evilvoice Posted September 9, 2004 Posted September 9, 2004 well, thank you...I only really read the first post...but isnt your method the exact same thing being tried here? I mean, what is the difference between the 2...why is one method better than the other (other than the problems this one had...if this method worked, what are the benefits of this method?)
Pyron Posted September 9, 2004 Posted September 9, 2004 If this one would work as expected, there wouldn't be much difference. I prefer using my presetup.cmd, however, because I am much more flexible in what I do before setup starts and even afterwards before reboot. (Like uncompressing drivers before, setting registry keys, cleaning up, etc.)So it depends of what you need to to.Choice, the problem is choice. -- Neo, Matrix Reloaded-- Pyron
evilvoice Posted September 9, 2004 Posted September 9, 2004 well, then, I dont mean to diss on serialzs, but I have no idea why this thread is a sticky...if yours does the exact same thing that this one will do in the end, and yours works currently...i personally think this thread should be unstickied...sorry serialzs, but I just dont get the differences between the 2, if there are any.
idle.newbie Posted September 9, 2004 Posted September 9, 2004 the only difference is Pyron's method works, drvz never works currently(without OemPnPDriversPath). T-39 just too late for the regTweak.another advantage from Pyron's method, you don't need the OemPreinstall=Yes, compress everything in $OEM$\$$ & $1(cmdow/codecs/more), extract it from presetup.cmd.the problem is people loves the gui way, somebody hate the batch script.
Bâshrat the Sneaky Posted September 9, 2004 Posted September 9, 2004 well, then, I dont mean to diss on serialzs, but I have no idea why this thread is a sticky...if yours does the exact same thing that this one will do in the end, and yours works currently...i personally think this thread should be unstickied...sorry serialzs, but I just dont get the differences between the 2, if there are any.OK, I think it's time to clarify why I stickied this topic.With this method you don't have to change alot, IF it would be working, which it isn't... Personally I thought this method is easier than Pyron's method. But now it seems that, even after several times of modifying the files, Serialzs couldn't manage to get it to work.Also I'd want to apologize to Pyron and to everyone of this board that I stickied it BEFORE it was tested decently: it was only tested on Serialzs computer...So why did I prefer this one: because it's UNIFORM (again: if it was working). With Pyron's method you still have to point to EACH compressed file to extract it. On the other side this is an advantage, because you can choose your own folder structure (you're not stuck with a fixed folder).If I forgot to say something, please tell me.Unstickied this topic. (I may reconsider if it _finally_ gets to work)Take a look in Pyron's topic. (which seemed to be easier and certainly better after all...)Thanks for your understanding, Bâshrat the Sneaky, Device Drivers forum Moderator
serialzs Posted September 11, 2004 Author Posted September 11, 2004 @allim really sorry for the DRVZ.EXE it doesnt working...i make a new DRVZ.EXE but i use the Pyron's method... it will RUNS even it doesnt have a Winnt.SIF you have to follow the guide of pyron's methodclick herejust add this codes in the top presetup.cmdIF Exist temp.cmd del temp.cmdIF Exist temp1.cmd del temp1.cmdIF Exist temp2.cmd del temp2.cmdfor %%a in (d: e: f: g: h: i: j: k: l: m: n: o: p: q: r: s: t: u: v: w: x: y: z:) do if exist "%%a\$OEM$\Driverz" set drv=%%a\$OEM$\Driverzfor %%i in (%drv%\*.cab %drv%\*.7z) do echo %%i>> temp.logxrep +T#-c temp.log /%drv%/MD#32%systemdrive%\Driverz/If Not Exist %drv%\*.cab goto nextfor %%i in (%drv%\*.cab) do echo %%i%%iz>> temp1.logxrep -c temp.log /.CABxrep +T#-c temp1.log /%drv%/Expand.EXE#32%drv%/xrep +T#-c temp1.log /.cab/.cab#32-f:*#32%systemdrive%\driverz/xrep +T#-c temp1.log /zExpand.EXE#32%drv%/z/xrep +T#-c temp1.log /.cab#32-f:*#32%systemdrive%\driverzz:nextIf Not Exist %drv%\*.7z goto next1for %%i in (%drv%\*.7z) do echo %%i%%i>> temp2.logxrep -c temp.log /.7zxrep +T#-c temp2.log /%drv%/7za.EXE#32x#32-y#32-o#%systemdrive%\Driverz/xrep +T#-c temp2.log /.7z7za.EXE#32x#32-y#32-o#%systemdrive%\Driverz/#32%drv%/:next1ren *.log *.cmdcmd /c "temp.cmd"If Exist temp1.cmd cmd /c "temp1.cmd"If Exist temp2.cmd cmd /c "temp2.cmd"im sure it will RUN smooth...just add the XREP.EX_ in i386 folder then add this line in TXTSETUP.SIF7za.ex_ is still needed...[SourceDisksFiles]7za.exe = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0xrep.exe = 1,,,,,,,2,0,0i will post here the real guide soon including all the files needed...-=[serialzs]=-Xrep.ex_
