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Posted (edited)
On 2/12/2021 at 6:23 PM, ArcticFoxie said:

While benchmarks don't paint the "entire" picture - if I used Basilisk 52, I would be using basilisk52-g4.4.win32-git-20190727-9b0ff0e8b-xpmod.

For the most part, my observations in testing Bailisk 52 is that the first in a "4.x" series performs better than the last in a "4.x" series - but I did not look for outliers between the first and last.

Confirming my original hunch - the first "4.4" (ie, basilisk52-g4.4.win32-git-20190727-9b0ff0e8b-xpmod) slightly outperforms subsequent "4.4" releases.


Edited by ArcticFoxie


New build of Serpent/UXP for XP!

Test binary:
Win32 https://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.8.win32-git-20210220-d9301c4-uxp-2b6effbf2-xpmod.7z
Win64 https://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.8.win64-git-20210220-d9301c4-uxp-2b6effbf2-xpmod.7z

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/custom

IA32 Win32 https://o.rthost.win/basilisk/basilisk52-g4.8.win32-git-20210220-d9301c4-uxp-2b6effbf2-xpmod-ia32.7z

source code that is comparable to my current working tree is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/UXP/commits/ia32

NM28XP build:
Win32 https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.3a1.win32-git-20210220-729367b92-uxp-2b6effbf2-xpmod.7z
Win32 SSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.3a1.win32-git-20210220-729367b92-uxp-2b6effbf2-xpmod-sse.7z
Win64 https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-28.10.3a1.win64-git-20210220-729367b92-uxp-2b6effbf2-xpmod.7z

Official UXP changes since my last build:
- Issue #1738 - Follow-up: Update comment (no code changes) (458939c9d)
- Issue #1739 - Implement numeric separators. (fc65e1f2f)
- [js] Add XMMRegName for invalid_xmm (4f06d20f8)
- Issue #1741 - Add missing prefobserver for general.useragent.* prefs (9832adb6f)
- Issue #1741 - Follow-up: Remove superfluous prefobserver (9fa794393)
- [widget] Require user interaction when picking files or folders. (8f663e3bc)
- Issue #1688 - Add flood guard to state change logic. (2103a2283)
- Issue #1743 - Update CK_GCM_PARAMS use for PKCS11 v3.0 in WebCryptoTask (2b6effbf2)

No official Basilisk changes since my last build.

Official Pale-Moon changes since my last build:
- Issue #1737 - Format some Windows specific browser jsm modules (5aaa45ecc)
- Back-end branch pointer update. (729367b92)

My changes since my last build:
- reverted Issue #1741 related changes
- partly modified "Issue #1737 - Format some Windows specific browser jsm modules (5aaa45ecc)" to not break with our code base
- reverted "Issue #1743 - Update CK_GCM_PARAMS use for PKCS11 v3.0 in WebCryptoTask (2b6effbf2)" since our current NSS is not new enough to deal with this


New build of BOC/UXP for XP!

Test binary:
MailNews Win32 https://o.rthost.win/boc-uxp/mailnews.win32-20210220-355db4de-uxp-2b6effbf2-xpmod.7z
BNavigator Win32 https://o.rthost.win/boc-uxp/bnavigator.win32-20210220-355db4de-uxp-2b6effbf2-xpmod.7z

source repo (excluding UXP): https://github.com/roytam1/boc-uxp/tree/custom-older

* Notice: the profile prefix (i.e. parent folder names) are also changed since 2020-08-15 build, you may rename their names before using new binaries when updating from builds before 2020-08-15.


New build of HBL-UXP for XP!

Test binary:
IceDove-UXP(mail) https://o.rthost.win/hbl-uxp/icedove.win32-20210220-id-eed0566-uxp-2b6effbf2-xpmod.7z
IceApe-UXP(suite) https://o.rthost.win/hbl-uxp/iceape.win32-20210220-id-eed0566-ia-41157bf-uxp-2b6effbf2-xpmod.7z

source repo (excluding UXP):

for UXP changes please see above.


New NewMoon 27 Build!

