Gape Posted December 12, 2005 Author Posted December 12, 2005 Is there an alternative installation method?maybe another number than ",4"Use ",32"
Petr Posted December 12, 2005 Posted December 12, 2005 (edited) maybe another number than ",4"Here is complete list of numbers: can combine them, e.g. 1024 + 4 = 1028, 1024 + 32 = 1056 etc.PetrEdit: new URL Edited December 12, 2005 by Petr
creopard Posted December 12, 2005 Posted December 12, 2005 (edited) Use ",32"thanks a lot.also for the "copyfile"-link@Petr Edited December 12, 2005 by swgreed
controltheweb Posted December 13, 2005 Posted December 13, 2005 Thank you so much for the terrific work. Win98SE was unable to download new updates until applying the Unofficial Win98 SE SP -- works fine again now. Sent you a donation. Awesome .. thank you!!!!!!!
MDGx Posted December 14, 2005 Posted December 14, 2005 Maximus-Decim:Many thanks for the VIP.386 4.10.2227 hotfix.BTW...Found it also here:Microsoft Windows 98/98 SE HP Omnibook Portable Computer Docking Error VIP.386 (build 4.10.2002 for Win98/98 SP1 + build 4.10.2227 for Win98 SE) Fix: download [189 KB, English]:
mamas6667 Posted December 14, 2005 Posted December 14, 2005 REGARDING MY problemI installed your sesp21a-en.exeAnd my 2nd windows98 wouln't boot upIO.SYS was corrupted etc..................The file I downloaded from Rapidshare (i think) was corrupt evnthough it passed the MD5 and WINRAR test.The SP2.CAB was corrupt the rest OK!So I got a new copy from Majorgeeks. And this time everything went all right!! :-)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I did a complete reinstall of windows.The only problem is that I lost my "shortcut arrows" on links after I installed 98SE2ME Option 2 (700 WinME system files ) after SP2.1a, and I want them Back!!I know that if I install Option 3 [Windows Graphical User Interface (GUI),Shell + Browser Integration Controls + APIs]I will be able to see the arrows again.But I don't want to because option 3, slows down my windows responsivenes, believe or not!So how do I get the "shortcut arrows" back!!!PLs help me.Thks to the whole team for their efforts in keeping windows 98SE alive, and running faster than any other OS!!
eidenk Posted December 15, 2005 Posted December 15, 2005 (edited) @mamas6667So how do I get the "shortcut arrows" back!!!Install TweakUI if you haven't do so and then go in Control Panel/TweakUI/Explorer/Shortcut Overlay. Tick the appropriate radio button. Click OK. Log-off or reboot. Arrows should be back. Edited December 15, 2005 by eidenk
mamas6667 Posted December 15, 2005 Posted December 15, 2005 Sorry Tweak UI 1.33 was not able to solve my problem!I think there has to be another solution, and i'm sure this is happened before to some of you!It happens to me every single time I install the 98se2ME option 2.
bristols Posted December 15, 2005 Posted December 15, 2005 It happens to me every single time I install the 98se2ME option 2.For this reason, you should post your question in the 98SE2ME thread.
MDGx Posted December 15, 2005 Posted December 15, 2005 (edited) The only problem is that I lost my "shortcut arrows" on links after I installed 98SE2ME Option 2 (700 WinME system files ) after SP2.1a, and I want them Back!!I know that if I install Option 3 [Windows Graphical User Interface (GUI),Shell + Browser Integration Controls + APIs]I will be able to see the arrows again.But I don't want to because option 3, slows down my windows responsivenes, believe or not!So how do I get the "shortcut arrows" back!!!PLs help me.Thks to the whole team for their efforts in keeping windows 98SE alive, and running faster than any other OS!!Hi,Thanks for using 98SE2ME.Hope you like it.This issue is detailed in 98SE2ME READ1ST.TXT: the "98SE2ME.PIF COMPLETE GUIDE" chapter. Quoted fragment:- patched Registry entry: properly remove Desktop Icons Overlay [superimposedsmall arrows]when using TweakUI [Explorer tab -> Shortcut overlay -> None orCustom] or similar tweaking tools: installing Win98 SE SHELL32.DLL 4.72.3812.600 Security VulnerabilityFix: download [834 KB]: cut & paste here-----REGEDIT4[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CLASSES\CLSID\{63B51F81-C868-11D0-999C-00C04FD655E1}\InProcServer32]@=""------End cut & paste here------How to restore original Registry value [this will display Desktop IconsOverlay for ALL shortcuts]: copy + paste text between cut & paste linesbelow into Notepad or similar plain text editor/viewer and save it asOVERLAY.REG (example):-----Begin cut & paste here-----REGEDIT4[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CLASSES\CLSID\{63B51F81-C868-11D0-999C-00C04FD655E1}\InProcServer32]@="C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\SHELL32.DLL"------End cut & paste here------Then run OVERLAY.REG.Modify C:\\WINDOWS above to match your actual Windows folder name and/ordrive/partition letter if different on your computer(s).Restore NOT necessary because original Registry value BUGgy.More info [see 3rd FIX]: have added this REG tweak to 98SE2ME because most of the people I know do not want to see those arrows on their desktops. BTW:Please post all your comments/bugs/problems/etc related to 98SE2ME in the 98SE2ME forum: this helps. Edited December 15, 2005 by MDGx
