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Version 2.9.6 is out, which adds the possibility to set the installation order of programs and waits, until all installations have finished.



if i choose this









start /wait %CDROM%\install\WPI\WPI.HTA



do i have to change %systemdrive% in config.js to %cdrom%?

and here what is win51 ? is it root or any folder in root



I tested it on my machine. My file and directory structure is posted above. I haven't tested on a real-world machine yet, but I don't iomagine there will be any probs.

My Applications are all in the "Applications" folder in the root of my CD (along with i386, and $OEM$, etc.)

My WPI is in my $OEM$\$1\Install\WPI folder. So WPI runs from the harddrive (along with some other tweaks i keep there).

My winnt.sif calls for mt WPI.cmd, which contains the command hasi001 wrote out just above (calling wpi.hta).


Yup, I switched over all my commands to the single parameter way (the one that works ;) ). It is actually much easier this way, and now that I switched the whole thing over (using a few diff "Find & Replace" searches ;) ) it works well, and I can test it on my machine without creating an annoying "C:\Install\Applications" and copiyng everything over. :)

BTW - what does this mean, in your new 2.9.6 changelog?

"WPI waits, until all progs are installed."
Also, your other item in there:
"You can now set the installation order in config.js. Progs get displayed sorted by name (if sorting=true), but will be installed according to their definition or ordr-parameter in config.js"

I thought this was already the case...?

Also, you're getting awfully close to v3.0, which is coolsights... maybe make a new name (and a new thread! - you can link to this one and the original WPI for reference) so there isnt much confusion.

Version 2.9.6 is out, which adds the possibility to set the installation order of programs and waits, until all installations have finished.

thanks Hasi,

thats a great thing, I will test that in the evening,



and the new version is giving some script error

double and triple check your config.js !!

you really should also double and triple read the new installation manuals hasi provides on his page,

btw: please update your profile with your country flag,

so we can see, if there are only language barriers with understanding WPI.




I die for another few months, come back, and what do I see?

I am utterly amazed by this stuff! Fantastic job!

Aside from that and the occasional code bits/ideas, I don't think I have time to maintain WPI.

Thanks everyone.



one more thing, thought you ought to know - when i downloaded your new version, and double-clicked your wpi.hta file, just to look at it, i got script errors. i think your default config.js may have a prob or two.

[EDIT] - I put my own "Programs" into the defualt config.js, and it works fine. probably a typo somewhere in yours. (of corse i didnt use "order" so maybe the problem is there?)

I die for another few months, come back, and what do I see?

I am utterly amazed by this stuff! Fantastic job!

Aside from that and the occasional code bits/ideas, I don't think I have time to maintain WPI. I'd like to offer that job to Brain and Gresh now.

It's so snazzy now! :D


actually its hasi001 who made a lot of the more recent changes (see recent postings). Here is his site: http://members.aon.at/equinox/wpi/

He's my hero. :thumbup

[EDIT] - i checked, he actually 'took over' the project on page6 of this thread. By 'took over' i mean the hes basically the only one making changes to the prog now.

I die for another few months, come back, and what do I see?

I am utterly amazed by this stuff! Fantastic job!

Aside from that and the occasional code bits/ideas, I don't think I have time to maintain WPI. I'd like to offer that job to Brain and Gresh now.

It's so snazzy now! :D


actually its hasi001 who made a lot of the more recent changes (see recent postings). Here is his site: http://members.aon.at/equinox/wpi/

He's my hero. :thumbup

[EDIT] - i checked, he actually 'took over' the project on page6 of this thread. By 'took over' i mean the hes basically the only one making changes to the prog now.

Sorry... I was just a bit excited over everything I saw. :D

Just one small request to the people that develop WPI currently: Remove the readme. It's ancient history, and very little applies now. Hasi001, at your option, I'm 'officially' handing the project to you. I'd like to work with you to write a formal manual for WPI, and that would be my last contribution.

I've got to get ready for work now.


The script error's gone now. I had a small typo in my own config.js. Sorry.

Hi Whimsy. As I understand it, WPI was your idea - and it was a wonderful one. Thanks for this cool piece of soft.

The readme and the docs were removed from the ZIP. You're right - they were outdated after all the changes. Doc is now online and contributions to you others given.

I'll try to put an up-to-date version of the docs (including my changes) on the WPI page, but it takes a lot of time, so please be patient. I'm still working on the code (a little messy by now, due to my quickfixes) and commenting it. I think the docs may have to wait 'til I finished the cleanup. If you like to work on the docs I could send you a zipped version of the WPI homepage sources (just plain (d)html, stylesheets and a few pics). Just send me a PM.

In the near future, I plan to make it possible to create windows user accounts through WPI, but as I'm working on my diploma thesis (it's about software maintenance btw) right now, there's not much time left for development.

And there's still an open change request to make it possible to select/omit progs by windows version... (You'll see proprietary work, if you browse through boxes.js)

So much to do ... so little time ...


If you have any further ideas please tell me. I'll put it on the list. It's real fun to work on that thing.


So your next released version will be a few new features, plus some major cleanup of the code? :w00t::thumbup:w00t:

Sounds like the "Final" version I've been waiting for... (currently using 2.9.5)

BTW - what does this mean, in your new 2.9.6 changelog?
"WPI waits, until all progs are installed."

In former versions (2.7.x, 2.8.x) WPI wrote the registry entries and ended at the beginning of the installation process. I you called a cleanup script after the wpi script, it happened that it ran parralel to the installations. This is not the case anymore. WPI waits until the runonceex process has finished.

Also, your other item in there:
"You can now set the installation order in config.js. Progs get displayed sorted by name (if sorting=true), but will be installed according to their definition or ordr-parameter in config.js"

I thought this was already the case...?

No it wasn't. Think of the following:

prog[1] = "Microsoft Outlook plugin"
cat[1] = "Office"
prog[2]= "Office 2003"
cat[2] = "Office"

this would display the "Microsoft Outlook Plugin" first, and "Office 2003" second (since M<O in the sort algorithm)

the plugin would be installed prior to Office. You don't want that. So now, you give

ordr[1]=2 and ordr[2]=1. The display would be the same (1st plugin then office), but the installation order would change to 1st office, 2nd plugin. Got the idea ? ( As I write this it comes to my mind, that it would be fine to sort according to installation order inside the categories, so that display and install don't differ that much)

Also, you're getting awfully close to v3.0, which is coolsights... maybe make a new name (and a new thread! - you can link to this one and the original WPI for reference) so there isnt much confusion.

Yes. that's a problem. Luckily coolsights opened a new thread, so there won't be too much confusion. I won't open a new one, as long as I do not change the design completely (as coolsights did). So we'll stay in Version 2.9.xx (there could be many x's) as long as there's no really new functions or a design change.

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