serialzs Posted September 11, 2004 Author Posted September 11, 2004 @allheres the link for download, w/ guide... Last modified 9/11/2004 click here
atlas95 Posted October 2, 2004 Posted October 2, 2004 That is the correct command I must use? I'm not sur @echo offIF Exist temp.cmd del temp.cmdIF Exist temp1.cmd del temp1.cmdIF Exist temp2.cmd del temp2.cmdfor %%a in (d: e: f: g: h: i: j: k: l: m: n: o: p: q: r: s: t: u: v: w: x: y: z:) do if exist "%%a\$OEM$\Driverz" set drv=%%a\$OEM$\Driverzfor %%i in (%drv%\*.cab %drv%\*.7z) do echo %%i>> temp.logxrep +T#-c temp.log /%drv%/MD#32%systemdrive%\Driverz/If Not Exist %drv%\*.cab goto nextfor %%i in (%drv%\*.cab) do echo %%i%%iz>> temp1.logxrep -c temp.log /.CABxrep +T#-c temp1.log /%drv%/Expand.EXE#32%drv%/xrep +T#-c temp1.log /.cab/.cab#32-f:*#32%systemdrive%\driverz/xrep +T#-c temp1.log /zExpand.EXE#32%drv%/z/xrep +T#-c temp1.log /.cab#32-f:*#32%systemdrive%\driverzz:nextIf Not Exist %drv%\*.7z goto next1for %%i in (%drv%\*.7z) do echo %%i%%i>> temp2.logxrep -c temp.log /.7zxrep +T#-c temp2.log /%drv%/7za.EXE#32x#32-y#32-o#%systemdrive%\Driverz/xrep +T#-c temp2.log /.7z7za.EXE#32x#32-y#32-o#%systemdrive%\Driverz/#32%drv%/:next1ren *.log *.cmdcmd /c "temp.cmd"If Exist temp1.cmd cmd /c "temp1.cmd"If Exist temp2.cmd cmd /c "temp2.cmd"set tagfile=\WIN51for %%p in (c: d: e: f: g: h: i: j: k: l: m: n: o: p: q: r: s: t: u: v: w: x: y: z:) do if exist "%%p%tagfile%" set CDDRIVE=%%p%systemdrive%cd %windir%\system32REM Scanning for driverdirectories%systemroot%\system32\DevPath.exe %systemdrive%\\Driverzif exist setup.exe ren setup.exe setupold.execmd /c "del /f /q *.~xc"start /WAIT setuporg.exe -newsetupREM +=======================================================+REM | Comment out what you don't need. These are mostly |REM | examples to give you an idea of how it all works. |REM +=======================================================+REM +=======================================================+REM | Finding CDROM driveletter |REM |-------------------------------------------------------|set tagfile=\WIN51for %%i in (c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do if exist "%%i:%tagfile%" set CDDRIVE=%%i:REM +=======================================================+REM +=======================================================+REM | We should be already in system32, this is just to be |REM | sure |REM |-------------------------------------------------------|%SystemDrive%cd %SystemRoot%\system32REM +=======================================================+REM +=======================================================+REM | Trick Windows into identifying the original setup.exe |REM | deleting the setup.exe will not work, just rename it |REM |-------------------------------------------------------|if exist setup.exe ren setup.exe setupold.exeif exist setupORG.exe ren setupORG.exe setup.exeREM +=======================================================+REM +=======================================================+REM | Do other stuff like copying useful tools (optional) |REM |-------------------------------------------------------|cd %SystemRoot%\system32%CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\7za.exe x -y -aoa %CDDRIVE%\OEM\data\System32.7zREM +=======================================================+REM +=======================================================+REM | If you are using compressed drivers unpack them here: |REM |-------------------------------------------------------|%SystemDrive%cd \%CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\7za.exe x -y -aoa %CDDRIVE%\OEM\drivers.7zREM +=======================================================+REM +=======================================================+REM | Scanning for driverdirectories |REM | ONLY USE ONE OF THE FOLLOWING COMMANDS, NOT BOTH! |REM |-------------------------------------------------------|REM | This one is for uncompressed drivers on the CD |REM %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\SetDevicePath.exe %CDDRIVE%\OEM\driversREM | This one is for your unpacked drivers on your HD |%CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\SetDevicePath.exe %SystemDrive%\driversREM +=======================================================+REM +=======================================================+REM | Enable installation of unsigned drivers |REM |-------------------------------------------------------|start %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exeREM +=======================================================+REM +=======================================================+REM | Prepare later installations (optional) |REM |-------------------------------------------------------|SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceExREG ADD %KEY%\998 /V 1 /D "%CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\t-13_install.cmd" /FREG ADD %KEY%\999 /V 1 /D "REG ADD %KEY%\zzz999 /V 1 /D %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\postinstall.cmd /F" /FREM +=======================================================+REM +=======================================================+REM | Finally start the installation with the originally |REM | given parameters |REM |-------------------------------------------------------|start /WAIT setup.exe %*REM +=======================================================+REM +=======================================================+REM | Cleanup |RD /Q /S %SystemDrive%\driversREM | Reset DevicePath |%CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\SetDevicePath.exe %SystemRoot%\InfREM +=======================================================+REM +=======================================================+REM | Reset DriverPolicy |REM |-------------------------------------------------------|REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Driver Signing" /V Policy /T REG_DWORD /D 1REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Driver Signing" /v BehaviorOnFailedVerify /T REG_DWORD /D 1REG ADD "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Driver Signing" /V Policy /T REG_BINARY /D 01REM +=======================================================+I've try on my computer that:I've put setuporg.exe,presetup.cmd (this presetup.cmd :@echo offIF Exist temp.cmd del temp.cmdIF Exist temp1.cmd del temp1.cmdIF Exist temp2.cmd del temp2.cmdfor %%a in (d: e: f: g: h: i: j: k: l: m: n: o: p: q: r: s: t: u: v: w: x: y: z:) do if exist "%%a\$OEM$\Driverz" set drv=%%a\$OEM$\Driverzfor %%i in (%drv%\*.cab %drv%\*.7z) do echo %%i>> temp.logxrep +T#-c temp.log /%drv%/MD#32%systemdrive%\Driverz/If Not Exist %drv%\*.cab goto nextfor %%i in (%drv%\*.cab) do echo %%i%%iz>> temp1.logxrep -c temp.log /.CABxrep +T#-c temp1.log /%drv%/Expand.EXE#32%drv%/xrep +T#-c temp1.log /.cab/.cab#32-f:*#32%systemdrive%\driverz/xrep +T#-c temp1.log /zExpand.EXE#32%drv%/z/xrep +T#-c temp1.log /.cab#32-f:*#32%systemdrive%\driverzz:nextIf Not Exist %drv%\*.7z goto next1for %%i in (%drv%\*.7z) do echo %%i%%i>> temp2.logxrep -c temp.log /.7zxrep +T#-c temp2.log /%drv%/7za.EXE#32x#32-y#32-o#%systemdrive%\Driverz/xrep +T#-c temp2.log /.7z7za.EXE#32x#32-y#32-o#%systemdrive%\Driverz/#32%drv%/:next1ren *.log *.cmdcmd /c "temp.cmd"If Exist temp1.cmd cmd /c "temp1.cmd"If Exist temp2.cmd cmd /c "temp2.cmd"set tagfile=\WIN51for %%p in (c: d: e: f: g: h: i: j: k: l: m: n: o: p: q: r: s: t: u: v: w: x: y: z:) do if exist "%%p%tagfile%" set CDDRIVE=%%p%systemdrive%cd %windir%\system32REM Scanning for driverdirectories%systemroot%\system32\DevPath.exe %systemdrive%\\Driverzif exist setup.exe ren setup.exe setupold.execmd /c "del /f /q *.~xc"start /WAIT setuporg.exe -newsetup ), xrep.exe, devpath.exe, presetup.cmd in system32 and my driverz\driverz.cab in systemdrive.When I launch presetup.cmd a lot of cmd.exe and setuporg.exe appear in prossessus and 5minutes later I listen a sound of windows error...is it normal?And when I try with vmware, install of windows seems block because it stay a lot lot lot of time on a blue screen (not fatal blue screen) and next it say me it hasn't any virtual memory...I try since 3 days to do correct install of drivers with this methoh but I'm totaly lost and with my medium english I understant not all, if a french guy can help me in private and on msn messenger Regards