PsycoUnc Posted December 15, 2005 Posted December 15, 2005 ...hmm, strange, I've never lost the shortcut arrows, even with repeated installs of (updated) 98se2me's, or fresh os installs... -but I also use X-SETUP to make sure those arrows are there... (free version)...>;]
bristols Posted December 16, 2005 Posted December 16, 2005 (edited) I wonder if there is any reason why SP2.1a contains DHTMLED.OCX build 6.01.9231, instead of DHTMLED.OCX build 6.01.9232?When MDGx suggested this file he referenced the later build from Win 2000 SP4 Update Rollup 1. As I understand it, SP4 UR1 was revised because of specific problems that many people were experiencing with it. So, in full, the update is now called SP4 UR1 v.2 (I think). Could it be that the DHTMLED.OCX build in SP2.1a is from the original SP4 UR1, and that v.2 contains the later build?Anyway, thanks to anyone who offers an explanation of the different build numbers.Also, does anyone know the source of Vredir.vxd build 4.10.2231 in SP2.1a? The latest build of this file I am able to find is 4.10.2230, in Q293793.Again, thanks. Edited December 16, 2005 by bristols
Petr Posted December 16, 2005 Posted December 16, 2005 (edited) I wonder if there is any reason why SP2.1a contains DHTMLED.OCX build 6.01.9231, instead of DHTMLED.OCX build 6.01.9232?I suppose it is because both these files come from MS05-013: Vulnerability in the DHTML editing component ActiveX control could allow code execution and there must be some (unknown to us) reason why Microsoft have different file in Windows 98 SE version and Windows 2000 version of this fix.When MDGx suggested this file he referenced the later build from Win 2000 SP4 Update Rollup 1. As I understand it, SP4 UR1 was revised because of specific problems that many people were experiencing with it. So, in full, the update is now called SP4 UR1 v.2 (I think). Could it be that the DHTMLED.OCX build in SP2.1a is from the original SP4 UR1, and that v.2 contains the later build?No, SE SP 2.1a contains Windows 98 version of this file.Anyway, thanks to anyone who offers an explanation of the different build numbers.Also, does anyone know the source of Vredir.vxd build 4.10.2231 in SP2.1a? The latest build of this file I am able to find is 4.10.2230, in Q293793.It comes from Directory Services Client Update for Windows 98. The simplest thing is to google for vredir.vxd - the first result is this knowedgebase article.Petr Edited December 16, 2005 by Petr
shaddam Posted December 16, 2005 Posted December 16, 2005 bugreport 2.1a German:dsound.dll seems older than from directx 9c... after install of servicepack the dsound.dll from directx9 was overwritten and diablo2 crashed on start, also DXDIAG reports an version error with dsound.dll ... after reinstall of direct x 9c, it works again.dsound.dll in servicepack comes from dx7? please change install behaviour of this dll.
mamas6667 Posted December 16, 2005 Posted December 16, 2005 THKS Mr. MDGx it worked perfect! :-) :-) :-)I aplied OVERLAY.REG, then I hit F5, and magic all shortcuts back!How to restore original Registry value [this will display Desktop IconsOverlay for ALL shortcuts]: copy + paste text between cut & paste linesbelow into Notepad or similar plain text editor/viewer and save it asOVERLAY.REG (example):-----Begin cut & paste here-----REGEDIT4[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CLASSES\CLSID\{63B51F81-C868-11D0-999C-00C04FD655E1}\InProcServer32]@="C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\SHELL32.DLL"------End cut & paste here------Then run OVERLAY.REG.THKS to all for your time and quick response!THKS Mr. MDGx it worked perfect! :-) :-) :-)I aplied OVERLAY.REG, then I hit F5, and magic all shortcuts back!How to restore original Registry value [this will display Desktop IconsOverlay for ALL shortcuts]: copy + paste text between cut & paste linesbelow into Notepad or similar plain text editor/viewer and save it asOVERLAY.REG (example):-----Begin cut & paste here-----REGEDIT4[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\CLASSES\CLSID\{63B51F81-C868-11D0-999C-00C04FD655E1}\InProcServer32]@="C:\\WINDOWS\\SYSTEM\\SHELL32.DLL"------End cut & paste here------Then run OVERLAY.REG.THKS to all for your time and quick response!
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