BritishBulldog Posted November 9, 2004 Posted November 9, 2004 The InstallShield need to write a log so add this to each line after the -s-f2"%systemdrive%\\dream.log"my complete line looks like thiscmd1[pn]=['%cdrom%\\Install\\Grafix\\Dreamweaver\\Setup.exe -s -f2"%systemdrive%\\dream.log"']this will write the log in the systemdrive C:\ you can batch file them to be deleted in your dont have to use the f1 switch if the iss file is in the same directory as the setup.exeyours would look like thisprog[pn]=['HDD Tool Seagate 4.09.05']desc[pn]=['Zum Vorbereiten von Seagate HDDs']cmd1[pn]=['%cdrom%\\Install\\HDDtoolSeagate4.09.05\\Setup.exe -s -f2"%systemdrive%\\HDD_SG.log"']dflt[pn]=['no']cat[pn]=['System']pn++prog[pn]=['HDD Tool Western Digital 11.0']desc[pn]=['Zum Vorbereiten von WD HDDs']cmd1[pn]=['%cdrom%\\Install\\HDDtoolWesternDigital11.0\\Setup.exe -s -f2"%systemdrive%\\HDD_WD.log"']cmd2[pn]=['taskkill.exe /F /IM CDEject.exe']dflt[pn]=['no']cat[pn]=['System']pn++prog[pn]=['Live Update fuer MSI Mainboards']desc[pn]=['Live Update 3.64']cmd1[pn]=['%cdrom%\\Install\\MSI_LiveUpdate3.64\\setup.exe -s -f2"%systemdrive%\\MSI.log"']dflt[pn]=['no']cat[pn]=['System']pn++prog[pn]=['Realtek Audio Driver']desc[pn]=['Treiber fuer Soundkarte von Rodent']cmd1[pn]=['%cdrom%\\Install\\AudioDriver\\Setup.exe -s -f2"%systemdrive%\\RealTek.log"']dflt[pn]=['yes']cat[pn]=['System']pn++prog[pn]=['WS_FTP Pro 9.01']desc[pn]=['FTP Client']cmd1[pn]=['%cdrom%\\Install\\WS_FTPpro9.01\\fo-w901.exe -s -f2"%systemdrive%\\WSFTP.log"']dflt[pn]=['yes']cat[pn]=['System']pn++prog[pn]=['Macromedia DreamweaverMX 2004 7.0.1']desc[pn]=['Web Editor']cmd1[pn]=['%cdrom%\\Install\\DreamweaverMX2004\\Setup.exe -s -f2"%systemdrive%\\dream.log"']cmd2[pn]=['xcopy /y /s %cdrom%\\Install\\DreamweaverMX2004\\Anleitungen\*.* "%programfiles%\\Macromedia\\Dreamweaver MX 2004\\Anleitungen\\"']rega[pn]=['%cdrom%\\Install\\DreamweaverMX2004\\register.reg']rega[pn]=['%cdrom%\\Install\\DreamweaverMX2004\\dateiendungen.reg']dflt[pn]=['no']cat[pn]=['Webdesign']pn++prog[pn]=['VIA Hyperion 4in1 4.53']desc[pn]=['Treiber fuer Mainboard fuer Rodent']cmd1[pn]=['%cdrom%\\Install\\via4in1_4.53\\Setup.exe -s -f2"%systemdrive%\\VIA.log"']dflt[pn]=['yes']cat[pn]=['System']pn++prog[pn]=['ULEAD Photo Impact XL 8.5 ESD']desc[pn]=['Bildbearbeitung']cmd1[pn]=['%cdrom%\\Install\\PhotoImpactXL8.5\\setup.exe -s -f2"%systemdrive%\\Ulead.log"']dflt[pn]=['yes']cat[pn]=['Webdesign']pn++
Rodent Posted November 9, 2004 Posted November 9, 2004 wow,thanks mate,it is the same info i read on unattended webpage,so thank you for "confirming" my thought,i will try again now, hopefully it works.i have to say, that i tried some time ago, around wpi 2.9.5,and i might remember, that it worked that time w/o f2 switch,but anyway,i give it a try now,EDIT:one question still here:this-s -f2"%systemdrive%\\HDD_SG.log"or this-s -f2\"%systemdrive%\\HDD_SG.log\"(backslash before ")thanksalex
BritishBulldog Posted November 9, 2004 Posted November 9, 2004 no backslash before the ", that is the exact code from my dreamweaver and it instals ok.The f2 switch is only if you are installing from CDROM, if you install from the Hard Drive (eg. $OEM$\Install....) then you dont need to use the f2 switch.
