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Switchless Silent Installers, RVM/nLite Addons, .MSI Files

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Update - 20060724

Added FastStone Capture V4.2

Fixed all of the problems with the ieSpell links, versions, MD5s, etc.

Updated GrabIt to V1.6.2.940


Microsoft ActiveSync 4.2


Posted (edited)

Update - 20060801

Updated FFDShow Decoder to 20060522

Updated ieSpell to V2.3.0 Build 264

Updated Microsoft ActiveSync to V4.2

Updated QuickTime Alternative to V1.72

Updated SyncBack to V3.2.12

Edited by RogueSpear
Posted (edited)

RogueSpear, is there any chance you could get the AutoGK links up again (at least the .cab anyway.) Thanks

EDIT: NM, the silent .exe link works.

Edited by ebin25
Posted (edited)

Yea I just noticed that over the weekend myself. I was able to get the .exe file up, but had to wait til today to get my hands on the .msi file. Should all be squared away in the next couple of hours.

EDIT: All of the AutoGK links should be operational now.

Edited by RogueSpear

7-zip does not work properly:

installation works without problems ... but what does not work:

installation with admin

create new user (limited access)

use 7-zip

he tries to access a file within the admin temp folder

I hope this is fixed soon ...

Posted (edited)

The 7-Zip installer has been working for me since day one.. couple hundred installs and counting. I'm not sure what the problem would be on your end.

EDIT: I think I'm understanding the issue, but still it has never not worked for me, even with the set of circumstances you have. Perhaps install from svcpack during windows setup.

Edited by RogueSpear
Posted (edited)

I am trying to use nLite to auto-install the VMWare Tools application.

Since nLite automatically creates a cmdlines.txt file in $OEM$, I simpled added the:

"cscript cmdlines.vbs"

to the last line of the file.

I have in the $OEM$ folder also, cmdlines.vbs.

In it is:


That application is then located in the $OEM$ folder.

It launched two windows once I booted into XP forthe first time, but they closed before I got a chance to read them.

Edited by fiber

The installer file and the VBscript which determines whether or not the install is taking place on a VM both need to be in the \OEM directory, not the \$OEM$ directory.


Still no luck.

Here is $OEM$.

Volume in drive D is XP8
Volume Serial Number is F629-2F8A

Directory of D:\$OEM$

08/09/2006 01:57 PM <DIR> .
08/09/2006 02:16 PM <DIR> ..
08/09/2006 01:27 PM 94 cmdlines.txt
1 File(s) 94 bytes
2 Dir(s) 0 bytes free

Contents of cmdlines.txt

"rundll32 advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection nLite.inf,nLiteReg"
"cscript cmdlines.vbs"

Below is OEM.

Volume in drive D is XP8
Volume Serial Number is F629-2F8A

Directory of D:\OEM

08/09/2006 01:57 PM <DIR> .
08/09/2006 02:16 PM <DIR> ..
08/09/2006 11:03 AM 3,282,548 071_VMwareTools.exe
08/09/2006 01:25 PM 19 cmdlines.vbs
2 File(s) 3,282,567 bytes
2 Dir(s) 0 bytes free

Contents of cmdlines.vbs


I have a feeling this shouldn't be too hard to do.


If you're using the ScriptPack, which it looks like since you're mentioning cmdlines.vbs, then you should follow the instructions for that. If you are not, and only want the functionality of the VMware Tools installation, then there are instructions right in the post where the download is. Furthermore, there are a few posts within this very thread of people having similar issues with responses on how and what to do.

I will go on the assumption that you're using the ScriptPack based on the cmdlines.vbs file in your post. Well that file needs to be in your \$OEM$ directory if it's being called within cmdlines.txt. The cmdlines.vbs script will look for the script file named 070_VMwareTools.vbs in your \OEM directory. The 070_VMwareTools.vbs script will run in order to determine if your install is taking place on a VMware virtual computer. If it is, then VMware Tools will install. If it is not, as in your installing XP on a real physical computer, then the VMware Tools will not install.

If you need any further information you should be able to find it in this thread or in the support forum for the ScriptPack.

The 7-Zip installer has been working for me since day one.. couple hundred installs and counting. I'm not sure what the problem would be on your end.

EDIT: I think I'm understanding the issue, but still it has never not worked for me, even with the set of circumstances you have. Perhaps install from svcpack during windows setup.

RogueSpear, I can confirm that issue with normal silent installer.

Admin works just fine, every login with a locked user starts installer searching for ..<temp>\7z??.tmp\...

Posted (edited)

Well I'm not certain what I am doing different, but today I made a CD-based install with 7-Zip installing from svcpack.inf and it works for me from both admin and restricted users. I may just remove the installer since this is a no-brainer to install silently anyway.

EDIT: I just finished up another test and sure enough, it works for me. The only thing I can think of is that towards the end of my RunOnceEx sequence I export HKCU and overwrite the NTUSER.DAT file in the Default User profile.

Edited by RogueSpear

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