32bit https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win32-git-20210220-3b1d2cdd8-xpmod.7z
32bit SSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win32-git-20210220-3b1d2cdd8-xpmod-sse.7z
32bit noSSE https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win32-git-20210220-3b1d2cdd8-xpmod-ia32.7z

64bit https://o.rthost.win/palemoon/palemoon-27.9.7.win64-git-20210220-3b1d2cdd8-xpmod.7z

source repo: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27

repo changes since my last build:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1165162 - Rework the nsIScriptSecurityManager principal-minting API to be originAttributes-centric. r=gabor,r=bholley,sr=sicking (269536132)
 - pointer style and mispatch (38b32b3bc)
 - more misspatch & pointer style (ff2bc3057)
 - Bug 1164014 - Fixing defaultShims. r=billm (bcf7f671a)
 - Bug 1164014 - Workaround for GC bug 1172193. r=gkrizsanits (b25cf4dea)
 - Bug 1158427 - r=roc (64037cb2c)
 - Bug 1157994 - Ensure AudioContext operations are started and resolved in the same order. r=roc (757de0f81)
 - Bug 1127188 - Properly handle AudioContext.close() calls right after the creation of an AudioContext. r=ehsan (88362873f)
 - Bug 1164011 - interposition for CPOWS. r=billm (24a8134f6)
 - Bug 1164014 - Shim optimization. r=billm (9a8498684)
 - Bug 1178581 - Interning does not and should not imply infinite lifetime; r=sfink (91dfc5b77)
 - Bug 1171053 - Remove JS_BindCallable. r=efaust (2e59b8c62)
 - Bug 1174372 - Initialize ExecutableAllocator static fields in JS_Init. r=luke (d02620196)
 - missing uid of 968334 (3c73a17db)
 - missing uuid of 1152577 (13d58364c)
 - add missing uuid of 1050500 (16c61b629)
 - Bug 110567 - Remove nsIDocShell::GetURLSearchParams(), r=smaug (5018a0936)
 - Bug 1132518, add a flag to nsIFrameTraversal to skip the popup checks, r=mats (8482fd8fd)
 - Bug 1132518, make document navigation with F6/Shift+F6 work in e10s. This combines the document and tab navigation mechanisms together, r=smaug (2085e999b)
 - Bug 1160307 - Capture async stack frames on Javascript timeline markers. r=fitzgen, r=smaug, r=Paolo (95c3e6b95) (2b832c18d)
- ported Bug 1039986.  Make Function.prototype.toString work on Web IDL interface objects.  r=jorendorff,peterv (8fdf3c8db)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1180211 - Don't emit bytecode for empty strings in emitTemplateString. r=jorendorff (32583f419)
 - pointer style (7c9c4fa4b)
 - Bug 1150779 - Split for-loop tests out of js1_8_5/reflect-parse/destructuring.js. r=efaust (a61cdcc1f)
 - missing bit of Bug 748550 - Remove support for |for (... = ... in/of ...)| now that (bd6995dcc)
 - Bug 1164741 - Readd parsing support for |for (var ...1 = ...2 in ...3)|, but completely ignore the |= ...2| assignment when ascribing semantics to it. r=jorendorff, r=efaust (89b433205)
 - Bug 1163851 - Actually respect the InHandling parameter in the parser. |pc->parsingForInit| is now unused except for testing; it'll be removed once this has stuck a bit, as this change *does* change semantics in some edge cases. r=efaust (221fefa9a)
 - Bug 1146136 - Parenthesized "destructuring patterns" shouldn't actually be destructuring patterns. r=efaust, a=KWierso (93752d091)
 - Bug 1146136 - Fix most in-tree tests that parenthesize destructuring pattern assignment targets, as ES6 forbids such parenthesization. (The patch making SpiderMonkey reject this syntax will follow shortly.) r=efaust, r=testingonlychange (3e14c89c8)
 - Bug 1165162 - Hoist GetOrigin onto BasePrincipal. r=gabor (f396e85c9)
 - Bug 1161183: Don't show the add-on version in the list view. r=dao (559bfa7a5)
 - Bug 1161183: Follow-up fix that was missed in the review comments. r=dao, a=kwierso (57dfd764c)
 - Bug 1146136 - Fix another test that parenthesizes destructuring pattern assignment targets, that snuck in in the last week, as ES6 forbids such parenthesization. r=bustage, a=bustage (89078a294)