possy_99 Posted November 9, 2004 Posted November 9, 2004 I switched to using tried 2.9.8a last night, keep getting this error. Can anyone point me in the right direction here as I have checked the config.js file and the cmd file which I have calling the application, and there's no stray c's in there as far as I can seecheers
a06lp Posted November 10, 2004 Posted November 10, 2004 I switched to using tried 2.9.8a last night, keep getting this error. Can anyone point me in the right direction here as I have checked the config.js file and the cmd file which I have calling the application, and there's no stray c's in there as far as I can seeYea, I had this error.You get it if you have a blank single quotes in the beginning of a cmd, like so:cmd2[pn]=['','cmd /c XCOPY "%cdrom%\\Applications\\sysreset\\mirc.ini" "%systemdrive%\\Program Files\\sysreset\" /E /Y']Fix it by writing this (remove the '',) :cmd2[pn]=['cmd /c XCOPY "%cdrom%\\Applications\\sysreset\\mirc.ini" "%systemdrive%\\Program Files\\sysreset\" /E /Y']
possy_99 Posted November 10, 2004 Posted November 10, 2004 that's not it m8, been through the script on a " search, only ones in the parameters are in the category for colouring...
possy_99 Posted November 10, 2004 Posted November 10, 2004 I've cracked it m8, I left the 2nd cmd parameter in, it had [''] as it was empty, so I removed and all workin fine now. maybe this could be worked on for the next version as something trivial like that, thought it would just "overlook" it, lolthanks for your help a06lp, you did indeed set me on the right track
Rodent Posted November 10, 2004 Posted November 10, 2004 no backslash before the ", that is the exact code from my dreamweaver and it instals ok.The f2 switch is only if you are installing from CDROM, if you install from the Hard Drive (eg. $OEM$\Install....) then you dont need to use the f2 switch.hi again,seems some applications have worked,but some still give me a headache...please help:prog[pn]=['Live Update fuer MSI Mainboards']desc[pn]=['Live Update 3.64']cmd1[pn]=['%cdrom%\\Install\\MSI_LiveUpdate3.64\\setup.exe -s -f2"%systemdrive%\\dream.log"']dflt[pn]=['no']cat[pn]=['System']pn++prog[pn]=['Realtek Audio Driver']desc[pn]=['Treiber fuer Soundkarte von Rodent']cmd1[pn]=['%cdrom%\\Install\\AudioDriver\\Setup.exe -s -f2"%systemdrive%\\dream.log"']dflt[pn]=['yes']cat[pn]=['System']pn++prog[pn]=['WS_FTP Pro 9.01']desc[pn]=['FTP Client']cmd1[pn]=['%cdrom%\\Install\\WS_FTPpro9.01\\fo-w901.exe -s -f2"%systemdrive%\\dream.log"']dflt[pn]=['yes']cat[pn]=['System']pn++prog[pn]=['VIA Hyperion 4in1 4.53']desc[pn]=['Treiber fuer Mainboard fuer Rodent']cmd1[pn]=['%cdrom%\\Install\\via4in1_4.53\\Setup.exe -s -f2"%systemdrive%\\dream.log"']dflt[pn]=['yes']cat[pn]=['System']pn++
a06lp Posted November 10, 2004 Posted November 10, 2004 thanks for your help a06lp, you did indeed set me on the right track No prob.Took me a while to figure out when I had the prob. Glad to help.
