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[How-to] MicrowinX Project

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@Fridge-RaideR Not true, the reason for the second windows, is to remove things that are running, as I pointed out a few posts before.

qdogg is it possible using the winxp recovery console to copy minlogon in the system32 dir. and also running the files in microwinx to make winxp small?

if yes, then that would be awesome. also i wouldn't bother on another windows xp install drive.


as I already said, I think another option is to use windows pe (or bart's pe) to run the neccessary steps, so you wont need a second windows installation


This is not MY list of favorite programs,but this is a list compiled by me and a whole group of other "power users" from the best programs for everyone's needs and for every situation you may come into.

For example,you might need those benchmarking programs when you overclock or change a certain part of hardware that doesn't require reinstall of drivers,for example changing to faster RAM,CPU,Hard Drives,or when tweaking and overclocking the existing ones.

Why Nero 5.5.x.x AND Nero 6.6.x.x you ask? Because 6.6.x.x burns DVDs perfectly,but CANNOT burn certain types of CD images correctly...but 5.5.x.x is not good for DVDs.

Nero 7? OK,you can skip that.Nero is the only burning program you'll ever need.

You will say why Alcohol 120% then,when you have Nero? Alcohol is here to satisfy your needs of mounting images as virtual drives,not for burning.It supports every image format possible.

Every program I picked is used for a different purpose,or in a different occasion.Why Opera when you have Firefox? Because

You can skip Azureus+Java (very bloated,leave that for the Linux users,hahaha) not needed,uTorrent is good enough and TINY.

You see,it's not only MY list because it has some unneeded entries.I am sorting that out in this post.

Everest Home Edition - why? Because you may lose displaying of system information and Everest is much better and totally free.

Since Yahoo Messenger support cannot happen,can Trillian be supported then instead of Y! Messenger?

I don't run benchmarks on a daily basis,but some of my friends are passionate overclockers/tweakers and use them quite often.

Partition Magic is not needed,OK.

Dynamic IP and dialup modem (this also has dynamic IP) support is very important

A lot of people use ADSL or other connections with a dynamic IP.

56k dialup modem support is for emergency cases when your main internet conn. dies

Wireless is good but lacks security.It's easy to hack through a wireless connection.

This Windows will NOT be a replacement all-in-one Windows as vci said.If I planned to do such a thing,I couldn't do it with a very minimal install as microwinX is.

Just using nLite is much better for that task.

Why support for so many programs,you think? Because that's the nature of this windows installation - you install only once and never again...so if you need something later and you haven't installed it before...you're out of luck.

Every user has his own needs,so there must be support for a broad range of users.

And someone may like to install 2 or 3 of these microwinX's on different partitions for different needs.

This can be used for low-powered PCs,car/kiosks for the kids,yes...but can also be used for amateur audio/video production PCs where RAM and CPU power are not that high,so they can work more comfortable and not need to upgrade their hardware.

Also,can be used as an ultimate gaming machine,which is the main use.HDTV video playback/processing uses a lot of resources,so microwinX can help here greatly as a hi-def multimedia center.

Can be used even to make high-performance micro-servers out of your old piece of junk PCs and breathe new life into them.

Many different uses demand different software support,that's why.


yea qdogg.

use the whatsrunning program so it'll help you remove extra files that aren't needed.

about the dynamic IP support. i think it's an important addition to this project. if it's possible, why not make a cmd file that will either let you keep dynamic ip support or not. either way, it should be included.

Posted (edited)



this list contains

a) often 3 different programs for the same task

b) often programs where are better alternatives available (why use yim, aim, icq, irc etc when miranda is available ? )

c) software you run once and then never again (e.g. benchmarking tools to ensure that your oc'ed computer is rockstable, just install a normal windows, do that, and then start installing microwinx, or run these benchmarking tools in your second windows)

d) software for just unnecessary tasks (you think xpantispy or wwdc are needed in THIS windows? lol!!!!)

what you say:

You can skip Azureus+Java (very bloated,leave that for the Linux users,hahaha)

omg, you really think that azureus is the only bittorrent client for linux? just rethink of what we do here, we try to shrink windows to a size which is good for our needs, if we would use linux we wouldn't have to (and I'm not talking about redhat, ubuntu, or some other bloated distributions => www.linuxfromscratch.org !!)

