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“Be mindful. Be grateful. Be positive. Be true. Be kind.”


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1 hour ago, msfntor said:

In This Together - Ellie Goulding & Steven Price - Lyric



I've not heard this song, but listened to it just a few minutes ago - thank you for sharing it. 

I do like Ellie Goulding


Ellie Goulding shares emotional message on anxiety, mental health and her grandfather’s suicide

“We all have a right to feel what we do, whatever it is, whoever we are – exhilaration, madness, absolutely nothing at all, confusion, chronic sadness,” she wrote. “I can sometimes feel all these things in the space of a few days. I am beyond relieved that more light is being shone on the complexity of going from being a touring artist/ performer to going straight back to normality on a regular basis. The constant change of pace is sometimes just too much to bare. Thank you to those artists who have spoken so candidly about it lately.”

Read More: The five Dos and Don’ts of talking about mental health

She continued: “I know I chose this job, but nothing could have prepared me for the ups and downs that come with it. I know for sure that a lot of my anxiety has come from what they call ‘imposter syndrome; not believing in myself enough and thinking that I don’t deserve happiness, which results in wanting to sabotage my own success. I keep my head straight by training every day (running and boxing mainly) and although it is so hard sometimes to be motivated, the feeling of blood pumping through my veins and a human body performing the way it so impressively does reminds me how cool it is to be alive.”

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Sorry this is a little late, but I had to speak about about Mental Health Awareness, for what it’s worth. We all have a right to feel what we do, whatever it is, whoever we are- Exhilaration, madness, absolutely nothing at all, confusion, chronic sadness… (I can sometimes feel all these things in the space of a few days). I am beyond relieved that more light is being shone on the complexity of going from being a touring artist/ performer to going straight back to normality on a regular basis. The constant change of pace is sometimes just too much to bare. Thank you to those artists who have spoken so candidly about it lately. I know I chose this job but nothing could have prepared me for the ups and downs that come with it. I know for sure that a lot of my anxiety has come from what they call “imposter syndrome” not believing in myself enough and thinking that I don’t deserve happiness, which results in wanting to sabotage my own success. I keep my head straight by training every day (running and boxing mainly) and although it is so hard sometimes to be motivated, the feeling of blood pumping through my veins and a human body performing the way it so impressively does reminds me how cool it is to be alive. Today I’m thinking about my grandfather, who took his own life a few years back. I wish I had spoken to him more, and wish we could have had even the smallest clue of how unhappy he was. I admire those who get out of bed every morning and seize the day, even when they’re not feeling too great. That requires a lot of courage. Please know that you are doing amazingly and I’m proud of you. Ellie xx #mentalhealthawareness

A post shared by elliegoulding (@elliegoulding) on Oct 14, 2019 at 2:43am PDT

Paying tribute to her grandfather who took his own life several years ago, Goulding added: “I wish I had spoken to him more, and wish we could have had even the smallest clue of how unhappy he was.

“I admire those who get out of bed every morning and seize the day, even when they’re not feeling too great. That requires a lot of courage. Please know that you are doing amazingly and I’m proud of you.”

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A flock of sheep in China have been walking in a circle for 12 days straight and nobody knows why

Cardinal Pritchard

··Nov 18, 2022 · NottheBee.com


Okay, this is just plain creepy:


No kidding, for nearly two weeks these sheep in Mongolia have been walking in a circle like this:

So strange…

Like, some sort of portal is about to open up right there in the middle of the circle and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it!

The sheep owner, identified as Ms. Miao, claimed the spectacle began with a few sheep before the whole flock joined, Metro reported. Although there are 34 sheep pens at the farm, only the sheep in one of the pens — number 13 — have been acting this way.

So I'm all for this when it's, say, the opening episode of a sci-fi series or something. That'd be cool, and I'd totally watch. But in real life this is just too much.

The Chinese authorities say these sheep are perfectly healthy, but I have to admit, I kinda hope they're not.

