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UPDATED · 7-24-2010



* see post above.

Posted (edited)

Ohh, my god...

I can't belive I missed this...

I have just right now installed the shimgvw.dll by the regsvr32... method and now the mypictures folder works...

I forgot I had asked if this was for the preview...

For those having trouble, my laptop is running RP7 and I have lost track of whats installed. RP7 however is the me shell, op3 equiv isnt it.


P.S. actualy, Ill see if I can iron out a script error and you can, if not already, put imgview.htt back into 982me.

This method didn't work for me. It must be RP7 that might help it run for you.

@ MDGx

98SE2ME does not restore original Win98SE files. Option 3 does not either.

Shimgvw.dll does not work at all with or without KernelEX/Option 3.

Windows Movie Maker does not install at all in C:\Program Files.

Posted (edited)

I also notice with option 3 install I was able to get Windows Movie Maker to work from copying its folder

I had save from my USB.

Just dropping the folder in C:\Program Files seems to work for me without any extra hassle.

But when yours did install from a previous version it was asking for shell32.new.

The gamezone folder don't install either.

After viewing a cab file in windows explorer the extract doesn't work any more.


Is it possible install 98SE2ME on Windows 98 non-english version?

May be some files need to be translated?

Sorry I missed your post for so long. :-(

98SE2ME is designed strictly for English editions of 98SE + ME (that's the only ones I have access to).

But with specific language files, it is possible to "port" it to other languages.

If you plan on building your own language 98SE2ME edition, please see INNOFILE.TXT included in this ZIP [18 KB]:


98SE2ME main page where you can find all necessary files + guides:


We already have [made by MSFN members] French + Italian editions [please note that these are much older (from 2007) than the English edition, therefore may lack some newer features]:

* 98SE2ME December 2007 [2.68 MB, French]:


98SE2ME French:


* 98SE2ME September 2007 [2.56 MB, Italian]:


98SE2ME Italian:




I also notice with option 3 install I was able to get Windows Movie Maker to work from copying its folder

I had save from my USB.

Just dropping the folder in C:\Program Files seems to work for me without any extra hassle.

But when yours did install from a previous version it was asking for shell32.new.

The gamezone folder don't install either.

After viewing a cab file in windows explorer the extract doesn't work any more.

I (think) I fixed the Movie Maker + Game Zone bug, please test to see if it works properly. Tx.

I also removed SHIMGVW.DLL from all options (1, 2 + 3).

Please see UPDATES.TXT [7-31-2010 update] for more details:


I've looked thru older updates, and found out that in June 2005 we went thru the same problem: we tried shimgvw.dll with option 3 installed, and did not work. So I had to remove it [déjà vu ;_)].

More details in UPDATES.TXT.

About the backup function not working...

I need to (re)install Win98SE and test this. Until then, I probably won't know what's wrong, unless some1 else tests it and discovers the bug.

This happened (same as MovieMaker + GameZone) probably because whenever I add/remove/update something, something else probably breaks, because all those batch + inf files are pretty much inter-related. :(

I'll get on it as soon as I have enough free time.



UPDATED · 7-31-2010



  • Options 1, 2 + 3: removed WinME SHIMGVW.DLL 5.50.4134.100 [%windir%\SYSTEM] from options 1, 2 + 3. Does NOT work with or without WinME SHELL32.DLL 5.50.xxxx.xxxx [%windir%\SYSTEM]. [thank you PROBLEMCHYLD]
    To fix BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG + TIF file open Registry errors (if any), run:
    RUNDLL32 ADVPACK.DLL,LaunchINFSection C:\9!M\2G.INF,SF
    before you uninstall 98SE2ME from C:\9!M .
    Then you may need to re-associate BMP, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PJPEG, PNG, TIF + TIFF files (again) with your favorite graphics/image/picture editor/viewer:
    if you changed their associations from Windows defaults (which is MSPAINT + KODAKIMG).
    See 6-26-2005 update further below for more details!
  • Options 1, 2, 3 + 6: fixed Internet Zone Games (C:\Program Files\GameZone) install bug. [thank you PROBLEMCHYLD]
  • Option 3: fixed Movie Maker (C:\Program Files\MoviMakr) install bug. [thank you PROBLEMCHYLD]
  • Still working to fix the shortcuts (.lnk) creation bug. Will post here when done.


I have not tested recent 98SE2ME changes + updates because I don't have Windows 98 SE installed.

