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hi buddies

i want to know how the forum member got the stars which we can see beneath their images

i mean what is the criteria for getting the stars

does it is related to no of posts you have made on the forum

tell me

where can i get the details regarding same.


I'll fill in the blanks...

1st star: 50 posts

2 stars: 100 posts

3 stars: 300 posts

4 stars: 500 posts

5 stars: 700 posts

6 stars: 1000 posts

7 stars: 1500 posts (not sure)

8 stars: 2000 posts

9 stars: 3000 posts

Administrator: You'll have to break some legs to acheive this one!


the more stars they have just says they waste way too much time hanging around here :) lets see 118 post to go to get to 500, no wait this will make 117, time to go waste more time.....


Newbie 10

Junior Member pip.gif 50 posts

Member pip.gifpip.gif 100 posts

Advanced Member pip.gifpip.gifpip.gif 300 posts

Senior Member pip.gifpip.gifpip.gifpip.gif 500 posts

Friend of MSFN (five stars) 700 posts

MSFN Expert (six stars) 1000 posts

MSFN Addict (seven stars) 1500 posts

MSFN Master (eight stars) 2000 posts

MSFN Junkie (nine stars) 3000 posts


who assigns the stars to the forum members and whats the fun of having these stars

what are the priviledges given to say super moderator or members having more stars than the other members


The Stars are automaticaly giving according to post count. Its kinda of a ranking system to show users how helpful a particular user has been.

The stars dont give you more access or prividges, just abit more authorty when it comes to posts..

Thats about it


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