moo Posted October 3, 2004 Posted October 3, 2004 Hi atlas95.1. look this forum for another setup.ex_ from pyron and replace it.2. drivers must be packed with 7zip with .7z.3. are you made changes in textsetup file?3. I using clear pyron method without problem, here is my presetup.cmd:[REM +=======================================================+REM | Finding CDROM driveletter |REM +=======================================================+set tagfile=\WIN51for %%i in (c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do if exist "%%i:%tagfile%" set CDDRIVE=%%i:REM +=======================================================+REM | We should be already in system32, this is just to be |REM | sure |REM +=======================================================+%SystemDrive%CD %SystemRoot%\system32REM +=======================================================+REM | Trick Windows into identifying the original setup.exe |REM | deleting the setup.exe will not work, just rename it |REM +=======================================================+if exist setup.exe ren setup.exe setupold.exeif exist setupORG.exe ren setupORG.exe setup.exeREM +=======================================================+REM | Unpack the drivers |REM +=======================================================+MKDIR "%SystemDrive%\Install\Drivers"FOR %%I IN (%CDDRIVE%\$OEM$\Drivers\*.7z) DO "%CDDRIVE%\$OEM$\Bin\7za.exe" x "%%I" -y -aoa -o"%SystemDrive%\Install\Drivers"REM +=======================================================+REM | Copy uncompressed driver-dirs |REM +=======================================================+FOR /D %%I IN (%CDDRIVE%\$OEM$\Drivers\*) DO XCOPY "%%I" "%SystemDrive%\Install\Drivers\%%~nxI" /S /I /E /C /H /R /YREM +=======================================================+REM | Scanning for driverdirectories |REM +=======================================================+%CDDRIVE%\$OEM$\Bin\SetDevicePath.exe %SystemDrive%\Install\DriversREM +=======================================================+REM | Enable installation of unsigned drivers |REM +=======================================================+start %CDDRIVE%\$OEM$\Bin\WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exe]hope helpsmoo
serialzs Posted October 3, 2004 Author Posted October 3, 2004 @atlas95edit your presetup.cmd and do it like this...@echo offREM+=======================================================+REM | Serialzs Unattended Guide |REM | Auto Extracting *.CAB and *.7z Files |REM |----------------------------------------------|IF Exist temp.cmd del temp.cmdIF Exist temp1.cmd del temp1.cmdIF Exist temp2.cmd del temp2.cmdfor %%a in (d: e: f: g: h: i: j: k: l: m: n: o: p: q: r: s: t: u: v: w: x: y: z:) do if exist "%%a\$OEM$\Driverz" set drv=%%a\$OEM$\Driverzfor %%i in (%drv%\*.cab %drv%\*.7z) do echo %%i>> temp.logxrep +T#-c temp.log /%drv%/MD#32%systemdrive%\Driverz/If Not Exist %drv%\*.cab goto nextfor %%i in (%drv%\*.cab) do echo %%i%%iz>> temp1.logxrep -c temp.log /.CABxrep +T#-c temp1.log /%drv%/Expand.EXE#32%drv%/xrep +T#-c temp1.log /.cab/.cab#32-f:*#32%systemdrive%\driverz/xrep +T#-c temp1.log /zExpand.EXE#32%drv%/z/xrep +T#-c temp1.log /.cab#32-f:*#32%systemdrive%\driverzz:nextIf Not Exist %drv%\*.7z goto next1for %%i in (%drv%\*.7z) do echo %%i%%i>> temp2.logxrep -c temp.log /.7zxrep +T#-c temp2.log /%drv%/7za.EXE#32x#32-y#32-o#%systemdrive%\Driverz/xrep +T#-c temp2.log /.7z7za.EXE#32x#32-y#32-o#%systemdrive%\Driverz/#32%drv%/:next1ren *.log *.cmdcmd /c "temp.cmd"If Exist temp1.cmd cmd /c "temp1.cmd"If Exist temp2.cmd cmd /c "temp2.cmd"REM+==============================================+REM | Scanning for driverdirectories |REM |------------------------------------------------------|%systemroot%\system32\DevPath.exe %systemdrive%\\Driverzcmd /c "del /f /q *.