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[How-to] MicrowinX Project

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Posted (edited)

thanks dirt. I am lost for words right now. So im just gonna go and work on this project, as I have some pain killers in me, and can spend some 10 hours on it today or so.

good stuff, i can get files out of vmware, so expect beta 2 today or tommarrow

beta two is almost ready. A wednesday release is for sure.

in vmware (without drivers) it is currently using 24.3MB

and uses 48.7MB hard drive space \windows


for those of you using vmware, i came up with vmware fixes so you just need to double click, in the second windows in vmware, and microwinX will boot in vmware again

Edited by gdogg

Posted (edited)

thanks microlite

I will be in my IRC room, if anyone has any questions (you can find where and what channel in my first post this thread)

and throughout the week, for beta II support.

a last_session.ini for nlite has been placed in the first post

this was to give everyone a head start.

I welcome everyone to post in this thread with any question they might have about this project. I notice alot of people reading this thread, but not many of them posting.

Edited by gdogg

beta 2 is coming ... yeha ;-)

as I told you in my pm (I also agreed to the rules) I'm very interested ... just tell us what to do ;-)

Posted (edited)

I have updated the front page, anyone who will be beta testing should take a look.

I dont know who gave me the bad rating that moved me down to 4 stars, but >:-| , not cool at all.

but anyway, beta 2 has been sent to testers

if you would like to test also, or if I forgot about you. PM me now, I cant handle 50 PM's (that wont fill)

so pm away, anyone who wants to test, you must read the front page, but as you can see, you agree just by becoming a tester, even if you dont read it.

if you need help getting something to run, PM me, or visit my IRC channel, which will be alot faster.

I have included an application patch file in the second post, for those who want to quickly get there firefox and thurderbird running.

Edited by gdogg

Hey gdogg, just got the beta, what is this about installing a second windows (so it can run the .regs)?? Do I have to install a second windows and how could I go about doing this?

Posted (edited)

if you have partition magic *hint* ,you can resize your parition, and add a second one.

you need a second partition with windows to fully shrink the windows on the c drive

Edited by gdogg
Posted (edited)
but do i install windows twice with the same installiation disc? Can I boot inbetween the two windows?

yes you can use any windows you like on the second partiton, but microwinX will require the C:\

I recommened you use a version of windows on the second partition that works with all your software. or what you currently are using and not the nlited windows session.ini i have included.


Edited by gdogg
Posted (edited)

Can I skip around steps (such as step 3+4, if at some point I want to install things) and can i customize the last session.ini to include dhcp client, usb audio support... etc?

Edited by rockerbl2
Posted (edited)
Can I skip around steps (such as step 3+4, if at some point I want to install things) and can i customize the last session.ini to include dhcp client, usb audio support... etc??

you can try, and I will try to give you any needed support. but for the quickest (easiest) support, i recommend getting on my IRC channel, find out where and how in first post of this thread.

Edited by gdogg
Posted (edited)

lol, because it might be small , but atleast its not ugly, and it doesn't eat much ram, at all, and check one of those folders, for the "other" theme

I still might make a second version, smaller, themeless, without shell services, so basically, it will be looking like win98 :P


ps. I still cant re-install windows on my computer, so I cant do so much testing anymore, other than vmware.

Edited by gdogg
Posted (edited)

it deletes useless directories that are not needed for this project. right click the file and then edit, for more specifics

I want people to now take the time to list software there use, so I can test and patch it to work in this windows.

I am currently using deerpark, which is firefox 1.5 beta 2, optimised, like the link on the front page, it is very fast, loads in 1 second, or less

Edited by gdogg

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