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Hi, for the first time your Quantum Browser does not crash in multi cpu mode with Standard settings:cheerleader:.

It is ultrafast now.

And also for the first time WebGl works. This you can see for example on the programmer site Edu Scratch.

Do you have an idea, what they changed on the webside from Chatgpt and Bard Ai, that they now do not work on the Quantum browser?

This happens about 1 month ago. Before Chatgpt and Bard Ai work in this your nice Quantum Browser


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@feodor2 Thanks for the new release! In the release notes of Mypal 68.13.7b, you wrote:


If you have special config.js for unsigned addons then remove it, signature checking stuff formerly has been removed, if you keep that config.js it will break addons operational integrity.

Unfortunately, I cannot confirm your statement in bold. :no: The signature verification is still active in version 68.13.7b, and certain, unverified extensions do not work properly after installation. Here are two screenshots showing the installation of an unsigned extension:



So, are you really sure that signature checking stuff has been removed? :dubbio: In any case, I cannot confirm this statement. nimportequoi.gif


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@a8s after checked fullscreen


9 hours ago, Dietmar said:

Do you have an idea, what they changed on the webside from Chatgpt and Bard Ai...

Not at all never used this.


@seven4ever This is about media center? Do you have sp3 there? And for x64 is already written look on the github



I asked to stop spaming with pictures but you are keep doing this, what do you expect then?

And not even care to provide the link for your insigned addon,  so why i to care, fix it on your own.


Okey, this is not the feature itself, you still get warning about unsigned addon.

But config.js stuff is really not needed and breaks addons operational integrity indeed.


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3 minutes ago, feodor2 said:

I asked to stop spaming with pictures but you are keep doing this, what do you expect then?

What are you talking about? :dubbio: I ask you a simple question. And to be crystal clear, posting images for documenting facts is no spamming. You should know that regardless of your personal preferences. Everyone is different. Anyway! Based on the nature of your reply, I'll have to assume that your statement about removing the signature verification is indeed incorrect.

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@feodor2 My posts are always rich in words, precise explanations, documented by images if necessary, on topic and written in the best possible English. You are the developer of Mypal 68 and for that you deserve recognition, but in this thread, you are a poster like any other. So please, act like it! Here, we are not in your issues on GitHub, where you have a lot of spammers and insulters, unfortunately. That's the reason why I stopped reporting issues there a few weeks ago, BTW.

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6 minutes ago, AstroSkipper said:

documented by images if necessary

Sure its necessary sometime.  Here that was not necessary, also right after i asked not to do this.

So whats wrong if i ask not to spam with pictures?

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59 minutes ago, feodor2 said:

Sure its necessary sometime.

I agree.

59 minutes ago, feodor2 said:

Here that was not necessary

I do not agree.

59 minutes ago, feodor2 said:

i asked not to do this. So whats wrong if i ask not to spam with pictures?

You are a poster here in this thread like me, no more, no less. You can ask whatever you want but asking does not mean it is an order and everyone has to obey. If you don't want to reply to a post for whatever reason, it's your decision. You are free to do what you think. But same applies to me, too, of course. And once again, posting images for documenting purpose is no spamming, and it doesn't matter whether you like it or not. This thread is about the subject matter and not about sensitivities. Period.

Now, back on topic, take any extension, remove the META-INF folder, and you've got an unsigned extension. Try to install it, and you will see what happens. :o

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26 minutes ago, AstroSkipper said:

Now, back on topic, take any extension, remove the META-INF folder, and you've got an unsigned extension. Try to install it, and you will see what happens

I already have such extensions, and i know what to do when i poke the extension. While it is bad thing to remove META-INF folder without good reason only to make it unsigned, you may get it broken, not all though.

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It is not only a warning message which is shown in my images and when installing other unsigned extensions. The extension Custom Buttons, for example, is natively unsigned and does not work correctly due to the signature verification which seems to restrict its functionality. Only the hack did the trick which leads me to the conclusion that this feature has not really been removed, unfortunately. TBH, I hate all these restrictions in general. That's why I love the legacy UXP browsers. No serious restrictions. But nevertheless, Mypal 68 is a really good browser, and I appreciate your efforts.

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3 hours ago, feodor2 said:

@seven4ever This is about media center? Do you have sp3 there? And for x64 is already written look on the github

The Xp mediacenter edition have Sp2 from 24/03/2006, not sure there exist a sp3 for it.

X64 edition, nothing found for xpcom message, only a folder in code tree, we are 2 to have the issue.

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