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ok guys...i got it all to work! (found msiexec in sys32)

all i need to know is how to hide that extraction window. (do i put the -y in svcpack ? like this: netfx.exe -y)

also what is the difference between /qb , /qb!- , /qn .

will any of them work in svcpack? ( i would probably use the /qn if it works in svcpack.)


Use XP's iexpress to create install packages for your svcpack updates (you can do all of the current updates except dotnet sp1) much better than using a 3rd party utility like 7zip or winrar.

You dont arf' make a lot of work for yourself :D

I suggest you go back to the main msfn guides and read through them, most of the answers you need are in there.

hint hint: svcpack guide & NetFramework install method 2 guide :)


Attention! This guide is outdated! Look on page 24 to see the new one!

The 7z-Method is the most space-saving method I know of, so I don't think you can beat it with something else. It will also run from everywhere.

Here is a small guide how to create your own (might be usefull, if you want to use localized builds of .NET):

1. Get the .NET framework v1.1 re-distributable package and put it in some folder.

2. Get the .NET framework v1.1 SP1 update and put it in the same folder as above.

3. Get 7-Zip and install it.

4. Get the UPX-package (Win32 console version), unpack it and copy the upx.exe to your folder

5. Open up the folder where 7-zip has installed itself to and grab the 7za.exe and 7zS.sfx files and copy them to your folder.

6. Now you need to make a batch-file in your folder, name it make.bat and paste the following text into it:


CD "%~p0"

MD tmp

MD netfxsp1

START /wait dotnetfx.exe /C /T:"%~dp0tmp"

START /wait NDP1.1sp1-KB867460-X86.exe /XP:"%~dp0tmp"

CD tmp

START /wait msiexec /a netfx.msi TARGETDIR="%~dp0netfxsp1" /QB

START /wait msiexec /p S867460.msp /a "%~dp0netfxsp1\netfx.msi"

COPY %SystemRoot%\system32\msiexec.exe "%~dp0netfxsp1"


RMDIR /S /Q tmp

CD netfxsp1

..\7za.exe a "%~dp0netfxsp1.7z" -r -mx=7 -mfb=255 -md=48m *


RMDIR /S /Q netfxsp1

COPY 7zS.sfx 7zSC.sfx

upx.exe 7zSC.sfx

ECHO ;!@Install@!UTF-8!>config.txt

ECHO RunProgram="msiexec.exe /i netfx.msi /qb">>config.txt

ECHO ;!@InstallEnd@!>>config.txt

COPY /b 7zSC.sfx + config.txt + netfxsp1.7z netfxsp1.exe

DEL 7zSC.sfx

DEL config.txt

DEL netfxsp1.7z

Now you should have the following files in your folder:


Start the make.bat and wait 2 minutes. At the end you should have a netfxsp1.exe in your folder with a size of about 11.3 MB. The machine where you make this should have XP-SP2 installed, if you want to use the package on a XP-SP2-CD.


hmm to add langpack here ?


Didn't understand what you ask really.

If you need a languagepack, you can simply install it directly after the netfxsp1.exe. As far as I know a languagepack cannot be 'slipstreamed' into a .NET-Adminsitrative-Install-Point. But as the resulting netfxsp1.exe runs like charm from svcpack.inf there is no problem to install the languagepack directly afterwards.

But there are also localized-builds of the .NET-1.1-package, so it might be a good idea to use them instead of the default english one. But I haven't got any problems with the english-packages, even when I install a german-languagepack afterwards. Anyhow you can change the language at the microsoft-links I posted above and get the right one for you. The batch should work with every version.

It might be possible to create a 7z-languagepack-installer to save some bytes. Hmm, will see if this would bring any benefit.

Just what to point this out.. you can not install .net from cd-rom or dvd-r  you need to copy the setup files to your hard disk..

The netfxsp1.exe mentioned above runs from CD (simply because it unpacks itself first to the user-temp-folder before executing msiexec).


hmm to add langpack here ?


Didn't understand what you ask really.

If you need a languagepack, you can simply install it directly after the netfxsp1.exe. As far as I know a languagepack cannot be 'slipstreamed' into a .NET-Adminsitrative-Install-Point. But as the resulting netfxsp1.exe runs like charm from svcpack.inf there is no problem to install the languagepack directly afterwards.

But there are also localized-builds of the .NET-1.1-package, so it might be a good idea to use them instead of the default english one. But I haven't got any problems with the english-packages, even when I install a german-languagepack afterwards. Anyhow you can change the language at the microsoft-links I posted above and get the right one for you. The batch should work with every version.

It might be possible to create a 7z-languagepack-installer to save some bytes. Hmm, will see if this would bring any benefit.

ok i just want to have not only net. 1.1 + sp1 but with langpack too :)

now im using rar sfx with launch.bat

start /w netfx.msi /qn
start /w langpack.msi /qn

but with your metod size of exe is ab 1 mb lower comparing to winrar metod

im asking how to using your script

not only start

msiexec.exe /i netfx.msi /qb

but langpack too (msiexec.exe /i langpack.msi /qb)?




I tried it with the german langpack and the 7z-method downsized the file from 1.37 MB to 670 kB.

Here is the batch I used:


CD "%~p0"

MD tmp

MD langpack

START /wait langpack.exe /C /T:"%~dp0tmp"

CD tmp

START /wait msiexec /a langpack.msi TARGETDIR="%~dp0langpack" /QB

COPY %SystemRoot%\system32\msiexec.exe "%~dp0langpack"


RMDIR /S /Q tmp

CD langpack

..\7za.exe a "%~dp0langpack.7z" -r -mx=7 -mfb=255 -md=48m *


RMDIR /S /Q langpack

COPY 7zS.sfx 7zSC.sfx

upx.exe 7zSC.sfx

ECHO ;!@Install@!UTF-8!>config.txt

ECHO RunProgram="msiexec.exe /i langpack.msi /qb">>config.txt

ECHO ;!@InstallEnd@!>>config.txt

COPY /b 7zSC.sfx + config.txt + langpack.7z langpack-new.exe

DEL 7zSC.sfx

DEL config.txt

DEL langpack.7z

Simply put your langpack.exe and this batch-file in the same folder as described for the .NET-SP1-method. After you have run this batch, you should have a 'langpack-new.exe' in your folder.


OK, here's a link to a fully standalone, 7-zip based (Ultra compression), .NET 1.1 SP1 installer for XP SP2 (I've been told anecdotally that SP2's msiexec.exe isn't backwards compatible with SP1, but I haven't verified it). It requires no command switches to be operated. It extracts to a temporary directory and calls the MSI file, which is run with the /qb switch (sorry all you /qn nuts). Upon completion, all setup files are deleted and Windows setup continues on its merry way.

Enjoy :)

http://www.ryanvm.net/msfn/netfxsp1.exe (11.0MB)

EDIT: Special thanks to bitmonster and evilvoice for the help in creating the 7-zip installer.


im having this problem running the slipstreamed .NET SP1 (please see attached pic)

the switch i used when running the installation is:

msiexec.exe /i netfx.msi /qb

anyway, what i want to achieve is to run this under svcpack.inf


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