~xc"REM+==============================================+REM +==================================+REM | Finding CDROM driveletter |REM |-------------------------------------------------------|set tagfile=\WIN51for %%i in (c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z) do if exist "%%i:%tagfile%" set CDDRIVE=%%i:REM +======================================+REM+=============================================+REM | We should be already in system32, this is just to be |REM | sure |REM |-------------------------------------------------------|%SystemDrive%cd %SystemRoot%\system32REM +============================================+REM +============================================+REM | Trick Windows into identifying the original setup.exe |REM | deleting the setup.exe will not work, just rename it |REM |-------------------------------------------------------|if exist setup.exe ren setup.exe setupold.exeif exist setupORG.exe ren setupORG.exe setup.exeREM +============================================+REM +============================================+REM | Enable installation of unsigned drivers |REM |-------------------------------------------------------|start %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\WatchDriverSigningPolicy.exeREM +============================================+REM +============================================+REM | Prepare later installations (optional) |REM |-------------------------------------------------------|SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceExREG ADD %KEY%\998 /V 1 /D "%CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\t-13_install.cmd" /FREG ADD %KEY%\999 /V 1 /D "REG ADD %KEY%\zzz999 /V 1 /D %CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\postinstall.cmd /F" /FREM +============================================+REM +============================================+REM | Finally start the installation with the originally |REM | given parameters |REM |-------------------------------------------------------|start /WAIT setup.exe %*REM +============================================+REM +============================================+REM | Cleanup |REM |--------------------------------------------------|RD /Q /S %SystemDrive%\driverzREM +============================================+REM +============================================+REM | Reset DevicePath |REM |--------------------------------------------------|%CDDRIVE%\OEM\bin\SetDevicePath.exe %SystemRoot%\InfREM +============================================+REM +============================================+REM | Reset DriverPolicy |REM |--------------------------------------------------|REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Driver Signing" /V Policy /T REG_DWORD /D 1REG ADD "HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows NT\Driver Signing" /v BehaviorOnFailedVerify /T REG_DWORD /D 1REG ADD "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Driver Signing" /V Policy /T REG_BINARY /D 01REM +============================================+and follow the folder distribution or structure in my GUIDE... -=[serialzs]=-
aerain Posted October 19, 2004 Posted October 19, 2004 Hello, All!I administer about 8 different types of PC's and Laptops from Compaq, Dell, and Toshiba. I want to add ALL the neccarey video, NIC, and sound drivers to any PC/Laptop's in my area.How do I go about adding ALL the drivers into an unattended install CD (not DVD)? I did a search of this on the forums and found out that there is a limitation to the OEMPNPDRIVER path. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
arry Posted October 20, 2004 Posted October 20, 2004 Use Bashrats compressed driver packs and Pyrons Method. Simply have a look at this:http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=30190
serialzs Posted October 20, 2004 Author Posted October 20, 2004 @aerainsorrie for delayed reply...have you tried my method???is it not functioning well??? -=[serialzs]=-
Powerhouse Posted November 3, 2004 Posted November 3, 2004 Ok, just as there wasn't a lot of space saved trying to use this method with the Appz folder, I only saved about 7megs zipping up all my drivers (from 38megs to 31megs).I think its time to buy a DVD recorder, and get rid of the CD-R's...
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