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Registry Tweaks, Part-1

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for the same reason anyone would want to convert a reg file to an inf file ..lol :)

i want it because i use a folder full of reg files processed with a command like this..

for %%i in (%systemdrive%\install\regtweaks\*.reg) do start /wait regedit /s %%i

seeing as regedit exports reg files it makes things a whole lot easier

if i need to add or remove a tweak i just drop it in or move it out of the folder

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I've found a cool script (dunno where, i think Kazaa, coz it was in my kazaa folder)to convert .reg registry exports to INF file with addreg!

I think this is the main site for that:


my foreign language skills are a little rusty but from what I could translate quickly from the readme file with it, its for winNT and not 2000 or XP.

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Hey how can we disable the windows start-up shutdown, log-on log-off sounds by tweaks or something like that even for the first boot?

Well by having a quick look in the registry I'd say it's the next registry entry that you could use:


My Guesstimate is that windows looks at just this registry key and adjusts the following subkeys with this value.

But I'll try it out soon.

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I'm not bright enough to have an original registry tweak; however, here is a "registry tip" I thought up all by myself.

After I complete a fresh installation of XP, I export from the registry this key:


Then when I've completed setting up services to my liking, I export the same key again ...

This way I'll have it ready to setup Services instantly for me the way I like them should I re-install or do a repair install.

If I choose to revert back to default settings, I have that too.

Actually, it's more of a time-saver tweak I guess.

Oh, wait. I have one more:

I setup my Security Settings according to this page:http://www.jfitz.com/tips/ie_security_config.html

I feel pretty secure with these settings; however, you can't use Windows Update with your Security Settings setup this way. So, before I adjust my settings, I export this key: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\Zones. (That's the Default Settings.)

After I have them setup, I export that same key again, and name it "Adjusted Settings.reg"

Then when I need to get to Windows Update, I click and add the Default Setting reg file. When I'm done updating, I click on my Adjusted Settings reg file.

Credit to Dirk Diggler for helping find the registry key I wanted to export.

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These tweaks allows you to control access to the Internet Explorer setup and control panel functions (found under Tools -> Internet Options).

Open your registry and find the key below. Create a new DWORD value based on the options below (the name in bold), and set the new value to equal "1" to enable the restriction or "0" to disable the restriction.

User Key: [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Control Panel]

System Key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Control Panel]

  • Accessibility - disables all options under Accessibility
  • Advanced - Prevent changes to advanced settings
  • AdvancedTab - removes Advanced tab
  • Autoconfig - Prevent changes to Automatic Configuration
  • Cache - Prevent changes to temporary file settings
  • CalendarContact - Prevent changes to calender and contacts
  • Certificates - Prevent changes to security certificates
  • CertifPers - prevents changing Personal Certificate options
  • CertifPub - prevents changing Publisher Certificate options
  • CertifSite - prevents changing Site Certificate options
  • Check_If_Default - Prevent changes to default browser check
  • Colors - Prevent Color changes
  • Connection Settings - Prevent changes to connection settings
  • Connection Wizard - Disable the Connection Wizard
  • ConnectionsTab - removes Connections tab
  • Connwiz Admin Lock - disables the Internet Connection Wizard
  • ContentTab - removes Content tab
  • Fonts - Disable font changes
  • FormSuggest - disables AutoComplete for forms
  • FormSuggest Passwords - prevents Prompt me to save password from being displayed
  • GeneralTab - removes General tab
  • History - Disable changes to History settings
  • HomePage - Disable changes to Home Page settings
  • Languages - Disable Language changes
  • Links - Disable Links changes
  • Messaging - Disable Messaging changes
  • Privacy Settings - prevents changs to privacy settings
  • PrivacyTab - removes Privacy tab
  • Profiles - Disable changes to Profiles
  • ProgramsTab - removes Programs tab
  • Proxy - Disable changes to Proxy settings
  • Ratings - Disable Ratings changes
  • ResetWebSettings - disables the Reset web Setting button
  • SecAddSites - prevents adding Sites to any zone
  • SecChangeSettings - prevents changing Security Levels for the Internet Zone
  • SecurityTab - removes Security tab
  • Settings - prevents any changes to Temporary Internet Files
  • Wallet - Disable changes to Wallet settings

Restart Internet Explorer for the changes to take effect.

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