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AutoIT Script Collection - Contributions Only


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Other notes

Here are some useful links for AutoIt(Thanks to NoLogic for this suggestion):





[Crimson Editor]



[UltraEdit(Personal favorite)]

Useful stuff built with AutoIt



Edited by Shark007
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This is for Kazaa Lite K++ 2.4.3, based on your scripts (thanks for the examples). It's an older version I guess, but it's what I use so meh. The variables let you set everything in the installer except the "Delete all registry keys" option (since it's worthless for unattended installations where you're starting with a new registry), and the option to open Kazaa Lite after installation is deselected automatically.

Strange... let's try this again.


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Hey NoLogic,

I figured out how to load Themes for CursorXP, thanks to your hard work. Here is the script...

Using this method, you can load any CursorXP theme you put in the \Themes folder, as long as you specifiy the name of the theme in $SK_1.

Couldn't have done it without all your input (as in fact, I only added on the last little bit... :D

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hell guys, i love this tool :thumbup
took me just a little of time to know how it works
so here is my contribution
not as sophisticated as NoLogic's :rolleyes: but it works :D

[b]VIDEO LAN Client 0.7.2[/b]

read, understood & changed :yes:

Edited by theUnattender
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[b]McAfee VirusScan 2005[/b]

Note 1:
1) Copy the contents of the folder VSC (from CD) to a new directory.
2) Paste this file in the same dir.

Note 2:
Virusscan is extremely different than all other apps I saw so far.
It's not a good script solution, however it works.
It is commented so you can customize settings.
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