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  On 12/14/2011 at 10:47 PM, LoneCrusader said:
  On 12/14/2011 at 4:55 PM, dencorso said:

Welcome back, MDGx! :hello:

It's good to have you around. :yes:

BTW, I've sent you a PM, many moons ago...

Same here on all 3 counts! :thumbup

If a person can't take 10 seconds out their day to say hey I'm busy that means they don't care. Don't waste your time.

Guru or not I think its disrespectful to ignore someone IMO.

  • 2 weeks later...

I guess the program files thing is tough for MDGx to conclusively fix until we test it in use, this, since he doesn't have a 9x installed for testing.

Yes, the Pinball and MSN Games installation is still broken but this is not something to reinstall Windows over. If you want Pinball use the guide on mdgx.com to install it from the same Windows Me cd we get 98SE2ME to use. If you want MSN games then go on the net to play them. They were just shortcuts anyway. There's nothing else broken by this bug so there's no need to worry about a Windows installation. The error message isn't annoying as it only appears when the shortcuts leading to nowhere appear on the first boot following 98SE2ME use.


I'm sorry the fix didn't work as expected; there are probably other places that need to be rechecked.

I'll try to find the proper fix sometime after all this holiday fuss that threw me off.

@PROBLEMCHYLD: It's possible that the OK button gets enabled only after choosing a valid Save location.

I may be wrong though, in which case the issue may be related to Jolaes'.

  On 12/31/2011 at 12:15 AM, Drugwash said:

@PROBLEMCHYLD: It's possible that the OK button gets enabled only after choosing a valid Save location.

No it doesn't. The only way to fix it, is to replace CABVIEW.DLL with the Win98 version.


Notice, however, that CABVIEW.DLL from Win 98SE is v. 1.00.601.1(PE Timestamp: 13:37:43 Fri Apr 23, 1999) and has 61,440 bytes, while that from Win ME is v. 5.50.4134.100 (PE Timestamp: 21:35:57 Thu Jun 08, 2000) and has just 45,056 bytes... to me that seems to mean it leaves out some functionality that, in ME, is provided by other modules, probably SHELL32.DLL, but the one from 9x had to provide itself. That would explain the bug nicely and also help understand why the file version 5.50.x.x was selected (= to indicate it needs other 5.50.x.x components). Of course this is just my wild guess, but I might as well be right...


File versioning was (assumingly) supposed to follow the OS version/subversion numbering. However, MS didn't always follow this rule. If it were to follow it, all ME files should've had version 4.90.300x, while Win98SE version would've been 4.10.222x. Windows 2000 files would be 5.0.xxxx.xxxx, XP files would be 5.1.2600.xxxx and then all the way up to 6.x.xxxx.xxxx with Vista/7/etc. Inbetween, there has been the famous "codename Neptune" whose files were using the 5.50.5xxx.xxxx range.

However, Common Controls (comctl32.dll) in 9x has a product version 5.50.xxxx.xxxx versioning scheme (mine is 5.50.4916.400) while file versions range up to 5.81.xxxx.xxxx (mine is 5.81.4916.400).

Therefore we cannot rely on file/version numbers. The major difference between the two versions of cabview.dll is that the ME one is an ActiveX control, which requires registration. Other than that, there may be registry keys to add/modify/remove, but I have no information about that.

On my system, registration succeeded but the system should be rebooted to test its functionality, which I have not done yet as I'm in the middle of another test now.

  • 3 months later...

I might have something useful to add to the "C:\Program Files" issue. I also get the "C:\Program cannot be found" message box after reboot... but more things also happen....

Some (all?) files from that destination never get copied there, but rather their folders get created on the drive on which the ME cab files are located (if the drive is writeable) in root directories.

Case in point: For a recent install, i copied the cab files from the ME CD to a E:\WinMeCab folder (for quicker installation). After installation was complete, i noticed that the following folders were created:

E:\Common Files

with the following files:

Directory of E:\Accessories\

MSPCX32 .DLL 53248 06.08.2000 17:00 mspcx32.dll
WORDPAD .EXE 204800 06.08.2000 17:00 wordpad.exe

Directory of E:\Common Files\

<DIR> 04.10.2012 13:00 Microsoft Shared

Directory of E:\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\

<DIR> 04.10.2012 13:00 MSInfo

Directory of E:\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\MSInfo\

MSIAV .OCX 38912 06.08.2000 17:00 msiav.ocx
MSICDROM.OCX 43520 06.08.2000 17:00 msicdrom.ocx
MSIOLERG.OCX 35840 06.08.2000 17:00 msiolerg.ocx
MSIPRINT.OCX 34304 06.08.2000 17:00 msiprint.ocx
MSISYS .OCX 139264 06.08.2000 17:00 msisys.ocx
MSUPDATE.OCX 30208 06.08.2000 17:00 msupdate.ocx
TXTVIEW .OCX 28672 06.08.2000 17:00 txtview.ocx

Directory of E:\Plus!\

The Pinball and Gamezone folders contained all their respective files -- i just didn't include them here to shorten this post.

All these files *should* have been copied to folders in C:\Program Files, but wound up in newly-created folders on the drive containing the ME cabs.

Could it be that somewhere in the installation files, there is a C:\Program Files or C:\Program Files\... that needs quotes?

Anyway, i'm a big fan of 98SE2ME! I hope this report is of use.

- Doug B.


Oops -- addendum to the previous.

I ran 98SE2ME.exe from the E: drive, so maybe that's why those folders/files were created/copied there.

Either way, they still should have gone to the C:\Program Files folder but didn't.

- Doug B.

  • 2 weeks later...
  On 12/11/2007 at 9:01 PM, dencorso said:


DFS.VXD, NTKERN.VXD, UDF.VXD and VNETSUP.VXD are the next files I intend to patch and test,

as soon as I release those I'm still testing.

VMM32.VXD is a compressed compilation of VXDs, created during windows install procedure, so

patching it afterwards is impossible. If all its components are patchable and work ok it would be

possible to recompile a new VMM32.VXD from the individual VxDs, but that's another story entirely.

All others may work. And may even enable other files to work, that depend on them.

Did you ever get the files working?

No. RLoew managed to get UDF.VxD (v. from a Win 98SE hotfix) to work with Win 95 (it adds support to UDF on CD/DVD Disks in Windows 95), but it requires custom patching. It's not simply a question of downversioning... And since the Win98SE versions of those files work OK, with no obvious bug, and the Win ME versions add no new functionality, that isn't worth the effort.



1. VCACHE.VXD 4.10.2223 was deleted

2. HIDCLASS.SYS 5.1.2600.5512 was replaced with WinME version

3. HIDPARSE.SYS 5.1.2600.5512 was replaced with WinME version

4. HIDUSB.SYS 5.0.2163.1 was deleted

  • 2 months later...

POWERCFG.CPL 4.90.3000.0 has a newer timestamp than the one included in the SP.

I use 98 lite to remove a lot of stuff from my system, but when I install 98SE2ME, it installs a lot of it back.

I was wondering if its not too much trouble, can you add file replacing only if the file exist. I use this approach for most files in SP3.

  • 4 months later...

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