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  • 2 weeks later...

We had picked an ambitious target release date for Firefox 1.0 - 9/14 then 10/11 that proved un-attainable if we were going to achieve the quality our users demand. Hitting our new target date, 11/9 - our new and final release date, is still going to be a difficult task.

this is from the official roadmap of firefox so at least until 11/10 no (i want to update when the final version is released), but as you can read this date is moving again and again so i can't say anything at this moment.


@lilweirddude please tell us more. isn't it running? it opens on notepad? try rightclicking it and run it from there to see if it works.

Simon the new release Firefox Setup (1.0rc1, en-US) does not accept the old themes. just wanted to let u know.

f****! :angry:

better let skinners update their files....

ps: still waiting to 11/10!



It's not an AntiVirus problem

Make sure you have a file called WSHOM.OCX in SYSTEM32 folder (I think it's the file needed for this object)

Edit PREPARE.VBS with NOTEPAD and replace line 4 and 5 with

Set WSS = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set FSO = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

I don't see why it don't work :blink:

Posted (edited)

Theme\Extension Collection: (Profile\Extended)

Extensions: AdBlock, MAF, miniT, OpenBook, Sort Bookmarks

Themes: Charamel, Curacao, Doodle Plastik, Noia (extreme)

Firefox_1.0RC1.exe (7.70 mb)

Firefox_1.0RC1.exe /silent /nocancel

reg add %Key%\065 /VE /D "FireFox" /f
reg add %Key%\065 /V 1 /D "%CDROM%\Software\FireFox\Firefox_1.0RC1.exe  /silent /nocancel" /f

created by michael


Edited by Astalavista

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