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Note to newcomers: Aero Glass is dead.

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I have checked today and it looks like the domain likely went unpaid or was cancelled, as glass8.eu is now not a valid domain name.

We have not heard from bigmuscle since July 2020, so its officially at this point safe to assume that Aero Glass is a dead project. There are replacements available, however, like Windowblinds and MicaForEveryone, which MFE is open-source so it will probably receive updates as long as the community is interested.

o7 Aero Glass, 2013-2022

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That is truly a shame. This is the primary reason I wanted it to be open-source so if he/she/they decided to leave the project and appoint someone else that can be given permissions to apply or deny pull requests, and if the license became FSF compatible.


And so, as I expected but hoped I'd be wrong,  a closed source project is dead and from what I remember Bigmuscle held some grudge against open-source advocates who advocate for not just open software but open hardware (though build-your-own-smartphone would be a big hurdle to figure out of course,)


I've dreamed of all  components being open source -- the UEFI firmware in my computer.  I refuse to use any closed source proprietary encryption software of source I use GPG4Win to encrypt e-mails to those who don't want to switch to a provider that offered end-to-end encryption; only subject line, IP address and timestamp is kept, the rest of the data from a protonmail user to another.. nevermind this is getting off topic.


And before anyone flames me, I did donate, I;d post a screenshot but the domain to login to has no DNS records, and my guess in about 3 months we'll have a 'for sale' on it.


Bigmuscle, if you're reading this, I beseech you to set the project you worked so hard for free and perhaps see it grow and grow. You got Github, Gitlab, and a few others that literally give you free hosting of both compiled binaries and source code., or PM me and  we can discuss further as long as your new open source license is compatible (one of the GNU ones like GNU v3 I believe is the latest, but of course you can choose v2,   Heck, just give me the zip file and tell me what license you want and I can set up the GitHub, Since source code is plainext you could even email it when compressed to a zip file, I'd be happy to give you my  Google Workspace e-mail.

Just think long and hard on this -- the stuff you write can be set free to go into the world and you can watch your figurative child grow with amazement.  All it takes is just one person with experiencee at DLL injection to modify the code of an existing part of the os. 


Also, BigMuscle, if you're privacy minded just shoot me a PM and ask for my protonmail address and then you register (if you weren't already, I wouldn't want to presume) leave subject line blank  and I also have a PGP key and Threena 


If you wish to discuss this in realtime there's also Wire (hard to Google, just add plenty of serch terms pertaining to chat  client,     Here you go, I'll also save you the legwork on that: https://wire.com/en/download/


Edited by Rfire
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  • 7 months later...

I loved this for a long time, used it a lot. The only thing that PMO is he never checked back in to say hay guys sorry but do to (whatever) I can no longer support it. or something like that, I mean if he passed on or something that would be diff, but if not and he just up and said screw it and never let us know. I think that is just crappy to do. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
On 3/9/2023 at 9:06 AM, dalton2192 said:

Saw somewhere that somebody got Glass8 to work on Windows 10 22H2 but they're gatekeeping how they did it.


-I don't remember where I saw it at, but was pretty peeved they didn't say how

They most likely lied for clout, especially if they didn't even give a screenshot to prove it. Did they?

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  • 3 months later...

I knew this was going to die before it even did. I am annoyed he just walked away and didn't give a reason. So many people donated and or paid to have it working properly, and then just cuts and runs without a single reason as to why. I understand sometimes you just can't do something anymore. But you just don't give a big middle finger to your supporters and walk away. 

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  • 1 month later...

Nice, you can also set title bar's text color, both for active and inactive state, I really missed that. Few small additions in that area would be nice, like a glow effect, text alignment, ability to have blend color taken from system's accent color.

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On 1/25/2024 at 7:05 PM, UCyborg said:

Nice, you can also set title bar's text color, both for active and inactive state, I really missed that. Few small additions in that area would be nice, like a glow effect, text alignment, ability to have blend color taken from system's accent color.

It being open source means anyone can contribute these suggestions :D

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I haven't seen a really good Aero implementation for 10/11 since. I use 8.1 with the consumer preview theme, which works fine enough for me. Trying to get Aero or a proper 7 theme on anything past 8.1 seems like a fool's errand to me. It's seemingly easier to turn the thing into 2000 or XP.

I might go back to 7 with the classic theme, would use it on 8.1 if it wasn't jank.

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  • 1 month later...

Hey, I would be interested to know if the theme atlas's from the old AeroGlas work.
But what would be much, much more important to me, do I get window frames with it again and if so, how?

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