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WMP10 Complete Slipstream

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yes u can add the wmplayer.ex_ to ryan's wmp pack...

actually u can add the whole newWMP pack except audiodev.dl_ and wpdsp.dl_ cause this 2 files are already in wmp.cab from ryan's wmp pack.

Edited by boooggy
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oK boooggy, all said and done, I ended up with a file size of 13,331,973 after useing

picozip, and adding all your updates except for audiodev.dl_, is that the correct size?

Thanks for your time and effort here.............


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i saw a post on ryan's forum about version given by his wmp10 addon.

version of wmp after integrating his pack without any modification is 3923. this version is because of this file: wmp.dll which is already in his pack.

i made some little changes adding few files that weren't updated. but even after this change the version is still 3923. so please read this carefully: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=45917&st=460


no, is not. u can use other archive maker which can compress .cab

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