codeblue Posted November 12, 2004 Posted November 12, 2004 I've been following this GUIDE to install Firefox silently. It needs 4 cmd line to install. How can i use 4 cmd lines in my config.js? The below didn't work. //prog[0] won't be used. It's just an example pn=0 // start value vor prog numberingprog[pn]=['ProgramName']desc[pn]=['Description']regb[pn]=['Drive','Registry Key Path']cmd1[pn]=['Drive','CommandLine 1']cmd2[pn]=['Drive','CommandLine 2']cmd3[pn]=['Drive','CommandLine 3']cmd4[pn]=['Drive','CommandLine 4']rega[pn]=['Drive','Registry Key Path']dflt[pn]=['no']forc[pn]=['false'] cat[pn]=['Appllication Category']ordr[pn]=[0]pn++prog[pn]=['Firefox 1.0']desc[pn]=['Browser']cmd1[pn]=['%cdrom%\\Install\\Firefox\\FIREFOX.exe /S"']cmd2[pn]=['%cdrom%\\Install\\Firefox\\SETUP.EXE -MS -IRA']cmd3[pn]=['%cdrom%\\Install\\Firefox\\CLEAN.cmd']cmd4[pn]=['%cdrom%\\Install\\Firefox\\FIREFOXplugins.exe /S']dflt[pn]=['yes']pn++
Dynaletik Posted November 13, 2004 Posted November 13, 2004 For all my progs that need 4 commands or more I just call a CMD file with WPI.....with those CMD files I also delete unused shortcuts etc..An good example is the installation of ICQ...the banners are already deleted and my ICQ # with Presets is already WPI I call:prog[pn]=['ICQ Pro 2003b']desc[pn]=['Weit verbreiteter Messenger. Die Werbefenster werden nach der Installation entfernt.']cmd1[pn]=['%cdrom%\\Install\\Programme\\ICQ\\ICQ.cmd']dflt[pn]=['no']cat[pn]=['Utilities']pn++and my ICQ.cmd is this:@echo offIF EXIST D:\WIN51 set CDROM=D:IF EXIST E:\WIN51 set CDROM=E:IF EXIST F:\WIN51 set CDROM=F:IF EXIST G:\WIN51 set CDROM=G:IF EXIST H:\WIN51 set CDROM=H:IF EXIST I:\WIN51 set CDROM=I:IF EXIST J:\WIN51 set CDROM=J:ECHO.ECHO Installiere ICQ 2003bECHO Bitte warten...start /wait %CDROM%\Install\Programme\ICQ\ICQPro2003b.exe /s /a /s /v"/qb"ECHO.ECHO Beende ICQ.exe Prozesstaskkill.exe /F /IM icq.exeECHO.ECHO Banner aus ICQ entfernencopy /Y "%CDROM%\Install\Programme\ICQ\banners.xml" "%programfiles%\ICQ\DataFiles\banners.xml"copy /Y "%CDROM%\Install\Programme\ICQ\clbanner.xml" "%programfiles%\ICQ\DataFiles\clbanner.xml"copy /Y "%CDROM%\Install\Programme\ICQ\psearch.xml" "%programfiles%\ICQ\DataFiles\psearch.xml"copy /Y "%CDROM%\Install\Programme\ICQ\Icq.exe" "%programfiles%\ICQ\icq.exe"copy /Y "%CDROM%\Install\Programme\ICQ\ICQProLib.dll" "%programfiles%\ICQ\ICQProLib.dll"ECHO. ECHO Konfig installierenREGEDIT /S "%CDROM%\Install\Programme\ICQ\ICQ.reg"ECHO.ECHO System saeubernDEL "%AllUsersProfile%\Desktop\ICQ.lnk"DEL "%AllUsersProfile%\Desktop\ICQ Shared Files.lnk"DEL "%ALLUsersProfile%\Startm~1\ICQ.lnk"DEL "%AllUsersProfile%\Startm~1\Programme\ICQ\License Agreement.lnk"RD /S /Q "%systemdrive%\Windows\aod\"ECHO.It installs ICQ silently, kills the ICQ process, copies the edited banner files, installs the config per REG file and deletes unused shortcuts and folders.
glent Posted November 13, 2004 Posted November 13, 2004 im try to download from here download link is donw can some send me it please EDIT had to turn off protowall to acess .all ok now
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