 - Bug 1146136 - Fix another test that parenthesizes destructuring pattern assignment targets, that snuck in in the last week, as ES6 forbids such parenthesization. r=bustage, a=bustage (7a93bd669)
 - Bug 1146136 - Followup mop-up to require that in destructuring patterns, an assignment target with a default value must not be parenthesized. (That is, |var [(a = 3)] = [];| is invalid, while |var [a = 3] = [];| is valid.) r=evilpie, r=efaust (b5697d644)
 - Bug 1146136 - Followup to condition tests using |super| syntax on class syntax being enabled. r=bustage (71725bdfc)
 - Bug 1165835: Fix bluetooth2 build break resulting from Bug 1164292. r=btian (44cc89766)
 - Bug 1140952 - Implement read/write value of a descriptor for GATT client API (ipc part). f=jocelyn, r=btian (14b21ce2b)
 - Bug 1156229: Make ref-counted class destructors non-public, r=joliu (dc5e0101f)
 - Bug 1156229: Update GATT support to include Android L, r=joliu (1ceef7b41)
 - fix patch order (4b8a2504e)
 - fix patch order (0a5787b74)
 - Bug 1127665 - Append name of paired device to 'DevicePaired' and 'PropertyChanged' BT signal. r=btian (72dfe74d8)
 - Bug 1141944 - [bluetooth2] Revise device paired/unpaired handlers in BluetoothAdapter, f=jaliu, r=shuang (bb74c9b01)
 - Bug 1063444 - Implement LE scan related methods and LE device event. r=joliu, r=mrbkap (7b4772ace)
 - Bug 1163969 - Reject the stopLeScan request only if there's no ongoing LE Scan using the given handle. r=joliu (a6fd40998) (fd2bb43e4)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1164292 - Tests. r=gabor (83c906b70)
 - Bug 1164292 - Order the nsEP whitelist array. r=gabor (9ca334913)
 - Bug 1165162 - Tests. r=gabor (5079f112f)
 - Bug 1165162 - Introduce a helper for converting from origin strings to a principal. rpending=Yoshi (6d3dc9d23)
 - Bug 1165162 - Fix typo in comment. r=me DONTBUILD (737bbcae7)
 - Bug 1165162 - Fix up nsScriptSecurityManager::AppStatusForPrincipal to compare principals rather than origins. r=gabor, sr=sicking (17db467fb)
 - Bug 1165162 - Add nsIPrincipal::cookieJar. r=sicking (92090c96a)
 - Bug 1152033 - Expose CSS lexer to js. r=heycam, r=bz (d4103b799)
 - Bug 1129999 - Implement CSP devtool using GCLI; CSP to JSON (r=sstamm,bholley) (3c2099d79)
 - Bug 1156847 - Part 1: Add the Response::GetSecurityInfo() helper method; r=nsm (b4973d6b3)
 - Bug 1156847 - Part 2: Store the security info for a service worker on its WorkerPrivate; r=bent,khuey (46cad4537) (6b21c0020)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1156847 - Part 3: When loading a service worker from the network, remember the security info of the channel on the WorkerPrivate; r=nsm (d2f579b83)
 - Bug 1156847 - Part 4: When storing a service worker script to the cache, store its security info in the cache as well; r=khuey (8440bb596)
 - Bug 1156847 - Part 5: When loading a service worker from the cache, set its security info on the WorkerPrivate; r=nsm (656aa49a1)
 - Bug 1156847 - Part 6: When calling FetchEvent.respondWith(), fall back to the security info of the service worker if the Response object that we are responding with doesn't have its own security info; r=nsm (bab71f147)
 - Bug 1156847 - Part 7: Add unit tests for responding to a FetchEvent with a synthesized Response both in the case where the service worker is loaded from the network and from the cache; r=nsm (8e56133c8)
 - Bug 1156847 followup: annotate workers helper-class "ScriptLoaderRunnable" OnStartRequest/OnStopRequest as override. rs=ehsan (88def1fa6)
 - Bug 1153929 - Add assertions and null checks to fix windows crash in nsHttpTransaction r=mcmanus (2547bda07)
 - Bug 1153929 - Add diagnostic asserts to check vtable is still present for mPipeOut r=mcmanus (b141045b9)
 - Bug 1130101 - Part 1: Store the value of the Service-Worker-Allowed header in the CompareManager object; r=nsm (7cecb4099)
 - Bug 1130101 - Part 2: Honor the Service-Worker-Allowed header when prefix matching the service worker scope; r=nsm (ed55a1670)
