /norestart switches.


Something strange is going on there. Do you have the CD tag (WIN51 in your case) in the root of the CD from which you are installing?

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Something strange is going on there. Do you have the CD tag (WIN51 in your case) in the root of the CD from which you are installing?

heh. your telling me....I do have the CD tag, one thing though, I'm one of those that are running this from a network share instead of a CD. Never been a problem (for the most part) in the past. Any path logic change in the script?

Another strange thing, if I pull out MP10SETUP, but stick in windowsmedia10-kb917734-x86-enu.EXE. I get popup for missing file "MSOOBCI.DLL"

Edited by NtegrA
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I do have the CD tag, one thing though, I'm one of those that are running this from a network share instead of a CD. Never been a problem (for the most part) in the past. Any path logic change in the script?
Well... yeah. The early test releases for HFSLIP 1.0 (including the one that "works" according to you) used to instruct Windows to copy the files that should end up in Program Files to the hard disk first, during text-mode copy. They are placed into a Windows Setup temporary folder, the one that's reflected in the screenshot of the error message you got. Another INF copied them into the final destination at about T-25. During my tests from CD and in a VM, I found out that it wasn't necessary to have them copied over into the temporary location at the beginning of Windows setup as the extra INF is configured to pick them up from the CD directly. I had no idea this would break a network install.
Another strange thing, if I pull out MP10SETUP, but stick in windowsmedia10-kb917734-x86-enu.EXE. I get popup for missing file "MSOOBCI.DLL"
My guess is that the "msoobci.dll" error is coming from wmfdist95.exe as it is handled in the same way as WMP 10.

I'll come up with a new test release :)

Tomcat76, can you recommend a directx october and messenger 8.0 addons that works in server 2003?

i have one that doesn´t work...

An addon for DirectX? HFSLIP can slipstream these DX components on Server 2K3:

- DX 9.0c core (BDAXP.cab and dxnt.cab)

- the *d3dx9*x86* cab files (optional binaries used by some games)

- the *input* and *xact* cab files (current usage unknown to me)

The DX9.0c core files can be obtained from the standard DX9.0c release as well as all the updates as they were never updated thus far. The others are to be taken from the October release (if you want to have the latest versions). These cabs should be placed in HFCABS.

If you need more than this, you'll have to find an addon but I don't know of any that's modded to do a proper installation on 2K3.


Same thing: I don't know of any addon. But if Messenger 8.0 can be installed on 2K3 at all, you can try this:

1) Download the Live Messenger program

2) Extract it and place MsnMsgs.msi into HFSVCPACK_SW

3) I'm not 100% sure but you may need wllogin.msi as well; Messenger appeared to be working fine without it on an XP test install, though

Hope this helps... :)

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I had no idea this would break a network install.

I'll come up with a new test release :)

No rest for the wicked (you naughty naughty boy :D )

I know you guys have said that network installs were never supported, but it has always been appreciated when you make the effort anyways! :thumbup (Above and Beyond till the end) :thumbup

In an attempt to shove you over the edge...Any chance in this LITTLE addition? Version info:whistle:

Feel free to slap me when you feel the pressure coming on...

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Well, what can I say???? Everything appears to be working again. :thumbup

Current try was on a VM through a VPN connection (The build time actually put me to sleep), so I will try again first thing in the morning on real hardware.

Extra special thanks for the big addition.

Again slap at will

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@Tomcat, when are you planning on updating your signature? :whistle:
While there's a new test release? :)

I think he means for the updated section for xp sp1 updates for the finals.


That's right. The XP SP1 updates are still dated 09-30-2006. Also, why are the beta lists still there?

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