Here's why:

Some have speculated the sheep's behavior could be caused by a bacterial disease called Listeriosis — also known as "circling disease."

"Initially, affected animals are anorectic, depressed, and disoriented. They may propel themselves into corners, lean against stationary objects, or circle toward the affected side," according to the Merck Manual.

Ahh, that explains it!

It must be Listeriosis!

There's no other explanation.

Okay, I'm leaving now.

Please call me when this is over.

Here: https://notthebee.com/article/hundreds-of-sheep-in-china-have-been-walking-in-a-circle-for-12-days-straight-and-nobody-knows-why

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Sea Creatures Looking Forward To Wearing Discarded Masks For Next Few Million Years

·Mar 14, 2022 · BabylonBee.com


PACIFIC OCEAN - According to a recent paper published by the journal Nature, humans have now stopped masking, but fish and other ocean life will be wearing discarded masks for the next few million years.

"While the billions of masks being dumped into the Earth's oceans will prove to be one of the worst ecological disasters in human history, this calamity has been offset by the reassurance that ..hmm.. could constantly wear masks in public and private and virtue signal that they were good people." said the paper's lead author, Dr. Eugene Daughterson, Ph.D. 

The paper expounded on the precious balance between a person's strong desire to be seen as compliant to government overreach and smothering our world's delicate coral reefs with innumerable petroleum-based disposable masks. 

The study emphasized, "Furthermore, the masking of fish may very well slow the spread of ocean-borne COVID-19, which, we've been told by Pfizer representatives, totally exists."

On yet another positive note about masks, the paper has found no conclusive evidence that masks choking out the life of sea turtles and other sea life has a deleterious effect on climate change.
Here: https://twitter.com/TheBabylonBee/status/1505167205830467587?cxt=HHwWhoC98armtuMpAAAA

...and Here: https://babylonbee.com/news/report-humans-have-stopped-masking-but-fish-will-be-wearing-discarded-masks-for-next-few-million-years


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This Is PARODY video:

Twitter Employee Undergoes Therapy Over Elon Musk Takeover


..and This Is another PARODY video:

Fired Twitter Employee Applies For First Real Job



..then this kind of parody videos are interesting for you?.

Could you choose another video on YouTube to share with us, please?

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18 hours ago, msfntor said:

..then this kind of parody videos are interesting for you?.

Could you choose another video on YouTube to share with us, please?

So you're not interested, bc. you're not responding.. why, these are very good I think

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1 hour ago, msfntor said:

So you're not interested, bc. you're not responding.. why, these are very good I think

Oh I am interested, just been quiet lately. I've not been posting in this thread because I'm struggling to adhere to the title. 

I'm "Mindful" and "True" and "Kind" but that is about it as of late. I don't know, feeling pessimistic if I'm being honest, I don't know. 

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I feel completely drained from life. Very vulnerable and weakened and a bit unsafe really. I probably shouldn't even be posting anymore. Today I'm in charge of doing laundry and I'm struggling to keep my attention on that. Losing hope.

Sorry :(

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Thank you and I'm sorry if I caused you any sadness (you might become more sad = already sad but could become worse and I'm now concerned).

I don't wish sadness on you or anybody.

Why are you sad? Please don't feel pressured to answer if not comfortable.

I'll stay.


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4 minutes ago, XPerceniol said:

Why are you sad? Please don't feel pressured to answer if not comfortable.

Because I'll be less active here due to monthly exams of November (October monthly exams started on October 26 and ended on November 3) starting on November 28 (no end date specified yet), and I am afraid I might get sick again after the end of November monthly exams, like on November 5.

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Actually, I'll be honest here, I'm sad because I have no one to talk with a lot. And also when I don't receive some reacts on my posts. I know the 2nd reason is really a stupid reason to be sad, but my 1st reason remains true not just in forums, but also in real life.

Edited by mina7601
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