Please test at your convenience to make sure everything works properly.

Thanks. ;)




Well, what makes RP7 allow shimgvw to work?

I know MS states that it is for me only but I find it very nifty and it sortof completes 98-me as you can use the new shell almost as is.

With this note, RP9 wont work because it does not use me shell and the file(s) nessesary to run shimgvw, still what are those dam files?

Im just going to for laphs try it on 98 shell, I know it wont work but maybe Im special :)




I was thinking of installing Win98SE on Virtual PC when I came across your program. I'm normally on the HFSlip forum. So I downloaded and installed it on a clean installed Win98SE. When I ran it, using option 1, after the extractions and the machine reboots I get the following error.

So, I believe while some things did get done, not everything did.

Please advise.




I was thinking of installing Win98SE on Virtual PC when I came across your program. I'm normally on the HFSlip forum. So I downloaded and installed it on a clean installed Win98SE. When I ran it, using option 1, after the extractions and the machine reboots I get the following error.

So, I believe while some things did get done, not everything did.

Please advise.


Thanks for your feedback.

I'm also in the middle of (re)installing VirtualPC 2007, in order to test 98SE2ME, because I know the Internet Game Zone (options 1, 2, 3 + 6) + MovieMaker (option 3) Start shortcuts .lnk creation process is defective at the moment.

The actual files are copied to their destination folders (+ registered if necessary).

Everything else should work properly as far as I can tell.

I'll post here updates as soon as I find + fix the bug(s).


Best wishes,


  • 1 month later...

I have a issue

I can not extract a file from a cab file after 98SE2ME is installed.

Aaah... shucks!... I mean guano...

Another bug. ;-(

I'll see if I can install VPC2007 to test this, and shall post a fix when ready [hopefully soon].


  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Would it be possible to slipstream most of these updates into a rebuilt Windows install disc, or even manually replace them in the CABs?

Or... do most of the files require post-installation registry scripts to be run?

If there are some files that could be replaced manually (by rebuilding CAB with ME version) in the Windows 98 SE CABs, how would I know which ones are safe?

Edited by HardDriv'n
I have a issue

I can not extract a file from a cab file after 98SE2ME is installed.

I think I fixed it.

Pls reinstall 98SE2ME, see if it works, and if it doesn't, pls post here or PM me.


I reverted the INFs back to the 1st version, that worked ok.

Was under the CustomDestination directive [CDF] section, replaced ",85" with ",5":




Would it be possible to slipstream most of these updates into a rebuilt Windows install disc, or even manually replace them in the CABs?

Or... do most of the files require post-installation registry scripts to be run?

If there are some files that could be replaced manually (by rebuilding CAB with ME version) in the Windows 98 SE CABs, how would I know which ones are safe?

It should be possible, but with a lot of work.

The main problem is [if you're referring strictly to 98SE2ME] that WinME files from CD-ROM CABs are commercial software [under license], not allowed to distribute.

So if you'd like to build such CD/DVD, you need to do this on your own, only for your home computer(s).

To replace the files, it may work also if you just build a single [huge] CAB with all ME files [> 700] replaced by 98SE2ME option 2 (see list), and name it 0_982ME2.CAB [for example], the 1st character in the filename must come before any other original CAB name on the CD [1st one on the 98SE install CD is BASE4.CAB (WIN98 folder)].

Then you may also need to edit the SETUPPP.INF +/- LAYOUT*.INF [3 of them: LAYOUT.INF LAYOUT1.INF LAYOUT2.INF] files [using Notepad or better replacement] to add a line for each of your new CABs, if more than 1.

Individual filenames [some ME files may need additional files (not present on original 98SE install CD) to work properly, and/or some may have different names] may also need to be added on separate lines into those INFs.

Once edited, the INFs can be re-packed inside the new CABs.

Also [but not sure], 98SE setup routine may detect those INFs if they exist as separate files inside the WIN98 folder on CD, and if that is true, the stand alone files take precedence [they are used 1st] over the ones inside the CABs.

So I would do both: repack the edited INFs into CABs, and also add them as standalone files to your install folder on your new CD.

There are [of course] other considerations, you may need to go thru my 98SE2ME BAT + INF files with a fine comb, certain files might need "special care", like renaming their filenames in the INFs, +/- add "REGSVR32 /S" lines in the infs, custom registry entries, etc.

This is a tedious, time consuming job.


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