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AutoIT Script Collection - Contributions Only


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Here is an AutoIt script for [b]Winamp 5.111 FULL[/b] from me, it is rewrited by MHz in Scite (an addon on AutoIt i believe?)

He have written the script better than i do. (i am kindly new to it)

enough talking, download it here :)

edit: I have rewrited it because i need the medialibrary and also the videooption (without register it as the standard player for video) :thumbup

Edited by SolidasRock
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  • 2 weeks later...

Tested scripts via windows install
[color="#3333FF"][b]Your Uninstaller 2006[/b][/color]
Change setup file name if needed and replace username and password text with yours.
Extract all in same folder. I had some problems with autoit filecopy function so theres a .bat file that makes the same job.
[color="#3333FF"][b]Incredimail XE Build 2185 with JunkFilter Plus[/b][/color]
Setup only no registration metod included ! ! !
[color="#FF0000"]Updated again to latest version Build 2185:
- added some info in script
- new way deleting INCREDIMAIL from STARTUP via Autoit (REGEDELETE)[/color]
[color="#3333FF"][b]MSN 7.5.0311 with MSN PLUS 3.61[/b][/color]
Plus modded with mess.be patch
Patched files (msgslang.dll,msnmsgr.exe,psmsong.dll) make sillent commpresed rar or 7zip archive that extracts into "%ProgramFiles%\MSN Messenger\"
P.S. i run this script at the end of my program list in runonce.
- added some info in script
- new way deleting MSN from STARTUP via Autoit (REGEDELETE)[/color]

For any troubles :wacko: PM me :whistle:

Edited by --=ddSHADOW=--
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[b][color="#3333FF"] NOD32 Antivirus System admin version 2.51.8[/color][/b]

The original script is from Nologic tnx mate :thumbup
I changed the script to work with admin version and i added new option for updates installation (local backup)

My NOD32 folder cointains 2 folders:
1.Setup folder where i extracted the program setup files
2.Updfiles folder > copy directly from your Program Files\ESET\NOD32 folder

Change the username and password in script for server autorization, add proxy if you have one and protect your installation with password if needed.

Edited by --=ddSHADOW=--
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[size=2][b]Nero v7.0.1.2[/b][/size]
English Installer


Check values of $executable, $group and $serial.
Script adds shortcuts that silent install does not supply. Comment any _CreateShortcut() lines that you do not desire. It is silent install, but will start Nero at end of install to register through the Gui.

[attachment=9699:attachment] Edited by MHz
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[b][color="#3333FF"] FlashGet 1.71[/color][/b]

U can change folder to install, start menu program folder.
Enable or disable FlashGet shareurl service.
[color="#FF0000"]Google Toolbar disabled during windows install.[/color]
Registration is imported via register.reg file enter your registration info into the register.reg

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Hi there everybody :hello:
Been using this forum for quite some time, but after spending *** of hours here finding sollutions for all my unattended problems I felt kinda guilty for not posting any sollutions myself.
Since this is the best forum in the world I thought I must contribute with something.

Totally new to AutoIT, but I always use ControlClick/ControlSend, not Send
Also, I can't remember finding any alternative to them, that's why I made them.

Hope you all like it:

[b]InfoTag Magic 1.0[/b]
Install unattended

[b]Mess Patch for MSN Messenger 7.5[/b]
Install unattended with your favorite settings

[b]MusicMatch Jukebox 10[/b]
Repack the installer and install unattended, save 5,4mb!

[b]Opera 9[/b]
Install unattended

Install unattended with english as default language

Necessairy info for installing is inside each script

Edited by tigerclaw
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This is my [b]Microsoft Office 2003 Professional Shrinker[/b]. It is inspired from buckeyeXP's Office Shrinker.
So make an administrative install of the visio source, make a mst for it and run this program exactly like the office Shrinker.
If you don't like this, modify it (it is very easy, but you will have to do it yourself). It supports only English 2003 Microsoft Visio Pro.

Version: 1.0 Edited by sadicq
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[b][size=3]Daemon Tools v4.08[/size][/b][size=1] . . . (32bit and perhaps 64bit)[/size]


This is a 2 part silent installation. The 2nd part automatically happens on reboot at HKLM\...\RunOnce. This script is set to manage both parts of installation automagically. Execute the script from T-12 (Cmdlines.txt) which will install SPTD (the Scsi Driver). Installation of SPTD returns an exit code of 2 to notify of install/reinstall which the script handles (and also works in windows if you have an older version of SPTD installed (thus upgrades SPTD)). A registry entry is added into HKLM\...\RunOnce to install Daemons Tools automatically upon final reboot towards logon.[list]
[*]Spyware installer is deleted post installation so it will not install.
[*]Mount to CDRom association for ISO type. (optional, default = true)
[*]Remove desktop shortcut.
[*]Remove autorun entry in registry.
[/list][b]Script Updates:[/b]
Updated to v4.08
Installer v4.08 and above now accepts silent installation.

[b]Script Download:[/b]
[attachment=15419:attachment] Edited by MHz
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  • 2 weeks later...
Here's my battlefield 2 script (and yes the cd-key is seperated for a reason)

Sorry for not fixing this earlier its been a busy few months. to get past the registration part put this in the support folder


use this to figure out the file structure (note it does not have to be on the root of the partition) [url="http://support.ea.com/cgi-bin/ea.cfg/php/enduser/std_adp.php?p_faqid=10875&p_created=1127328997&p_sid=n6jfpRUh&p_lva=1&%20p_sp=cF9zcmNoPTEmcF9zb3J0X2J5PSZwX2dyaWRzb3J0PSZwX3Jvd19jbnQ9MTczJnBfcHJvZHM9Nyw3MDAsMCZwX2NhdHM9MCZwX3B2PTIuNzAwOzMudTAmcF9jdj0mcF9zZWFyY2hfdHlwZT1hbnN3ZXJzLnNlYXJjaF9ubCZwX3BhZ2U9Mg**&p_li=&p_topview=1"]EA support page[/url] note it is for the sims 2 but use the same file structure (disk1, disk2 etc) for the install if you don't want to switch disks

it is a blank program that just opens and closes so that it thinks you went thru the registration or chose not to
[size=3][color="#FF0000"]this does not get around needing a CD-Key, it only stops the install from asking for you to register online[/color][/size]

if you don't trust me you can compile it yourself
[code]// all it is this (C++)
int main( void );
return 0;
}[/code] Edited by ender341
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