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problem of the server, i'll try to upload it to my own host but be aware! sloooooow when available!

retry now!

ps: i know web hosting is a great problem but i can't find anything suitable and free :}


Check out your RIGHT MOUSE BUTTON --> SAVE AS.

It works and it is FAST!

Thanks allot to SiMoNsAyS and buletov! (but it isn't on buletovs server, is it?) :D

guys try using flashget to download the file i am downloading at 50kb right now.


i used the original link and right clicked/saved as, dled it in less than 10seconds at around 750kb/s ;)

Edit: oh, the "original" wasnt buletovs i think, was the spymac.net one

yes, im a speedwhore :/


Comment FireFox-1.0-enUS.msi FlashPlayer Integrated


File Size 6478848


I found this at www.mozilla.org

not to rain on simon's work just an alternative for member to choose which

one they like best.

REG ADD %KEY%\057 /VE /D "FireFox Browser" /f
REG ADD %KEY%\057 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\Software\FireFox\FireFox-1.0-enUS.msi /quiet" /f



Where'd you find that on their site? What does it do (ex - default browser?)

If I use it, can I somehow import favorites and settings after installation, and how?



i am still trying to figure out how to add favorites and extensions.

the author is pretty tight lip on how he is doing the msi

I just want to add FlashGot that is all i need now.


Personally, I'm not very interested in someone else's build, with whatever they chose as extensions, skins or settings. I'd rather have a basic unattended setup that's easily customizable as I got my very own list of extensions, bookmarks, search plugins, speed tweaks and what not I like to use (it would help a lot if it was easy to update the extensions).

I've seen this http://firefox.dbltree.com/ method a good while back, but never really had a time to peek at it. Now there's SiMoNsAyS pre-made setup, this "FUN" method and a bunch of various msi's around. Looks like I'll have to try them all out, see what's easier to tweak, or else do it all by myself (yes, I can get pretty lazy). So far it looks like SiMoNsAyS's build has the nicest stuff included though, now we'll have to peek to see how he did it (or perhaps you could say how to easily change things if possible... don't bother if it's too much work).

What would be even nicer is: a package with a script to build your very own one. Like, add plugins in this dir, searchplugins here, etc and then run this script that will integrate it all nicely and perhaps wrap it all up as a 7zip sfx or such... (Perhaps include a blank profile and various/required too so we don't have to create one)

Anyways, that's plans for tomorrow or the day after, I'm too busy to look at it right now :(


You're right. It seems like they've broken lots again... Thats the only thing that sucks about new versions. Hopefully it doesn't happen yet again when 1.1 comes out. I lost about half of them

What works (yay!): Adblock, All-in-one gestures, Foxytunes, ieview, weatherfox, web developper toolbar... lots of them still :)

Others are broke... BugMeNot, Checky, LiveHTTPHeaders, Keyconfig, FireSomething ... Nothing major. At least I got my essential ones working so far.

This definately reinforces my point though. We are going to have to update our packages a few times in the next few weeks, as plugins are updated/fixed to work with the new version and as newer ones are discovered/required/adopted (and chances are that the same will happen with 1.1 later on).

Just about anybody can somehow make a silent installer for firefox, but what we all need is a customizable one (with perhaps some basic/common stuff in it like SiMoNsAyS package which seems quite nice). I got no plans of spending an hour every week manually creating new packages of firefox as new versions and extensions are released... It's just too time consuming. Again, it needn't be pretty or have cute icons on the sfx, it just has to work and be maintainable, that's the challenge.

I need some sleep bad :zzz:


I am downloading installshield hopefully i will be able to figure out a way to integrate the plugins and extensions i want.

there is one thing i want to customize and that is the search bar.

I am so use to the google bar on the bottom of the address bar in IE.

I want to move it down

@simon just for clarification

let say i am john doe (username) and I installl flashgot, Then

if i log on as jane doe (username) and i launch FireFox will i also have the FlashGot Extension?



isnt there already a vbs script or something that searches through two dirs (themes and extensions) and installs them accordingly?? Cant remember why im not using it tho...

Other than that i totally agree with you, until there is an easy customizable installer that does more or less everything (themes etc) we shouldnt really be partying too hard.

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