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Just revisited Supermium as I haven't used it much in the past.  My bank web site works in Supermium v126 and in IceCat v115.  So I guess I have two new options.  :cheerleader:

The hoops we have to jump through just because some wet-behind-the-ears-know-it-all designing web sites for banks is convinced that there are only THREE web browsers that should ever be used on their web sites!  :realmad::}:no::thumbdown


Yeah, did that once.  I ditched Chase for the same exact nanny-state micro-manage browser-bs.

If the EU wants to be serious about "browser choice", then why fine Microsoft over IE, they should be fining banks for their incessant push on limiting us to only The Big Three.


You could use IC only for your bank.
It happens frequently that some websites do not tolerate some browsers especially if they are very customized.

Example,my new car insurance company prefers Firefox,with Edge, upon login, I get a pop-up of “wrong credentials”.....:wacko:


Therein lies the rub.  I am too old for one browser for this, one for that, still another for that.  ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!

And the car insurance example is the EXACT issue I am having - "wrong credentials" when both username and password ARE CORRECT.

If so much as ONE of my *must-use* web sites only works in IceCat, then I use IceCat for EVERYTHING.  I really do have NO INTEREST in this browser for this, that browser for that.

I'd rather change browsers every two years.  UNFORTUNATELY, that's exactly what I have had to do, a different browser pretty much every TWO YEARS ON THE NOSE.

Ironically, pretty much ALWAYS in the months of December or January.



Yes me too,the login credentials are right ma.......

You never know what the future holds.
With my old car insurance I had no problem with the 2 browsers.
Unfortunately I had a renewal proposal with 100 euro increase.
I switched,to save money, and ran into this (new) inconvenience.:unsure:


I am quite confident that it is a server-side algorithm resulting in a server-side blacklisting that has resulted in Ungoogled and Supermium no longer able to log in.

Those server-side algorithms are in a constant state of flux (self-fulfulling prophecy to protect their own job).

In a few months (or all the way out to next December), the algorithm may very likely end up letting Ungoogled and Supermium back in.

It gets old.  No wonder the average consumer just runs with Chrome or Firefox, lets it auto-update every 2-4 weeks, and just takes it up the a%% if they have to abandon an extension that no longer works.

Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, NotHereToPlayGames said:


Ugh!  I was able to log into my bank yesterday via Supermium v126, but not today!

I found out the reason for my new insurance not logging into Edge.
The problem was a persistent first-party cookie block.
I have now allowed the cookie in the browser, although the downside is the failure to automatically delete it on exit.
Third-party cookies are blocked by default (and this does not prevent successful login).

Firefox handles cookies differently than Chromium browsers.
I had this idea,this afternoon,and it worked.:cheerleader:

Investigate if you have a similar problem.


Edited by Sampei.Nihira

I have a hunch, CastXP is faster in benchmarks. Gut feeling tells me, also the startup measurements. Why? When I start Cats, it loads almost immediately. Supermium is chewing my HDD for quite some time!

Most of you won't notice because you all run off of SSD,



Eureka!  I finally found out "what scenario" results in my bank AND the US Post Office (neither of which are "affiliated" with each other) being server-side blacklisted.

They both blacklist the winPenPack loader if it has a version-mismatch with the browser that the loader loads (doesn't matter if it is 360Chrome, Ungoogled, or Official Chrome).

might still have to use Official Chrome versus Ungoogled, still testing.  But I can "intentionally" cause server-side blacklisting!

And, shh, don't tell them, but if I "intentionally" server-side blacklist ELEVEN web browsers (call them A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4, E-5, F-6, G-7, H-8, I-9, J-10, and K-11), for my TWELTH web browser, I can reuse the first (A-1) and it no longer be blacklisted!

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