 - Bug 1130101 - Part 3: Add unit tests for the handling of the Service-Worker-Allowed header; r=nsm (fdb91f97b)
 - Bug 1130684 - Implement Service Worker clients.claim. r=nsm,ehsan (fdbf75e48)
 - Bug 1159407 - JavaScript error at aboutServiceWorkers.js when updating the service worker via about:serviceworkers page. r=baku (49d511930)
 - Bug 1162088 - patch 1 - ServiceWorkerManager should use OriginAttributes from the principal as scopeKey, r=nsm, r=bholley (162db819e)
 - Bug 1162088 - patch 2 - ServiceWorkerManager should use OriginAttributes from the principal as scopeKey, r=nsm (non-jsm part only) (983045b41)
 - Bug 1171486 - Avoid recursively obtaining the service worker manager service; r=nsm (7d9253661)
 - Bug 1131352 - Part 1: Fix codegen issue. r=smaug (488aa914f)
 - Bug 1157108 - onpush EventHandler support. r=ehsan (9905bbebf)
 - Bug 1132673 - Removing the scope line from ServiceWorkerGlobalScope and changing the signature and body of getScope. r=nsm,baku (ccfb8111b)
 - Bug 1140239 - Remove the commented out global properties of ServiceWorkerGlobalScope; r=baku (4730659f4)
 - Bug 1158728 - ServiceWorkerClient: use innerWindow id for referencing clients. r=nsm (22c3aecc9)
 - Bug 1130684 - Test fetch events are intercepted after a client is claimed. r=nsm (c5de59e99)
 - Bug 1161684 - Allow JAR channels to be intercepted by service workers. Tests. r=jdm (9f9227bf9)
 - Bug 1157619 P2 Test that service worker is not intercepted on force refresh. r=ehsan (5d3a804c1)
 - Bug 1170550 - Don't crash when registering a service worker which has a strict mode error; r=baku (12783152a)
 - Bug 1131352 - Part 2: Add ServiceWorkerGlobalScope skipWaiting(). r=nsm, r=baku (f5a3f06b5)
 - Bug 1131352 - Part 3: ServiceWorkerManager::SetSkipWaitingFlag() updated CLOSED TREE (88657b944) (9eb17f625)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1171486 - Part 2: Make it OK to call ServiceWorkerManager::GetInstance() during its Init() function; r=baku (c3c7bd78c)
 - Bug 1115820 - Add telemetry to ServiceWorkers. r=nsm, r=vladan (9a86f7466)
 - Bug 1172717 - Fail on UNKNOWN_APP_ID instead of crashing. r=bholley a=RyanVM (f950a7c59)
 - Bug 1154068 - rename relaxed to insecure scheme and add more runtime checks r=hurley (76e8ce41a)
 - Bug 1154061 - clear cached alt svc mappings on a variety of state changes r=hurley (9855ee544)
 - Bug 1153437 - rename proxyFlags to controlFlags with nsISocketProvider interfaces r=hurley (043a531c8)
 - bug 1153212 - 2/2 Necko explicitly track origin vs routed host and give psm only origin r=dkeeler r=hurley IGNORE IDL (d44c3d0e6)
 - part of Bug 935838 - Add per app network traffic statistics (d1861cb3d)
 - Bug 1109338: Part 1: Separate UDPSocket logging from network logging r=dragana (c2c887b0f)
 - Bug 1109338: Part 2: Sharing UDPSocket between PNecko and PBackground r=bent (90b2a09d2)
 - Bug 1133189 - Extend PrincipalInfo to handle expanded principals. r=bent, r=sicking (d3269d57e)
 - Bug 1155153 - about:serviceworkers should work in e10s mode, r=nsm, r=bholley (90dd0bb4b)
 - Bug 1061116 - Make the comparison query/hash insensitive for validity widget. r=fabrice (0969e8404)
 - Bug 1167603 - use string to replace nsIURI in aApps.widgetPages. r=fabrice (c528e2615)
 - Bug 1087469 - Add support for a start_url property in app manifests r=fabrice (0053f26d6)
 - Bug 1168783 - Expose principal in mozIApplication. r=fabrice (2fee4ed8e)
 - Bug 1169249 - Unregister service worker registration when uninstalling a service-worker-enabled application. r=baku (c881ee50b)
 - Bug 1174381 - ServiceWorkerManager::TeardownRunnable should be called when xpcom-shutdown notification is received, r=nsm (f47d59f19)
 - Bug 1167296 - patch 1 - ServiceWorkerManager::RemoveAll should use PBackground, r=nsm (8f8feda13)
 - Bug 1167296 - patch 2 - ServiceWorkerManager::Remove should use PBackground, r=nsm (fc931fffc) (3b1d2cdd8)

