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NDIS6 support for XP?


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5 hours ago, Dietmar said:

Can you please describe all the steps, that you have done until now,

for to enable Ndis6 on XP?

I never worked with the Extender from @Mov AX, 0xDEAD,


I made use of both the ntoskrnl extender source code as well as the leaked XP/2K3 source code with my attempts to make this work.

I'll upload my source code on here when I get the chance.

5 hours ago, Dietmar said:

so I also need basic steps, how to setup Compiler and which programs I need etc.

Do you work for this under XP or which OS?

I also want to try, if this until now builded files from you can work under Win7 SP1 Embedded Standard


To compile ntoskrnl extender I used a Windows 10 VM and the Windows 7 DDK

For my customized internal ntos libraries I used and XP VM and the razzle build environment.

I'll upload my source code on here when I get the chance.

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Thanks a lot, I just download.

But I need a lot of help from you.

Can you make a list, with all the programs that you use, need for the Extender from @Mov AX, 0xDEAD ?

And then, please write, why you think that it can work.

What you have done until now, from where the C-code is.

All together I need a step by step Tutorial.

This Tutorial would be also helpful for others.

I just notice, that the download of the programs for the Extender via Git does not work any longer under XP.

So, can you upload everything on ufile.io.

When I understand, what I can do, I will try a lot



PS: @Mov AX, 0xDEAD under the Longhorn 5048 only one function is missed for the driver for the i219.

Can you write a Tutorial, how to implement a missed function into a driver?

I search a lot for how to make this but find no working solution.


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I think my way could potentially work since you have some ability to use internal unexported ntoskrnl code which you can't do with the normal ntoskrnl extender.

But it could be that this approach will not work as intended.

@Mov AX, 0xDEAD still knows way more about this than I do.


To build just the ntoskrnl extender you need only to use Windows 7 DDK in a Windows 10 VM

After installing 7 DDK Open "Free Build Environment" from the start menu and navigate to C:\NTOSKRNL_Emu-master_21jul2022_ndis6

then type


to build extender.


To make ntosxlibs:

To make ntosxlibs you will need leaked XP/2K3 source code, an XP VM to built it in, and a mass find/replace tool like powergrep to append ntoskrnX onto the end of all exported ntoskrnl functions so you don't run into conflicts later on.

But this is all very complicated to describe so 1st thing to do would be to get razzle setup and running and building everything in the base folder of the Vanilla Win2k3 source tree.

Once that is working we can continue from there.

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1 hour ago, Dietmar said:

PS: @Mov AX, 0xDEAD under the Longhorn 5048 only one function is missed for the driver for the i219.

Can you write a Tutorial, how to implement a missed function into a driver?

I search a lot for how to make this but find no working solution.


Why not follow this tutorial to add one missing function? There is example how to extend GDI32 with custom function as GDI42. 

Edited by George King
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