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[WIP] Windows Vista Extended Kernel


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On 3/2/2021 at 3:12 PM, burd said:

I can confirm your updated winload and ntoskrnl files are indeed working and palemoon.exe is showing os and subsystem as 6.1 yet it still opens, well done.



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Hey there!

First of all: thank you for your awesome work, win32... To be able to run modern software on Windows Vista is just something I can't even describe how nostalgic it feels...

So here we are... I have my Windows Vista Ultimate SP2 X64 and apparently I did get it fully updated until march 2017 with the help of an “.bat” automatic offline updates installer (had around 200 updates installed very easily)... Then I also manually installed a few extra updates, pretty much all of the “vcredist” versions for vista, as long as with dotnetfx... And althought I can’t know for sure if the system is fully updated at it’s “maximum”, it looks like it may be...

I also downloaded the latest “finished files” I could find, and into repair mode cmd, after a “cd finished files”, I ran “copy *.dll c:\windows\system32” replacing all the files, and I also copied and replaced both winload.efi and winload.exe to system32... Then I copied the replacement “explorer.exe” to “c:\Windows”...

I also ran “NT 6.1”, “mfplatsetup”, and “DLLredirectionenabler” (all within an admin instance of cmd... is it ok? or do I also need to run it through repair mode cmd?)

the only things I didn’t touched:

- x86 folder and it’s files (I have no idea of what should I do here)

- those two “.7z” kernel extender  installer files (No idea here too)


The latest version of Chromium works, but it says that there’s a few APIs missing, and there’s no Netflix playback... it says that “widevine” is missing...

and Firefox doesn’t work, even when modding firefox.exe to match nt version 6.0... It says something about dynamic libraries...

I also noticed that the nt version within the registry somehow always gets back to 6.0, even after changing it to 6.1...

Is there any trick I don’t know yet? I really wish I knew what am I doing wrong...

Please help my poor soul...

Thanks in advance!

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To get the best extended kernel experience, install from vistakernsetup_02262021.7z. It's a 7-zip archive that contains the extended kernel installer and the newest files.

Widevine DRM components are not working for unspecified reasons. They worked back in July, though I think that it may have something to do with the extensions not recognizing locales.

ntoskrnl changes the NT version in the registry back at every boot. I patched it once, but it did nothing to prevent version blocking, so I left it alone.

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5 hours ago, win32 said:

To get the best extended kernel experience, install from vistakernsetup_02262021.7z. It's a 7-zip archive that contains the extended kernel installer and the newest files.

Widevine DRM components are not working for unspecified reasons. They worked back in July, though I think that it may have something to do with the extensions not recognizing locales.

ntoskrnl changes the NT version in the registry back at every boot. I patched it once, but it did nothing to prevent version blocking, so I left it alone.

Hey there! 

Thanks for your quick response!

I tried the installer both within security mode cmd and within repair mode cmd, but still I had no success (this time it wouldn’t even boot, so I put the old files back in place and thankfully  it booted)...

I’m suspecting that I may have a few updates missing (Screenshot attached; It shows 220 installed updates for Microsoft Windows, including all the Ultimate Extras)... 

Can you please send me a screenshot of your installed updates? I think I’ll have to manually compare it in order to find which update(s) is missing...

Then after figuring it all, I’ll try again (:

(I also couldn’t figure out how to install those Windows 2008 updates... It says my O.S isn’t supported... Can you please “enlight” me there?)

Thank you!



Edited by asrightasrightcanbe
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3 hours ago, asrightasrightcanbe said:

(I also couldn’t figure out how to install those Windows 2008 updates... It says my O.S isn’t supported... Can you please “enlight” me there?)

That would be odd, as those updates are perfectly applicable to Vista. The only problem I could see is that the updates may be the wrong architecture (ia64 or x86).

My installs use media with slipstreams built by DISM++, which means that I don't get an update list on new installs made with them, which means I have no particular idea.

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12 hours ago, asrightasrightcanbe said:

I’m suspecting that I may have a few updates missing (Screenshot attached; It shows 220 installed updates for Microsoft Windows, including all the Ultimate Extras)... 

I have around 650 updates on vista ultimate 

Check the repository made by @greenhillmaniac

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i attempted to install the latest extended kernel release and now windows boot manager fails...




it exists and isnt corrupt as using the older extended kernel osloader files worked. but idk why windows wont boot.


also i need the video driver for a 4th and 5th gen i5 that works with vista. has anyone modded them?

Edited by ScrapMechanicFan2016
(also wanted to ask something related to 4th and 5th gen laptop CPUs and the intel HD graphics 5500 and 4000 series too)
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4 hours ago, ScrapMechanicFan2016 said:

i attempted to install the latest extended kernel release and now windows boot manager fails...




it exists and isnt corrupt as using the older extended kernel osloader files worked. but idk why windows wont boot.


also i need the video driver for a 4th and 5th gen i5 that works with vista. has anyone modded them?

What is your update level? The addition of a custom ntoskrnl has/will make the flexibility of updating considerably lower than in the past, which means you will only be able to use the updates that correspond to the ntoskrnl/winload that I've made. So right now it's just April 2017 or March 2019, and soon it will be just March 2019.

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