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@j4ever it can be done via sfcpack.inf too, but i don't use this method because there are not many updates on sp2 to slipstream in and runonceex looks better :P

your code it's ok :D

for svcpack.inf information look at unattended guide


Anyone have any info on how to remove the new context menu options?

"Add to Now Playing List"

"Add to Playlist"

"Add to Sych List"

"Add to Burn List"

"Play With Media Player"


Me too! I'd like to thank you guys! This is why it is the best Forum on the net :yes:

Confirmed Silent Installation via RunOnceEx.cmd

REG ADD %KEY%\001 /VE /D "MS Windows Media Player 10" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\001 /V 1 /D "%systemdrive%\install\Applications\MediaPlayer\WMP10.exe /Q:A /C:\"setup_wm.exe /DisallowSystemRestore /Q /R:N\"" /f


Holly crap! You're certainly paying attention.

I copy/pasted from the SDK post without noticing! :whistle:

I corrected my post!

The funny thing is that I wanted to show the code so people could grab easily without reading 5 pages... :P



If you want to integrate with xp ,Do like this ,this is my method ,and it works great for me .here we go.

First extract all your files to one folder and rename all the files and copy and paste in i386 directory.replace all existing files

now if the file is like this wmplayer.exe now rename this file to "wmplayer.ex_"

like this to every file xxx.xxx to xxx.xx_ ,thats it .it works for me .

do this after SP2 slipstreamed.

If you want full xp and if you dont want to remove any components ,use this or you can use runonce method.



...now if the file is like this wmplayer.exe now rename this file to "wmplayer.ex_"

like this to every file xxx.xxx to xxx.xx_ ,thats it .it works for me .

do this after SP2 slipstreamed.

If you want full xp and if you dont want to remove any components ,use this or you can use runonce method.



The whole idea about *.xxx to *.xx_ is that they are compressed.

Take a look at the makecab command.


I dont know does it work or even help anything but I do have a feeling that

if one just renames the file to *.xx_ it wont be compressed.

Compression gives more free space, im runnin low allready in my UACD,

every byte counts, he he.

On the other hand, maybe them files are still compressed after one extract them,

then everyone on can just disregard this silly post.

Im going to try to get wmp10 in the unattended cd later today thought,

maybe I'll post back if I find out something usefull.


[edited a typo]


OK maybe I've missed something

for %%a in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%a:\PRO1.dat set CDROM=%%a:

SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx

REG ADD %KEY%\180 /VE /D "Windows Media Player 10" /f

REG ADD %KEY%\180 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\SOFTWARE\Updates\WMP10\setup_wm.exe /Q:A /R:N /P:#e" /f

it runs but when I run media player after install its v9 o_O


I've read this whole post, and I'm pretty confused by the silent installation method. using batch file, not Runonce, how do you go about it?


Tsunami's mouth drops open... There's an on-top option :w00t: I can't find the "don't start in media guide" option anymore though :}

Also, when I enable the WMP toolbar (in the taskbar), and minimize it when using a taskbar that's too small (as is the case with the Souluna Remix theme), it will maximize again. In WMP9, it just made the taskbar higher.

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