Posted (edited)

New regular/weekly KM-Goanna release:


In-tree changes:
- match nsIWebBrowserChromeFocus platform API changes (as of NM27 rev 3b1d2cdd8) (52f2e3f1)
- match NotifyJSRunToCompletionStart platform API changes (as of NM27 rev 3b1d2cdd8) (c7fea522)
- bump KM version for API change (as of NM27 rev 3b1d2cdd8) (4362cc31)

Out-of-tree changes:
* update Goanna3 to git 1311ec4a4..3b1d2cdd8:
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1165162 - Rework the nsIScriptSecurityManager principal-minting API to be originAttributes-centric. r=gabor,r=bholley,sr=sicking (269536132)
 - pointer style and mispatch (38b32b3bc)
 - more misspatch & pointer style (ff2bc3057)
 - Bug 1164014 - Fixing defaultShims. r=billm (bcf7f671a)
 - Bug 1164014 - Workaround for GC bug 1172193. r=gkrizsanits (b25cf4dea)
 - Bug 1158427 - r=roc (64037cb2c)
 - Bug 1157994 - Ensure AudioContext operations are started and resolved in the same order. r=roc (757de0f81)
 - Bug 1127188 - Properly handle AudioContext.close() calls right after the creation of an AudioContext. r=ehsan (88362873f)
 - Bug 1164011 - interposition for CPOWS. r=billm (24a8134f6)
 - Bug 1164014 - Shim optimization. r=billm (9a8498684)
 - Bug 1178581 - Interning does not and should not imply infinite lifetime; r=sfink (91dfc5b77)
 - Bug 1171053 - Remove JS_BindCallable. r=efaust (2e59b8c62)
 - Bug 1174372 - Initialize ExecutableAllocator static fields in JS_Init. r=luke (d02620196)
 - missing uid of 968334 (3c73a17db)
 - missing uuid of 1152577 (13d58364c)
 - add missing uuid of 1050500 (16c61b629)
 - Bug 110567 - Remove nsIDocShell::GetURLSearchParams(), r=smaug (5018a0936)
 - Bug 1132518, add a flag to nsIFrameTraversal to skip the popup checks, r=mats (8482fd8fd)
 - Bug 1132518, make document navigation with F6/Shift+F6 work in e10s. This combines the document and tab navigation mechanisms together, r=smaug (2085e999b)
 - Bug 1160307 - Capture async stack frames on Javascript timeline markers. r=fitzgen, r=smaug, r=Paolo (95c3e6b95) (2b832c18d)
- ported Bug 1039986.  Make Function.prototype.toString work on Web IDL interface objects.  r=jorendorff,peterv (8fdf3c8db)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1180211 - Don't emit bytecode for empty strings in emitTemplateString. r=jorendorff (32583f419)
 - pointer style (7c9c4fa4b)
 - Bug 1150779 - Split for-loop tests out of js1_8_5/reflect-parse/destructuring.js. r=efaust (a61cdcc1f)
 - missing bit of Bug 748550 - Remove support for |for (... = ... in/of ...)| now that (bd6995dcc)
 - Bug 1164741 - Readd parsing support for |for (var ...1 = ...2 in ...3)|, but completely ignore the |= ...2| assignment when ascribing semantics to it. r=jorendorff, r=efaust (89b433205)
 - Bug 1163851 - Actually respect the InHandling parameter in the parser. |pc->parsingForInit| is now unused except for testing; it'll be removed once this has stuck a bit, as this change *does* change semantics in some edge cases. r=efaust (221fefa9a)
