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couple of new reg tweaks 4 ya

;Disable Windows File Protection

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]


;Disable the Ability to Remotely Shutdown the Computer Browser Service




;Increase the USB Polling Interval



;Disable Prefetcher

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Managemen]


;Clear the Page File at System Shutdown

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]


;Launch Windows Desktop in a Separate Process



;Disable User Tracking





;Disable the Creation of Last Known Good

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]


;Add QuickEdit To Command Prompt



;Remove System Folders Baricade







;Don't Group Similar Taskbar Buttons





;Disable ScreenSaver

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Control Panel\Desktop]


;Remove the Help Option from the Start Menu





;Force the Control Panel Classic Display Style



;Default Command Prompt Color

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Command Processor]

"DefaultColor"=dword:any combination you'll choose

first value is background second is forground eg. 0000000a=light green on black

0=black 8=gray

1=blue 9=light blue

2=green a=light green

3=aqua b=light aqua

4=red c=light red

5=purple d=light purple

6=yellow e=light yellow

7=white f=bright white

----===CAPO DI TUTTI CAPI===---


Here's a new one for you guys. This keeps Windows from creating the Admin$, C$, etc. shares automatically on startup.

;Disable Default Hidden Shares


Hi Guys,

Is there a working registry tweaks that saves the Visual Effects setting which is located in "Control Panel > System > Performance > Visual Effect"? I notice when i change the settings and then go the Registry editor, nothing changes shows up. I also tried to use a registry tracer with such luck too. That's what puzzle me. Any hints guys onthis?

Also, is there one for the Views Option for Windows Explorer?


Here's a new one for you guys.  This keeps Windows from creating the Admin$, C$, etc. shares automatically on startup.
;Disable Default Hidden Shares

Thanks for the tweak, but you should add the [ and ] or it won't work :)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00



Hi Guys,

Here are some Internet Tweaks for you. :)



;-------------------Not to Cache Failed DNS Entries.---------------------------

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


;---Optimizes your TCP/IP for High Speed Cable internet connections.-------

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


;--Optimum TCP/IP values for DSL Internet connections that implement PPPoE----

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


;--------Faster loading of Web Pages-------------

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings]

Here's a new one for you guys.  This keeps Windows from creating the Admin$, C$, etc. shares automatically on startup.
;Disable Default Hidden Shares

Thanks for the tweak, but you should add the [ and ] or it won't work :)

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


haha...my bad. Funny enough, it's got them in my reg file :rolleyes:

got some more great tweaks from Terminator's site: XP-WIN2K3 Mods

;Broadband Tweak for Windows XP











;Disable automatic codec downloads (Media Player)



Ok, what exactly does the Broadband tweak do? Is it compatible with ALL computers?

And on my machine, the Media Player settings you lot mention on here are in HEX format, not DWORD. :)

And someone posted a Windows Mouse Fix on here at some point - is that useful for anything in particular? It seemed to make my mouse speed act somewhat slower than the default.


Termy, I've just realised that you got the whole Broadband Tweak thing typed out wrong!

a] You forgot to put the quotes on the setting titles, and

b] The settings are meant to be in DWORD format, not how you've got it.

Here's how I believe it's meant to be laid out:

;Broadband Tweak for Windows 2000/XP/2003

Unless your version actually worked properly and perfectly on your system (lord knows what sort of XP you've got, what with your Win2K3 winntbbu.dll and all... :):D), I believe I've solved a little something here... :rolleyes:


And another thing, are you sure that the following tweaks are fully compatible with ALL computers?

;RAM usage tweaks
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]

;AMD Processor Fix
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory Management]

I use an AMD Athlon XP 2000+ with 512Mb RAM. Do the tweaks need to be altered or left as they are?

Termy, I've just realised that you got the whole Broadband Tweak thing typed out wrong!

a]  You forgot to put the quotes on the setting titles, and

b]  The settings are meant to be in DWORD format, not how you've got it.

Here's how I believe it's meant to be laid out:

;Broadband Tweak for Windows 2000/XP/2003

Unless your version actually worked properly and perfectly on your system (lord knows what sort of XP you've got, what with your Win2K3 winntbbu.dll and all... :):D), I believe I've solved a little something here... :rolleyes:

first thing thats not my tweak its from a firend of mine so not sure on that but i do no it works on MY PC and this.

second the RAM tweak should be fine but the other one did not come from me i dont remember it i will look it up for you first before you use it.


For the past 2 dayds, I have being testing and verifying various registry tweaks that I found. So far, I come across this two tweaks that I cannot get to work but seem everyone is using. How many of you got this working? If so, is there a special process such you have to apply it during a new installation? Because all my testing are tested on already installed Windows.

The way that I tested my tweaks is that I either logff and log back on or reboot my computer.

;Disable Remove the prefix "Shortcut to" when creating a new shortcuts.

;Disable Group similar taskbar buttons

What is this registry tweak for? I find it in one of the post but when I tried, nothing happen or at least didn't find any changes takes place after I applied.


Has anyone successful create a registry tweaks for the various Visual Effects (Control Panel > System > Advance Tab > Performance) ? The one that I'm particular interested is to disable the "Common Tasks in Folder".

Also, another registry tweak I'm interested is switch from default Icon Views to Detail Views in Windows Explorer.



I use an AMD Athlon XP 2000+ with 512Mb RAM.  Do the tweaks need to be altered or left as they are?


With most computers now having L2 caches larger than that it pays to take the time to change the setting to correspond to the size of the cache memory installed.

100 = 256KB

200 = 512KB

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