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Windows Code Name "Florida"

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i'm sure any mod that can read a post with the words "xp full cd" will close it at the moment ;)

an alternative can be... resources? why don't you try to share the resources you've used so every1 can apply them.

perhaps only the modified files and not the full cd? dunno how to solve it :unsure:


I'd try it if its anything below 4MB (four megabytes). Its no problem me downloading a whole CD except it'd take two whole weeks.

I think redistributing a XP CD is illegal. I don't think MS will sue you, either, coz you are just increasing their popularity. Anyway I've heard that whatever XP key, etc. you are using, if you have the license (that printed on torquoise paper), you will not be sued. Just click help -> 'is my copy of XP legal', and read.

E.g: Sb has 20 PCs. He has 2 XP pro CDs, but 20 XP pro licences, and he's legal, maybe even (I disremember it, coz I practically (not to be too proud of) don't care about that legal stuff) if he is using serial nos. other than printed on them.

Edit: W/ all this debate going on, why don't you try something else to increase XP's usability? After all you seem to be a good coder.

please stop about it cause you still need to buy the licenses at MS that is the same price as XP, and I am not responisble for you as you hack the activation.

As has been pointed out that does not make one bit of difference. What you would be doing is still completely illegal and you can still be held responsible for it. I seem to recall you were banned from another forum because of Windows "Florida". :no:

All you have to do is make a patch file, and be sure not to include any Microsoft files with your patch. I really don't see why you object to that and wish to break the law by making a complete copy of Windows available for download.


I was banned from another forum that has a place to make the things, some guys did'nt believe that the Nightlife centers exited and they dicided to block me.


OK, I can't stand it. Like some kind of masochist I couldn't help but to read this whole thread. That's 8 minutes of my life I'll never get back.

You guys are being way too nice to this clown. He doesn't have a clue, he's writes and has the ideas of an 11 year old. He has no clue about the real world and thinks that customizing XP makes it a whole new OS.

Please don't encourage him. Who in their right-mind would want to "beta-test" the obovious illeagle crap he's about to put out. English may not be his primary language and you always need to make allowances for that, especially on these forums. But in his case his idiocy passes all language barriers.

(my first flame)


Riight... so basicly, BetaSmith, you're calling a costumised version of XP a new OS and you're asking people to beta test it for you, but... isn't this illegal??? You're changing a copyrighted OS, and givinh it a new name, do you have any sort of contract with Microsoft? Isn't this against EULA?


If you read my posts, you'll see that it is illegal... Further talks with my Microsoft rep encourge anyone willing to test this to NOT.

If you do end up releasing this, expect some interest by Microsoft (not the good kind).

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