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Hey Intrigue I like the desktop clock.I've got window blinds and everything else that goes with it and I've seen the clock with I believe it's object dock,but how do you just put the clock on the desktop alone?Thanks


Hey Intrigue I like the desktop clock.I've got window blinds and everything else that goes with it and I've seen the clock with I believe it's object dock,but how do you just put the clock on the desktop alone?Thanks

Well my theme is just a tweaked out Bruched mac look msstyle no windowblinds or object bar. In the system tray I just have all icons hidden so it just shows the clock and moved the quicklauch tray to that end. The docking program is objectdock.



Style = Oringina by Twist

Icons = ToonXP by Paul Boyer

Wallpaper = Looney Tunes

Image removed due to large size. Be considerate of our 56k users! - Mod


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