JohnnyDo Posted September 7, 2004 Posted September 7, 2004 ok .. that has got me puzzeled. all that it is is a zip file with a dozen .reg files in it. I have NAV 2004 with newest updates.Could it be possible that the program your useing thinks it's a virus based on file name ?? *shrugs**edit*I just downloaded the file (it checked out fine) so I renamed it and uplaoded it againJohnny Do's Reg TweaksSeriously though what you said has me concerned. I just don't see how a virus program would give you a result like that unless it was doign it by file name alone.Either way I gave you a new link and I challenge anyone to prove me wrong. Both files are up and running.
--=ddSHADOW=-- Posted September 7, 2004 Posted September 7, 2004 no trojan found i use latest SOPHOS Antivirus with all updates.
evilvoice Posted September 7, 2004 Posted September 7, 2004 hmmm, so now that JohnnyDo has completed a list of ALL tweaks...can a mod close this thread and open a new one with the first post being the reg file of JohnnyDo? And then we can all post NEW TWEAKS in this new thread? just a thought, cuz to me, this thread has really gotten cumbersome...
idle.newbie Posted September 7, 2004 Posted September 7, 2004 Here is my tweak to add Un/Register commands in right click menu for dll/ax files. It's usefull for those who make their own codec packs and mess around with codecs.4 line 4 XP...@REG ADD "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.ax\shell\Register\command" /VE /D "%SystemRoot%\system32\regsvr32.exe \"%%1\"" /F@REG ADD "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.ax\shell\UnRegister\command" /VE /D "%SystemRoot%\system32\regsvr32.exe /u \"%%1\"" /F@REG ADD "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\dllfile\shell\Register\command" /VE /D "%SystemRoot%\system32\regsvr32.exe \"%%1\"" /F@REG ADD "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\dllfile\shell\UnRegister\command" /VE /D "%SystemRoot%\system32\regsvr32.exe /u \"%%1\"" /F
glent Posted September 7, 2004 Posted September 7, 2004 Thank u JohnnyDo. yeah i think its time to close this thread.*EDIT can some one else host this reg file as the link is down .Id be happy if someoen could mail me it!
war59312 Posted September 7, 2004 Posted September 7, 2004 JohnnyDo hope you dont mind.'
prathapml Posted September 7, 2004 Posted September 7, 2004 so now that JohnnyDo has completed a list of ALL tweaks...can a mod close this thread and open a new one with the first post being the reg file of JohnnyDo? And then we can all post NEW TWEAKS in this new thread?Yes please.......I concur with that statement, 922 posts in one thread ought be enough to enter the Guinness Book of World Records. And people - please note we DON'T WANT funny replies (therefore swelling this thread further) to this post stating that the record is not achieved yet. This thread is not pinned currently because of all the junk in here - and everybody just starts other threads for registry tweaks, or they don't try searching this thread simply because it grew too big for its own good. Locking this one and starting a new pinned regtweaks thread just might breathe fresh life into our tweaking quests. Quite reasonable one this request by evil voice is. @Moderators ???
Nologic Posted September 7, 2004 Posted September 7, 2004 JohnnyDo -You sure you got all of them....just doing a quick line count between your file and mine (page 86) stripped of all comments, with nearly always a single line return between keys (didn't get anal about it)....I came up with about a 700 line diff....and I know I don't have all the tweaks in this thread as of yet. I'm not knocking your work....just questioning is all. To be fair tho...I have updated that file a few times since it was orginally posted....probably grew by 800 lines or so....with still much to add.
JohnnyDo Posted September 7, 2004 Posted September 7, 2004 WAR:I dont' mind at all. It's funny though because both links still work for me. I will be taking down the second link as there is no need for me to use up web space for duplicates.the link to Johnny Do's Reg Tweaks will stay up.Nologic:there was a few items such as visual settings and window placement that alone have several lines of code each. I hav not included these things a visual settings are personal to each person. The tweaks I have here are performance related, added features (contect menus, add users, open file with, etc). I hae also excluded a few such as disabling the swap file as most people do not have 1 gig or more of ram and disabling the swap file with less thena gig would probably lead to more problems then good. I went out to create a file that is much more generic that can be used on anyone's computer without adverse affects. By all means take a look at your reg file and look at the files I made and you can compare and add which ever you need.
neophyte Posted September 7, 2004 Posted September 7, 2004 ...Yes please.......I concur with that statement, 922 posts in one thread ought be enough to enter the Guinness Book of World Records...Only 922 posts?*coughs*Try 5700+ is a forum which I am a member of, and regularly visit. The forums are handcoded. The forum database (at last check) for each forum was just over 150MB, and compressed was approximately 8MB. The forums don't have any of the advanced features of forums such as phpBB, or Invision, but they do the job
evilvoice Posted September 9, 2004 Posted September 9, 2004 JohnnyDo, as I was going through your reg tweaks, I found some errors...not a lot, but some...if I get time, Ill go through and fix them and send them back to you...also, for tcpip parameters, you use dword this correct, or should they be strings? stuff like "DefaultTTL"And also, I would like to add that first I run HKCU at cmdlines.txt, then I run both HKCU and registry .reg during runonceex (I rerun HKCU just to make sure settings are applied), but I decided to make a inno setup installer for the reg tweaks...has anyone else thought of doing this, or done it? Ive completed it, just havent applied reason for doing this is for some reason, some tweaks never get put thinking its because of some of my heading might be interfering with the I changed to inno setup and will test how it goes...but I was able to remove some errors I worse comes to worse, if some of your settings arent applying, get ISTOOL 4 and dump your reg settings inside, then look through each item and see if it looks right...reg_expand_sz does not import correctly, so thatll look weird...basically if you see any value with hex(2) in it, change the key from strings to expandsz, and type in the word, not the numbers (hex(2) comes like 25,00,50,00 and in inno setup, it needs to read %systemdrive% thats what I mean)
JohnnyDo Posted September 9, 2004 Posted September 9, 2004 to the best of my knowledge its dword ......If you don't mind sending me those errors I'd love to fix them up. Take into consideration that I copied the info for most of them from this forum and a fe other web sites so i can only assume they are correct unless I made a coupel spelling mistakes.but yeah lmk what you have when your done. (prefer e-mail as I am not a regular forum user here right now)
evilvoice Posted September 9, 2004 Posted September 9, 2004 I notice you have one big this all the other reg files combined into one...if so I could fix that one up and send that one to you...but if the others contain stuff not in the big reg file, I could fix all of them up and send you those. Shouldnt take me long as most of the settings I have, so I know what they are supposed to be...yea, some of the ones posted here are wrong...and I could tell, the ones that I know are wrong are from this thread...I just havent gotten around to making a post here as to which ones are wrong.
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