 - Bug 1146136 - Parenthesized "destructuring patterns" shouldn't actually be destructuring patterns. r=efaust, a=KWierso (93752d091)
 - Bug 1146136 - Fix most in-tree tests that parenthesize destructuring pattern assignment targets, as ES6 forbids such parenthesization. (The patch making SpiderMonkey reject this syntax will follow shortly.) r=efaust, r=testingonlychange (3e14c89c8)
 - Bug 1165162 - Hoist GetOrigin onto BasePrincipal. r=gabor (f396e85c9)
 - Bug 1161183: Don't show the add-on version in the list view. r=dao (559bfa7a5)
 - Bug 1161183: Follow-up fix that was missed in the review comments. r=dao, a=kwierso (57dfd764c)
 - Bug 1146136 - Fix another test that parenthesizes destructuring pattern assignment targets, that snuck in in the last week, as ES6 forbids such parenthesization. r=bustage, a=bustage (89078a294)
 - Bug 1146136 - Fix another test that parenthesizes destructuring pattern assignment targets, that snuck in in the last week, as ES6 forbids such parenthesization. r=bustage, a=bustage (7a93bd669)
 - Bug 1146136 - Followup mop-up to require that in destructuring patterns, an assignment target with a default value must not be parenthesized. (That is, |var [(a = 3)] = [];| is invalid, while |var [a = 3] = [];| is valid.) r=evilpie, r=efaust (b5697d644)
 - Bug 1146136 - Followup to condition tests using |super| syntax on class syntax being enabled. r=bustage (71725bdfc)
 - Bug 1165835: Fix bluetooth2 build break resulting from Bug 1164292. r=btian (44cc89766)
 - Bug 1140952 - Implement read/write value of a descriptor for GATT client API (ipc part). f=jocelyn, r=btian (14b21ce2b)
 - Bug 1156229: Make ref-counted class destructors non-public, r=joliu (dc5e0101f)
 - Bug 1156229: Update GATT support to include Android L, r=joliu (1ceef7b41)
 - fix patch order (4b8a2504e)
 - fix patch order (0a5787b74)
 - Bug 1127665 - Append name of paired device to 'DevicePaired' and 'PropertyChanged' BT signal. r=btian (72dfe74d8)
 - Bug 1141944 - [bluetooth2] Revise device paired/unpaired handlers in BluetoothAdapter, f=jaliu, r=shuang (bb74c9b01)
 - Bug 1063444 - Implement LE scan related methods and LE device event. r=joliu, r=mrbkap (7b4772ace)
 - Bug 1163969 - Reject the stopLeScan request only if there's no ongoing LE Scan using the given handle. r=joliu (a6fd40998) (fd2bb43e4)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1164292 - Tests. r=gabor (83c906b70)
 - Bug 1164292 - Order the nsEP whitelist array. r=gabor (9ca334913)
 - Bug 1165162 - Tests. r=gabor (5079f112f)
 - Bug 1165162 - Introduce a helper for converting from origin strings to a principal. rpending=Yoshi (6d3dc9d23)
 - Bug 1165162 - Fix typo in comment. r=me DONTBUILD (737bbcae7)
 - Bug 1165162 - Fix up nsScriptSecurityManager::AppStatusForPrincipal to compare principals rather than origins. r=gabor, sr=sicking (17db467fb)
 - Bug 1165162 - Add nsIPrincipal::cookieJar. r=sicking (92090c96a)
 - Bug 1152033 - Expose CSS lexer to js. r=heycam, r=bz (d4103b799)
 - Bug 1129999 - Implement CSP devtool using GCLI; CSP to JSON (r=sstamm,bholley) (3c2099d79)
