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Sure, this is actually one I d/l from here and the pic has been changed already. I did try it on several more I have and get the same subscript out of range


Should it not have a pic already or is it possible to change again. Well you can test with that one, maybe run in debug..

BTW someone else i know that pointed me to this has same problem.

Edited by maxXPsoft
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Here's a suggestion for a new feature:

1. Add option to right-click a resource (a bitmap resource or text resource) from the preview window and save to a BMP or TXT file...

This would make WinntBBuEd a very easy to use WINNTBBU resource hacker...

I also hope that SYSSETUP.DLL becomes editable and text is displayed in English...

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text is displayed in English

When I open one of my .dll's it does display in English, I would think your language.


I don't get an error if I open a WINNTBBU.DLL without a picture already.

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Ok but those are Not editable fields right now according to the readme

I have them all in same folder when I'm messing with them.


I found that after copying to my %windir%\System32 I no longer get that Error 9.

I created a right click on .dll and .dl_ to just open the WinntbbuED Editor but can't make it open the file I'm right clicking on. Are there any commandline switches? Maybe later on as its in its early day's.

EDIT: Some get the error and some don't.

Edited by maxXPsoft
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Here's a suggestion for a new feature:

1. Add option to right-click a resource (a bitmap resource or text resource) from the preview window and save to a BMP or TXT file...

This would make WinntBBuEd a very easy to use WINNTBBU resource hacker...

I also hope that SYSSETUP.DLL becomes editable and text is displayed in English...


Thanks for your suggestions.

to 1. Added to the ToDo List, for now with low priority though

to 2.

from the Changelog of 0.2.0:

a - if syssetup.dll is located in the same dir as the winntbbu.dll
    then now the two strings from it in the preview are actually
    fetched from syssetup.dll (though no option to edit them yet)

so if you put winntbbu.dll & syssetup.dll in the same dir, all strings should be whatever language your .dll's are.

And editing them is on the ToDo List, it will come..., but i'm still researching on the used ID's

But plz consider, this is a project i do in my spare time, i'll appreciate every suggestion and consider it, but realising may take some time.

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Ok but those are Not editable fields right now according to the readme

I have them all in same folder when I'm messing with them.


I found that after copying to my %windir%\System32 I no longer get that Error 9.

I created a right click on .dll and .dl_ to just open the WinntbbuED Editor but can't make it open the file I'm right clicking on. Are there any commandline switches? Maybe later on as its in its early day's.

EDIT: Some get the error and some don't.

Hi maxXPsoft!

with the help of the .dll you shared i could pinpoint the problem, it's caused by .dll's where BitMap Resources are completely deleted. (Missing ID's)

I will fix this issue in the next release.

As for the command line switches, there are none in the current version, but i put that on the ToDo list aswell.

Thnx for taking the time to test around.

P.S.: Be sure you have disabled Windows File Protection if you play in %windir%\System32, elseway you might get fuzzy results.

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with the help of the .dll you shared i could pinpoint the problem, it's caused by .dll's where BitMap Resources are completely deleted. (Missing ID's)
That wasn't my file I created. Mine don't do that. Edited by maxXPsoft
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Hi All!

Boy, have i got something up my sleeve :D

How about a new version?



Here goes:

V0.3.0 Getting a REAL Preview

f - the 'Runtime error 9 Subscript out of range' Bug
    this was caused when BitMap Resources where completely
    deleted and the resource ID was missing in the dll

a - My whole Pride: REAL PREVIEW
    In the extras menu you can call Real Preview in three
    different sizes. Its a Previewmode that actually uses the
    code from within winntbbu.dll to render the Preview.
    You can't get any more accurate :)
n - Do me a faviour, READ the Read this first!
    I dont want to see any questions that are already answered
    in there!

a - a Statusbar to the main window
    it shows the version of the currently loaded winntbbu.dll and
    also the version, if found, of the syssetup.dll or otherwise
    that it was not found.

a - Commandline passing of a Filename, now you can directly pass the
    name of the file you want to edit to WinntbbuED e.g.:
    WinntBBUED "f:\xp\cd\i386\winntbbu.dll"

a - 'Shell Extension' submenu to the 'Extras' menu
    here you can (un)register WinntBBUEd to the Explorer context menu
    for .dll and .dl_ files

This kept me quite busy, but it was worth it :D

Go grab WinntbbuED 0.3.0 right now!



Edited by TheMadGuy
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