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how do you guys install your wlm after customizing?

I got these inside my wlm directory:

PFiles (which i modified some files -- btw, can i use a dummy 0 byte fsshext.8.1.0178.00.dll?)



i then run

"MsnMsgs.msi /qb"


problem is, when i run "windows live messenger" shortcut, it attemps to install again... but when i run msnmsgr.exe, it seem fine

what does this mean? does it mean my installation is not done correctly?

please advice.. thanks..

sorry for taking so long to reply here. Try re-creating the MSI and DO NOT importing the shortcut table.

Possibly this table is language dependant. You can go to the shortcut table in Orca, and delete the desktop shortcut manually. Please report back so that i may revise the tutorial with this information.


Posted (edited)
how do you guys install your wlm after customizing?

I got these inside my wlm directory:

PFiles (which i modified some files -- btw, can i use a dummy 0 byte fsshext.8.1.0178.00.dll?)



i then run

"MsnMsgs.msi /qb"


problem is, when i run "windows live messenger" shortcut, it attemps to install again... but when i run msnmsgr.exe, it seem fine

what does this mean? does it mean my installation is not done correctly?

please advice.. thanks..

sorry for taking so long to reply here. Try re-creating the MSI and DO NOT importing the shortcut table.

Possibly this table is language dependant. You can go to the shortcut table in Orca, and delete the desktop shortcut manually. Please report back so that i may revise the tutorial with this information.


I don't know if biatche problems are related to it but I can confirm that:

shortcut.idt and feature.idt are language dependant (they contain english text that replace localized one when imported into the msi)... I suggest to modify your tutorial including how to manually modify those sections :)


I'm not able to extract msi archive using /qb switch... I created c:\Temp destination folder, copied msnmsgs.msi in c: root and then executed "msiexec /a c:\MsnMsgs.msi TARGETDIR=c:\temp /qb" ... after a few second the installation window disappeared but c:\temp is empty :(

Where am I wrong? I tried with english and italian packages downloaded from messenger.live.com but no luck... same results

I also tried to perform same task with windowsdefender.msi... and it works fine so it seems to be a limitation of wlm... but I'm sure I'm wrong somehere... please help me to find where exactly ;)

Edited by provolino

How exactly do I create the new MSI..with the patched files. I read it many times and I couldn't get it. Also, im very new in this... so dont mind me please. I'm trying my best to read and do before asking...

anyways, the way i'm doing it now works if i run msnmsgr.exe directly, but not the wlm shortcut. in any case, i do know something just ain't right.

Sorry, but I'd really love someone to give me instructions on how to create a new msi file....

Posted (edited)

I find why my msi didn't unpack with /qb switch... It was because I was trying to do that BEFORE I import administration tables with Orca... sorry shark ;)

now it works fine :D


I also found around the web this command line "MSIEXEC /I c:\MsnMsgs.MSI ALLUSERS=TRUE REBOOT=SUPRESS /QB-" tha can be used with original msnmsgs.msi file... I don't know if it works but if yes maybe there will be no needs anymore to modify msi file with orca ;)

Shark please correct me if I'm wrong :P

Edited by provolino
I find why my msi didn't unpack with /qb switch... It was because I was trying to do that BEFORE I import administration tables with Orca... sorry shark ;)

now it works fine :D


I also found around the web this command line "MSIEXEC /I c:\MsnMsgs.MSI ALLUSERS=TRUE REBOOT=SUPRESS /QB-" tha can be used with original msnmsgs.msi file... I don't know if it works but if yes maybe there will be no needs anymore to modify msi file with orca ;)

Shark please correct me if I'm wrong :P

This thread has NOTHING to do with installing an original Live Messenger.

This thread is to address ADDING modified files to the installation package.

New tutorial uploaded.


Posted (edited)

Thank You shark your tuto is awesome...

EDIT: Comment Edited... Never mind, I figured out what you meant by:

Be sure you have the correct path for the file msidcrl40.dll because it is not where you expect it to be.

I was just confused for a sec :crazy:

Edited by ricktendo64
Thank You shark your tuto is awesome...
Be sure you have the correct path for the file msidcrl40.dll because it is not where you expect it to be.

Well alot of people click without actually reading and may not notice that they are overwriting only 3 files. If you copy your 4 moddified files to the MSN Messenger directory, that particular file won't get placed where it actually needs to go.



Are you telling me apatch modifies msidrcl40.dll... I've actually never touched this file... mind telling me what patcher modifies this file? I still can't figure out in what circumstance that file won't be placed where it needs to go... I do not see the involvement, mind elaborating a little more in case i'm making a crucial error please? :) thanks

Are you telling me apatch modifies msidrcl40.dll... I've actually never touched this file... mind telling me what patcher modifies this file? I still can't figure out in what circumstance that file won't be placed where it needs to go... I do not see the involvement, mind elaborating a little more in case i'm making a crucial error please? :) thanks

I don't know what apatch is capable of. I didn't write that software. I have no idea what patch program would modify this file or for what purpose. The statement about msidrcl40.dll is directed to those that have that file patched. If you do not have it patched, ignore the statement.

Bottom line is, IF you have that file patched,

it doesn't get placed in the main directory like other patched files do.



I've read the latest tutorial, it still doesn't explain how to create a new .msi file with patched files. I've read it around 3 times to be sure I won't bother you here for nothing. I really can't see it. Please let me know the relevant portion, I hope I didn't miss it somehow somewhere.

I've read the latest tutorial, it still doesn't explain how to create a new .msi file with patched files. I've read it around 3 times to be sure I won't bother you here for nothing. I really can't see it. Please let me know the relevant portion, I hope I didn't miss it somehow somewhere.

To the best of my knowledge, you can't recreate a single MSI from the AIP files.

Either use winrar or 7zip to create a single exe. (like the file i distribute for English users)



Are you suggesting then to:

Step 1: Install original MsnMsgs.msi (unextracted: 16mb)

Step 2: Make sfx of apatched files write to %programfiles%msn


Step 1: Compress ..... everything?

actually i don't know this other step... as far as i know, after extracting MsnMsgs.msi (16mb)

I get:


MsnMsgs.msi (700kb)


I once ran the 700kb file, .. it installs yes it does.. but it seem like when i run the wlm shortcut, it runs the msi installer again instead..... (linked to cd) ... which is so strange, so till now, i don't really have a clue if im doing the actual right thing.... i have many other addons, but this and office are the only ones i haven't figured out yet, probably due to this orca thing... please help :/ thanks

i'd like to learn it myself if you don't mind giving me the instructions. lemme know what programs are necessary.. :) is it alright with you? :)

  • 2 weeks later...
i'd like to learn it myself if you don't mind giving me the instructions. lemme know what programs are necessary...

There is a thread here that explains the creation of a 7zip switchless installer. The information you seek can be found there.

Tutorial updated March 05, 2007

to address disabling the file sharing folder without that action causing useless shortcuts.



Mind to at least give me a brief idea on how you plan on doing so?

Are you gonna make one 7zip switchless that copies all the files.... or to first install normally (16mb msnsgr.msi) and then later replace the files individually?

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