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Being new to WPI I am not sure how to create these two files, and since they do not exist anymore in the package I am lost.

Move wpi.cmd and install.cmd to $oem$\$1\install (That is, the root of your install folder)

Can someone give me the code to recreate these two .cmd files?




[GuiRunOnce]    %systemdrive%\install\wpi.cmd

wpi.cmd is under $oem$\$1\install\

@echo off

rem This file should be called right after setup is complete

rem Edit it to fit your CD Image accordingly

start /wait %systemdrive%\install\wpi\WPI.HTA

start /wait %systemdrive%\clean.cmd

no need of install.cmd

hope it's help you ...


Thanks Alot , just one question :

u mention in one of your replies that if i want to use XCOPY command, i nned to call out a cmd file that contains the command right?

but what i'm using the method above :

"cmd.exe /c cmdow /run /hid \xcopy /y"

will it work fine? and how do i use commands like REGEDIT and taskkill? same? thanks :)


I hate to sound ungrateful, because I LOVE this version of WPI, but I must bring up another version:

WPI_99 by hasi001

It does not have all the features i love from YOUR WPI, but he managed to get up to 99 programs (!!!!) WITHOUT NUMBERING, and WITH TOOLTIPS!!!

Do you think you could take his version and add those features i listed above to yours? that would be really useful....

Posted (edited)

Done it. :whistle:

2.7 with:

unlimited apps

constraints see this thread for explanations

no renumbering


defaults checked

countdown to install

some ui-changes (2 colums if >640x480 , then page scrolling)

New version posted

ui-chages: 3cols in 1024, 2cols in 800, 1col in 640 mode

ZIP removed.

Edited by hasi001

wow, this looks amazing.

i haven't fully gone through it yet, but i am assuming the reason there aren't any "rega" or "regb" in the config.js is because you just copied your previous code over? but the reg stuff WILL work, right?

also can we have an UNLIMITED number of programs? or only up to 99? (just curious...)


All the 2.7's options should work (not tested).

And unlimited really means unlimited (as long as the memory can handle it). Dunno what the runonceex-dialog thinks about too many apps (think it's just single column)

@beppemito: what do you mean with descs on/off ? tooltips? just leave them blank ('')

1) Locate your $oem$\$1\install folder, and create a new folder inside, called “wpi”. Extract the WPI files into this folder.

If your installation path is different, modify it as required.

2) Move wpi.cmd and install.cmd to $oem$\$1\install (That is, the root of your install folder)


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