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@Mekrel, i see, i think i've found it, forgot to include the "/I" switch over XCOPY command. issue should be solved adding it to the cmdline but i've never had this problem before. if you can please try to reproduce it modifying the line

REM Defaults\profile
XCOPY /Y /E /Q /H /R /I "%SYSTEMDRIVE%\Firefox\Setup\DefaultsProfile" "%SHORTPF%\MOZILL~1\defaults\profile"

thanks man ;)

@bonedaddy, so just rebuilding the file solved it?? lol


I thought the xcopy switches came after the destination? Probably dont matter being as you know what your doing :)

Simon the Icon on my comp looks real poor how can i change the installer back to the original icon?


i don't use quick batch file converter and i think it's not free. anyway i want to preserve the .cmd form so every1 can edit it, this was the main purpose.

if you read carefully you'll see that the window only stops if the process is not uA (?) and this is solved if you add the parameter /I to every xcopy command.

if you want to totally hide the .cmd you just need to use cmdow (delete "rem" to activate it on setup.cmd).

i think this is the most suitable solution for every1 and is also the best way to remain the installer customizable.


Astalavista why are you so bothered about seeing a CMD window poping up for like a milli secodn when CMDOW @ /HID is used??


I've been at this some time but somehow couldn't manage to ge things right using SiMoNsAyS' first guide - profile and extensions just wouldn't install.

I like the latest method - easy, clean, just one file and easy to enter into runonceex. But (you knew there was a but coming right?) I would like to localize my version of FF. In my case it's the Dutch version. So what I would like to know: how extensively was the original installer edited? Would it be easy / do-able to edit the dutch installer, or could I add the nl_NL.xpi from the Dutch installer to the silent setup (and possibly copy config.ini cause that seems to be file that sets the language file / reg entries etc.)?


@Mekrel, i boosted the icon size up to 128x128. if you change it to 64x64 or something similar you'll see the difference. bigger=better :P

you can always reshack firefox.exe and restore the original icon

@ArmyDoc, thanks for your comments dude.

add a langpack is really easy. you only need to put the dutch.xpi on XPI\ dir and add a parameter to the shortcut (i do it automatically on the installation, you can look at my shortcuts on Setup\shortcuts\es-ES dir), so the command line will look like...

firefox.exe -UILocale nl-NL -contentLocale NL


Hey no problem, Glad to help.

Thanks a lot for the installer it works great.

However I use this on clients computers so I only need a few basics in the installer.

flash plugin

ie view extension

all in one gestures extension

tab browser prefs extension

My homepage.

Is there a way to remove all your extensions and plugins?

flash plugin is integrated on the installer.

for ieview, all in one gestores and tab browser prefs, just download the XPIs and place them on Setup\XPI.

finally for your homepage you just need to place your custom bookmarks.html from your profile. about this you can take a look at defaults\profile method.

with the installer is not provided any extension, only plugin, most of them basic but if you still want to remove them (including flash plugin) you'll need to open the XPIs with winrar and delete the plugin\ dir contents.

Sounds good..

How about:

removing ADT (Advanced Developer Tools) Component.

Removed certain searchplugins: Amazon, eBay and Creative

* Added certain searchplugins: MSFN, Filemirrors, Google (images), IMDB, Microsoft

- Removed certain searchplugins: Babelfish Translation (SP/EN, EN/SP)

So can I just add back the plugins for ebay and amazon and remove the ones for MSFN etc from the xpi.

Also you didn't say which xpi.

Is it browser.xpi?


to remove adt you'll need to edit config.ini, there are instructions attached to first post.

i didn't say which xpi because to remove plugins you'll need to edit browser.xpi and to add searchplugins you'll need to edit en-US.xpi

add a langpack is really easy. you only need to put the dutch.xpi on XPI\ dir and add a parameter to the shortcut (i do it automatically on the installation, you can look at my shortcuts on Setup\shortcuts\es-ES dir), so the command line will look like...

firefox.exe -UILocale nl-NL -contentLocale NL

Wow, that IS easy. Just to be totally clear: you mean the desktop shortcuts, right? Not the installation command. Thought so..

Then I have just one last question - how do you auto-setup the shortcuts? Through config.ini, or are they installed automatically no matter what?

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