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Posted (edited)

Hi Evry1!

I'm not sure if i am too late with this, since not much happening here anymore...

But anyways, i had a little spare time and was tired of the work needed to modify texts in the winntbbu.dll, so i put together a little VB-Application.

I tried to keep it as tight as possible, so if i am not mistaken all you will need to run this are the vb6 runtimes (which, if you dont run winxp anyway, can get from ms directly).


Note, this is the first release, consider it Beta, there are limitations, much room for improvements, and surely there will be bugs. But i will try to work on this as my free time allows.

Ok, to make it bit more clear heres the list of current limitations:

In its current Version this editor only allows editing of
the following in Winntbbu.dll:

  *Fonts (Large & Small)
  *Headlines & Billboards
  *Step Texts
  *Pictures (HighColor & CDBoot only):
       Step Images



 The Preview is currently only available for small
 resolution setups. Only changes made to the appropiate
 Resources will take visual effect. Of Cource all made
 changes get written to the dll.


 Though for visual completeness Texts from syssetup.dll,
 if present in the same directory as the selected
 winntbbu.dll, are displayed, they are, at least at the
 moment, not editable.


 There are no validation Checks on the Bitmaps
 that you might use, so have to take care yourself.

 All Pictures are limited to the use of Bitmap Images.

 Every Bitmap has a display in the pictures editor
 with its current size, hold the mouse over that,
 and you will get a tip with the size microsoft has


 The font that you use MUST be present and registered
 at the time of setup.

 Since only Fontname and Fontsize are stored in the .dll
 even though the dialog for fonts allows it, you cant use
 styles like bold etc.

Dont Knows:

 There are still some aspects in the resources
 i dont know what they are good for, any additional
 information is welcome.

Comments & Suggestions are very welcome

Last Update: 29.07.2005

Current Version 0.3.1

Mirror = http://www.wpiw.net/downloads/WinntbbuED_3.1.exe

Hope you'll like it


The Mad Guy

Edited by Kelsenellenelvian



Looks great! Have jcarle's compressionbin installed anyway, so modifype's not a problem...will be trying it out today.



this program is impressive...allowing on the fly changes and even a simulation of the final product is really handy. If this helps, i'll note that all of the text on the billboard showed up in english correctly except for "Installation will complete in 39 minutes". Instead, it said:

Installation abgeschlossen in ungefahr 33 minuten

which i'm guessing to be german or something along those lines.

Hope this helps, keep it up.

Could you make it so it can modifype after saving the file?


i guess you mean the checksum update that is done by modifype, right ?

Thnx for pointing it out, i really forgot about that.

Next version will do so :)


The Mad Guy

this program is impressive...allowing on the fly changes and even a simulation of the final product is really handy. If this helps, i'll note that all of the text on the billboard showed up in english correctly except for "Installation will complete in 39 minutes".  Instead, it said:

Installation abgeschlossen in ungefahr 33 minuten

which i'm guessing to be german or something along those lines.

Hope this helps, keep it up.


the text you are talking about it not in the winntbbu.dll, it is in the syssetup.dll which is (not yet) supported by the editor. The text that is displayed, indeed german, is hardcoded in the editor and only shown for visual completeness, so that you get a better idea how the final thing will look like.

which btw is already pointed out in the limitations on the ? menu in the editor :D


The Mad Guy

Posted (edited)


as promised heres a little update:

a - added
f - fixed
r - removed
c - changed
n - note

V0.1.1 Checksum Correction

a - IMAGE_OPTIONAL_HEADER Checksum now gets updated while saving.
    thnx 2 kelsenellenelvian for pointing that out

so no need to run modifype anymore...


Have Fun!


The Mad Guy

Edited by TheMadGuy

looks good so far.. may I advise you that the best way to stop people from downloading the first release is to update the visrt post as you release a new version, just saves people downloading earlier versions and complaing of probs ;)

Posted (edited)

I must say this is a very impressive app!

couple little things, very little, just a few spelling mistakes :P

please see the attached images where I have highlighted incorrectly spelled words

I named each attachement with the correct spelling for you

like I said, nothing to be concerned about, but if you plan on making upgrades to this software, might as well fix the little things too





Edited by piXelatedEmpire
looks good so far.. may I advise you that the best way to stop people from downloading the first release is to update the visrt post as you release a new version, just saves people downloading earlier versions and complaing of probs ;)


thnx for the hint, edited the first post and will do so in the future aswell!

Good Point :)

I must say this is a very impressive app!

couple little things, very little, just a few spelling mistakes :P

please see the attached images where I have highlighted incorrectly spelled words

I named each attachement with the correct spelling for you

like I said, nothing to be concerned about, but if you plan on making upgrades to this software, might as well fix the little things too


Thnx for your time and efforts here, i am currently cleaning up the project anyway, so the next version is in the making, and i'll surely correct these misspellings in the process aswell.

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