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[Release] Live Messenger 8.5 final


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ok i searched but I couldn't find it at all. Whenever I install it, and start it the first time around it keeps asking for wlm85.msi. so I have to extract it from the installer and point to it. It would then add Sharing Folder to my computer and would work fine. I remove sharing folders and it does the same thing again.

I've done this before:

regsvr32 -u -s "C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Messenger\fsshext.8.5.1302.1018.dll"

I used this, then I open messenger then it would reinstall, then if I get rid of the sharing folder and restart messenger it would reinstall again.

Now I've done this:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


This works fine, but the very first time I start messenger it'll ask for wlm85.msi. It would install the sharing folders, then I re-apply the above reg file and it's fine from there on.

It's not very silent lol

This is what my wpi code is, am I doing something different?

prog[pn]=['MSN Messenger 8.5'];
desc[pn]=['MSN Messenger chat client.'];
cmd3[pn]=['XCOPY /Y /E /Q /H /R /I "%WPIPATH%\\INSTALL\\MSNMessenger\\Windows Live Messenger.lnk" "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\\Start Menu\\Programs\\"'];
cmd4[pn]=['DELETE "%USERPROFILE%\\Desktop\\Windows Live Messenger.lnk"'];
cmd5[pn]=['DELETE "%USERPROFILE%\\Application Data\\Microsoft\\Internet Explorer\\Quick Launch\\Windows Live Messenger.lnk"'];

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  • 1 month later...

Can you update this, because Windows Live Messenger 2009 Final (14.0.8050.1202) has been released? Many thanks. :)

You will find a new tutorial and switchless installers here.

Ok, thank you very much. I completely missed your post. :blushing:

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  • 4 months later...
Hello all,

I'm looking for a tweak to disable in WLM 8.5 the update notification. Since version 9.0 is available, it doesn't stop popping.

Any clue ?

Thank you :rolleyes:

Open msnmsgr.exe in any resource editor... Change version info 8.5.1302.1018 to 14.0.8064.206.

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Hello all,

I'm looking for a tweak to disable in WLM 8.5 the update notification. Since version 9.0 is available, it doesn't stop popping.

Any clue ?

Thank you :rolleyes:

Open msnmsgr.exe in any resource editor... Change version info 8.5.1302.1018 to 14.0.8064.206.

The only value i found using a hexadecimal editor is :


I changed 8.5.1302 by 14.0.8064, and also tried 14.0.806 to keep the same digit quantity. This doesn't work in both cases. By the way i noticed that the version given by Windows in explorer stays 8.5.1302.1018 after the modification. There may be another value to change somewhere, but where ?

Thank you.

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  • 3 months later...

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