Wireless is good but lacks security.It's easy to hack through a wireless connection.

wpa2? vpn? I guess you never heard of that stuff ...

...but can also be used for amateur audio/video production PCs where RAM and CPU power are not that high,so they can work more comfortable and not need to upgrade their hardware.

those people who really need more power will buy better hardware, those who dont do audio/video production can wait 10 seconds longer in the overall process of recoding the video/music/whatever (most of that stuff depends on cpu-power anyway, so I dont believe that microwinx is able to provie 10seconds less recoding time ...)

Also,can be used as an ultimate gaming machine,which is the main use.HDTV video playback/processing uses a lot of resources,so microwinX can help here greatly as a hi-def multimedia center.

Can be used even to make high-performance micro-servers out of your old piece of junk PCs and breathe new life into them.

yea lol ... high performance servers out of your old hardware ... sounds like a dream, and yes, it is a dream!!



.... (I'm so lazy ...)

@shix & synth

did you guys install microwinx?

I guess not because both of you are just dreaming and blame qdogg for not wiping out more of that bloated stuff and tell him to use "what's running"

omg ... just look at his work and you'll see there is not much more what to do ...

Edited by vci
Posted (edited)
what could also work, the steps which need the second windows (modify registry, delete system relevant dlls etc ...) could also be done from a windows PE ... so we don't need to make the extra partition :P

*to be tested* :thumbup


microwinx just rocks ;-)


vci your smart little bugger :P beating my commit changes :P that musta been with no drivers

I appreciate everyones comments

I believe my tests were not accurate, as someone already pointed out to me, i must of had vsync enabled, during the test on a nlited windows, and not the microwinX tests

and in reply to trillian(yahoo works I think), it will work, but msn is broke, same with miranda, it works, but msn is broken (only thing I tested), but, gaim works fine, (with msn, since I have tested it)

I will be trying to get more software patches made today, and hopefully my webhost has approved me.

I am wondering what you guys are thinking. Check out my poll. As you might notice, I messed up with the wording, where it says software support, it really means software patches.

Edited by gdogg
Posted (edited)

yes, the first one was without drivers

but can you beat that one? :D


(I'm honest, that one is not very realistic, shutdownprocess and screenshot taken at the very last possible moment *g*)

what is more important to me:

there seems to be a problem in general (double-click on exe, and nothing happens, but all required dll's are in the program folder)

do you have any idea for that problem?

Edited by vci


comctl32.dll, imm32.dll, winspool.drv, comdlg32.dll, msvfw32.dll, avifil32.dll

PROBLEM: starting program and nothing happens

DVD-Fab Platinum:


PROBLEM: starting program and nothing happens

Posted (edited)

I will test them later, if they worked b4 stage 4 I can get them working with patches.

do you need them right away, or can you wait for my website to be up, or beta 3?

Edited by gdogg





opengl32.dll, glu32.dll, dciman32.dll



hhctrl.ocx, urlmon.dll



PROBLEM: "no language support detected"

Lotus 5.08:

just works

total commander:

winspool.drv, comdlg32.dll


even doesnt work before step 4


oledlg.dll, winspool.drv, comctl32.dll, olepro32.dll, wsock32.dll, comdlg32.dll, imm32.dll


Posted (edited)

vci thanks alot, just make sure not to delete your posts, I am not writing this down yet

I will make patches with your lists for software I have not tested. But will also test what I can.

I got daemon tools and alcohol 120% working already, so no worries.

For those who wanted me on IRC, i will be on irc for a while tonight.

tonight I was taking a break, cause of the week-end, and not getting much sleep. I got perfect disk, running, and I also got dvd shrink running and now power dvd too , ohh how I love dolby headphone.

got bullet proof ftp to work also. and also cad trap.

@vci, I bet I could beat your screenshots, but I wont try right now.

what should I be working on for beta 3? vote here

Edited by gdogg

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