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WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO!!!!! fricken soccer players that LOVE playing and thats there job get 5 million a year...and people risking there lives like police men firemen Military get what 45g a year... What is this world coming to lol


capitalism..economics.....simple answer. Supply and Demand.

sorry mate...but that's what everyone wanted so now everyones gettin all the bites of their cookie. =)


thats true, but i dont think money in sports has much future.

IMO Stop blowing money into these frivolous games, that really do little to nothing postive socially and economically. Give it 30-50 years.


Thats because people will spend a stupid amount of money to watch a stupid event. If people would spend a large sum of money to watch a fireman work then the fireman would make more money.

If people would spend a large sum of money to watch a fireman work then the fireman would make more money.

Sounds like a new and stupid reality show ... but you're correct ... the effort of the everyday heros are rarely appreciated enough, may he be a fireman, policeman, pizza guy, open source programmer or even your local forum moderator ...

IMO Stop blowing money into these frivolous games, that really do little to nothing postive socially and economically.  Give it 30-50 years.

Sorry, but I don't think it's going to end. The Romans did it, the Greeks did it and the Mayans did it. And when they played, it was for life long glory or their lives. I wouldn't doubt that it is in the ancient history of all cultures.

I also think that sports can play a positive part in people's lives through social interaction (in particular for kids) and physical health which both would affect work and work attitude.

Unfortunately with modern sports 'heroes', to many are punks and thugs. Youngsters see their behavior as appropriate. And calling them 'heroes' is completely inappropriate. They don't put their lives on the line for others.

I rarely watch any sports. I used to watch the Olympics but for the most part, it has gone the way of most profesional sports.

To get people to not 'blow money into these frivolous games', you would have to get them to not watch. If they watch, companies buy air time for their commercials, teams make money from the commercials and then pay the thugs large amounts of money. You are going to have a hard sell in trying to get people to not watch. Very unfortunate.

my 2 1/2 cents.

If people would spend a large sum of money to watch a fireman work then the fireman would make more money.

Sounds like a new and stupid reality show ... but you're correct ... the effort of the everyday heros are rarely appreciated enough, may he be a fireman, policeman, pizza guy, open source programmer or even your local forum moderator ...

exactly. to be completly honest last time i heard anyone do anything for firefighters/police officers was back with 9/11. and they risk their life everyday to save others... about 2 weeks ago here in my city i live in a firefighter died trying to save people.. he saved a mother, a 6 year old, and went back in for a 5 month old.. he never came out.

i think its just sad that someone that only has to practice/play in the "on" season gets well over the firefighters and police officers.


you know something really strange? the political s*** over here in the netherlands.. :puke:

You shoot a black guy (no offense ofcourse but that's just how i goes here in NL) you go to jail for a long time.... you shoot a policeman you can get a work punishment for lets say 120 hours and you can go :wacko:

For a little change in the computer you must pay 720 euro..... :realmad: the goverment is insane here .... :}

You shoot a black people you go to jail for a long time.... you shoot a officer you cana get a work punishment for lets say 120 hours and you can go  :wacko:

sound a bit of racism... but true, all people need to be equal before the law (including black polimen ;)).

back to topic, sportsmen get more money because of the millions of people that follows them (remember the amount of money that TV pay to sports clubs and entities).

i (sadly) suppose is not too much far from here the show @crispy talked about.


In india (except cricketers) sportsmen are paid like peanuts. Its the politicians and the people who can cheat that reap all the moolah. The people who dig roads n all, put in 100% perspiration and are paid so much that they will always remain below the powerty line.

The Demand and Supply theory works here too but it results in a lot of injustice to all.

BTW...all this brings the song "Where is the Love" by Black Eyed Peas to mind, dosen't it?


shouldnt be this way of course..but tht's the way its always been. And i think sports men hav a short shelf life say 10-15 years only..so y not let them earn as much as they can during tht period? Coz in other professions..say police, you can continue till u r over 60..not so in the case of sports!

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