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Posted (edited)

Avast 7

edit ALT-KEY (= !x ) to your localized version

you can view ALT-key needed during normal setup and pressing only ALT key during 2 seconds

here is for french version

edit the two first RegWrite values to your license

here is free one year license valid to 14/04/2012

edit last lines to your localized version

replace "Bloc-notes" to "Notepad" for example ...

avast5.ini is edited to Disable AutoSandBox and AutoUpdate Program same as defs

you can delete last lines to skip edit avast5.ini.

Feel free to comments to optimize

;au3 by Sonic

;Free License
RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\AVAST Software\Avast","RegData","REG_BINARY","0cca8caa66ca8caa66ca8caa66ca8caa0bca8caa66ca85aa6ecaf4aa6eca84aa6fca83aa72cae0aa6ecafbaa68caf4aa13cae7aa17cab5aa2fd104e55fcab5aa")
RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\AVAST Software\Avast","Registration","REG_BINARY","c6ffb9ffbaffcaffcfffccffcaffbaffd2ffc8ffbbffb9ffcbffd2ffcbffbcffc9ffc7ffd2ffc7ffcaffcfffbdffd2ffbeffcdffc8ffc8ffbbffcaffcdffc6ffcdffc7ffcfffc9ffffffa9f52a8eb2889189e1ff01000000a7fcb688e463b688ffffb9881f0ba9f5ffffffff8f0aa9f544feb68851c0ff82870aa9f5ffffffff870aa9f5a1c1ff82bf0aa9f5ef09a9f5fffff58944feb688070ba9f551739a89967ca189cfde96fffcffffff007da189cfde96ff998796ff030ba9f5f479a189998796ffc76f96fffa6376b0ffffffff7a3095aeffffffff7a3095aeffffffff")

;Disable Google Things
RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Google\No Chrome Offer Until","AVAST Software","REG_DWORD","20200101")
RegWrite("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Google\No Toolbar Offer Until","AVAST Software","REG_DWORD","20200101")
If @error<>"0" Then

;Start Setup
WinWaitActive("avast! FREE ANTIVIRUS Setup")
WinActivate("avast! FREE ANTIVIRUS Setup")
Opt("SendKeyDelay", 500)
Opt("SendKeyDelay", 50)
Send("{TAB 6}")
Send("{TAB 8}")
Opt("SendKeyDelay", 500)
FileDelete(@DesktopCommonDir&"\avast! Free Antivirus.lnk")

;avast5.ini Options
ShellExecute("notepad.exe",@AppDataCommonDir&"\AVAST Software\Avast\avast5.ini")
Opt("SendKeyDelay", 1)
ControlSend("avast5","","","{DOWN 122}",0)
ControlClick("Bloc-notes", "", "Button1")

Edited by Sonic
  • 1 year later...

Posted (edited)

Start Is Back 2.1.1

1. If your Windows 8 operating system is other version than English, this script will not work for you.
In this case, use AutoIt 3 Info utility to find your StartIsBack windows titles and text located
inside those windows and change this script to fit your needs.
2. Tweaks section contain some registry settings explained. If you don't want them, delete them and put your
own (use RegShot, SysTracer
or other similar programs to capture registry changes).
3. Copy your License Key below on $LicenseKey variable, inside quotes. If the License Key is not provided,
activation will be skipped. If you provide a License Key, but the internet connection is closed during
activation, the AutoIt script or the compiled AutoIt script will close the pop-up window that contain
the error message.

4. Download the start button images containing Windows logo from here (due to Microsoft request, all
start button images containing Windows logo were removed from installer): http://tihiy.net/files/WinOrbs.zip
5. Unzip the archive downloaded in the previous step to "WinOrbs" folder.
6. Installer, WinOrbs folder and the compiled AutoIt file must be in the same folder.


Edited by radix
  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Take ownership and add full permissions for the current user - for files and folders recursively, in context menu (using SetACL)

Do not mess with this context menu entry on the partition where you have installed Windows, except if you know what you are doing!

It can take permissions and change the owner of any file (exe is included) and it's set to work recursively on all levels if it used on folders.

The context menu entry "Take Ownership" which uses Windows files and that can be easily found on the web can't do these things!

Read the instructions from the top of AutoIt file.

Take ownership and add full permissions for the current user - for files and folders recursively, in context menu (using SetACL).au3

Edited by radix

Take ownership and add full permissions for the current user - for files and folders recursively, in context menu (using SetACL)

Do not mess with this context menu entry on the partition where you have installed Windows!

It can take permissions and change the owner of any file (exe is included) and it's set to work recursively on all levels if it used on folders.

The context menu entry "Take Ownership" which uses Windows files and that can be easily found on the web can't do these things!

Read the instructions from the top of AutoIt file.


  • 2 months later...


I am working on one software application having sql server database.

I need to uninstall and install the software frequently which takes lot of time, so i want to automate this process to save time.

few points to be considered.

- Application setup.exe file install software with "install shield" wizard ( there are 8-10 screen in setup, Title bar of each screen will be like "AppName" - InstallShield Wizard)

- While installation it asks to select database also, so Database should exist prior installation starts

- While installation setup will deploy SSRS reports also, so need to specify report server

- While setup title bar of each setup screen will remain same like ""AppName" - Install shield Wizard"

Is there any way i can automate this process ? so that my installation can be done faster and easily by one click.

I believe AutoIT may be useful for this task.

If anyone has worked on similar task or have any sample script ready, then that will be great help.

Thanks in Advance,


  • 1 month later...
  • 5 months later...

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