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HFSLIP - Test releases


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I also noticed the nLite'd file is in ANSI and that it's broken.

As far as the one modified by HFSLIP is concerned... If the original wbemoc.inf is in UNICODE, HFSLIP will use FIND.EXE to remove the instances of napclientprov.mof and napclientschema.mof from that file (because FINDSTR.EXE can only be used for ANSI files). There's no other option. I'm in the process of creating an HFSLIP plugin that includes edited wbemoc.inf files for both Professional and Home, and for all languages, but that's still going to take some time.

Either way, the resulting file is in UNICODE and Windows installs fine if you don't use nLite after that, so I don't understand why nLite has a problem with it. Is it that "FF FE binary string"? Does the lack of it prompt nLite to treat is as an ANSI file? Whatever it is, I don't have another option right now.

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If u look at files with HEX Editor. UNICODE files has that FF FE string at the begining to define this is an Unicode file.

WBEMOC.IN_ is partially corrupted.

Best and easiest way is.

copy /b unicode.header+wbemoc.inf

Attached unicode.header containes FF FE unicode definer.

Wbemoc.inf becomes real unicode file.


I created a CD.

Rootsupd, 905474 and WUA slipstremed with HFSLIP.

WMP11 slipstreamed with WMP11Slipstreamer by booggy (las version modifies wbemoc to. After hflisp can not read this file. )

IE7 with nLite.

Messneger, DrWatson, MSN Explorer removed.

There is no error, with it.

wbemoc is not corrupted. (nLite didnot touced it atleast)

wbemoc made by HFSLIP works on that system.

In past i saw that framedyn error too.

I was using a personal inf files, included all my setting. (More then nLite)

In last 2 mounth, if i include that inf file i see that error.

There is an tweak corrupt my installation. I dont kow which. I dont have enoght time to check all of them, one by one.


Edited by eryen
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Does everything work if you replace WBEMOC.IN_ created by nLite with the file that HFSLIP made?

I want to see if this solves the problem.

Yes, i changing the file and worked perfectly.

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Just completed my VMWare test installation of Windows SP3.

I use RC7 to slipstream SP3, and then rest of the updates. Attached the log file.

Just to report back, Windows install perfectly, and no high priority updates after running Microsoft Update.

However, when initially running Microsoft Update, it requested to install the activeX components, and then restart the PC before I continue running MU. It looks like the MUAuth.cab did not take, either because the slipstreaming process failed or Microsoft has a new version. I am not sure which, but MU does appear on my start-up menu, so I suspect it is the later.

The 2nd weird thing is that if I leave out KB905474 during slipstreaming, windows will download KB892130 and try to install it before allowing me to continue with MU. It keeps failing to install KB892130, which is why I go re-do HFSlip with KB905474, since I cannot find KB892130 for download.

Finally, when I start WMP11, it will ask to run WGA as part of the first initialization. This did not happen on my previous pre-sp3 HFSlip slipstreams.

None of the above are big problems, but I hope it helps in getting the next version of HFSlip ready.



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I'm doubting as to what really the best solution is: "unicode.header+wbemoc.inf" or just custom made wbemoc.inf files in a plugin package.

HFSLIP edits wbemoc.inf to avoid the error message for "napclientprov.mof". You see that error because wbemoc.inf wants to copy napclientprov.mof (and napclientschema.mof) from the CD, but it doesn't exist in the source with that name. MS have renamed it to napprov.mo_, and not even in a clean way: they compressed napclientprov.mof to napclientprov.mo_, then renamed napclientprov.mo_ to napprov.mo_ (instead of first renaming and then compressing). So they probably intended to have it on the CD with a long file name originally. But the guys who did TXTSETUP.SIF/LAYOUT.INF decided to rename it but didn't notify the people who did wbemoc.inf. --- It's always nice to come up with theories... :P

The best way to work around the problem would be to change this:



...into this:



But that's not something HFSLIP can do, so it just removes the lines. This is not really a problem because the files are also copied via TXTSETUP.SIF (wbemoc.inf just does double work), but it's not as clean.

So using "unicode.header+wbemoc.inf" is much easier for me, but it's pushing the use of the unclean method. For the end user it shouldn't be that much of a difference in that both scenarios would require an additional package to be downloaded.

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You don't have WindowsUpdateAgent30-x86.exe in the HF folder. It's one of the requirements for Microsoft Update.

KB892130 is LegitCheckControl.cab.

I don't know about running WGA for the WMP11 initialization. I never had it. Is your LegitCheckControl.cab up-to-date (20-Mar-2008)?

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I also noticed the nLite'd file is in ANSI and that it's broken.

As far as the one modified by HFSLIP is concerned... If the original wbemoc.inf is in UNICODE, HFSLIP will use FIND.EXE to remove the instances of napclientprov.mof and napclientschema.mof from that file (because FINDSTR.EXE can only be used for ANSI files). There's no other option. I'm in the process of creating an HFSLIP plugin that includes edited wbemoc.inf files for both Professional and Home, and for all languages, but that's still going to take some time.

Either way, the resulting file is in UNICODE and Windows installs fine if you don't use nLite after that, so I don't understand why nLite has a problem with it. Is it that "FF FE binary string"? Does the lack of it prompt nLite to treat is as an ANSI file? Whatever it is, I don't have another option right now.

nLite does not switch ansi/unicode, it detects the file encoding. Maybe you are saving file so weird that it messes up encoding detection, anyway let me know on the PM if you find something for sure.

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Hi Nuhi

I'm using the only way there is with FIND.EXE while keeping it Unicode.

But it doesn't really matter anymore. I found a minor problem with this method affecting some languages so I'm gonna steer away from it.

Thanks for dropping by.

To the others...

I'll be releasing a final version of HFSLIP 1.7.6 shortly (probably tomorrow) which will contain all the changes mentioned in the changelog except the fix for wbemoc.inf, but will only post it here in the Test Releases thread. An external plugin package should be ready by tomorrow too so this combination can be tested extensively (including with nLite). If everything's alright with the plugin package, I'll make the final HFSLIP 1.7.6 public.

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Thanks TC,

I would have thought M$ will update Update Agent with SP3, but I guess not. M$ giveth, M$ taketh away.

Anyway, I am retrying again, and will post if anything strange turn up.

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The HFTOOLS plugin to fix wbemoc.inf is now available from the main post in this thread.

I released another RC because I pushed in a change for Chinese (Hong Kong).

If all works well with this set up (with and without nLite), then a final version of HFSLIP 1.7.6 will be released tomorrow.

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Everything work perfectly.

The only odd thing was when WMP11 was run for the first time, it ask to validate Windows. Previous pre-SP3 WMP11 did not ask for validation.

Now if TC can sort out the MCE mess, HFSlip would be perfect.

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I thought about the wbemoc fix again today and wasn't really satisfied with it. It was too complex, so instead I made a cab package that's supported directly by HFSLIP (1.7.6rc9 or higher) if placed in the HFCABS folder. This is just one file instead of two files compared to the HFTOOLS plugin, and the package is a lot smaller too now (5.14KB).

Sorry for all this messing but I want to keep it as simple as possible for the user.

In case you're wondering... There aren't any functionality changes between the plugin I released yesterday and the HFCABS package that's available now. The only difference is that I added a blank line above the [strings] header in the English wbemoc.inf files because it was glued to the other content, but that's only a cosmetic fix.

By the way... No one explicitly mentioned this so I need to ask: is everything OK now if nLite is used afterwards?

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