 - Bug 1156847 - Part 1: Add the Response::GetSecurityInfo() helper method; r=nsm (b4973d6b3)
 - Bug 1156847 - Part 2: Store the security info for a service worker on its WorkerPrivate; r=bent,khuey (46cad4537) (6b21c0020)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1156847 - Part 3: When loading a service worker from the network, remember the security info of the channel on the WorkerPrivate; r=nsm (d2f579b83)
 - Bug 1156847 - Part 4: When storing a service worker script to the cache, store its security info in the cache as well; r=khuey (8440bb596)
 - Bug 1156847 - Part 5: When loading a service worker from the cache, set its security info on the WorkerPrivate; r=nsm (656aa49a1)
 - Bug 1156847 - Part 6: When calling FetchEvent.respondWith(), fall back to the security info of the service worker if the Response object that we are responding with doesn't have its own security info; r=nsm (bab71f147)
 - Bug 1156847 - Part 7: Add unit tests for responding to a FetchEvent with a synthesized Response both in the case where the service worker is loaded from the network and from the cache; r=nsm (8e56133c8)
 - Bug 1156847 followup: annotate workers helper-class "ScriptLoaderRunnable" OnStartRequest/OnStopRequest as override. rs=ehsan (88def1fa6)
 - Bug 1153929 - Add assertions and null checks to fix windows crash in nsHttpTransaction r=mcmanus (2547bda07)
 - Bug 1153929 - Add diagnostic asserts to check vtable is still present for mPipeOut r=mcmanus (b141045b9)
 - Bug 1130101 - Part 1: Store the value of the Service-Worker-Allowed header in the CompareManager object; r=nsm (7cecb4099)
 - Bug 1130101 - Part 2: Honor the Service-Worker-Allowed header when prefix matching the service worker scope; r=nsm (ed55a1670)
 - Bug 1130101 - Part 3: Add unit tests for the handling of the Service-Worker-Allowed header; r=nsm (fdb91f97b)
 - Bug 1130684 - Implement Service Worker clients.claim. r=nsm,ehsan (fdbf75e48)
 - Bug 1159407 - JavaScript error at aboutServiceWorkers.js when updating the service worker via about:serviceworkers page. r=baku (49d511930)
 - Bug 1162088 - patch 1 - ServiceWorkerManager should use OriginAttributes from the principal as scopeKey, r=nsm, r=bholley (162db819e)
 - Bug 1162088 - patch 2 - ServiceWorkerManager should use OriginAttributes from the principal as scopeKey, r=nsm (non-jsm part only) (983045b41)
 - Bug 1171486 - Avoid recursively obtaining the service worker manager service; r=nsm (7d9253661)
 - Bug 1131352 - Part 1: Fix codegen issue. r=smaug (488aa914f)
 - Bug 1157108 - onpush EventHandler support. r=ehsan (9905bbebf)
 - Bug 1132673 - Removing the scope line from ServiceWorkerGlobalScope and changing the signature and body of getScope. r=nsm,baku (ccfb8111b)
 - Bug 1140239 - Remove the commented out global properties of ServiceWorkerGlobalScope; r=baku (4730659f4)
 - Bug 1158728 - ServiceWorkerClient: use innerWindow id for referencing clients. r=nsm (22c3aecc9)
 - Bug 1130684 - Test fetch events are intercepted after a client is claimed. r=nsm (c5de59e99)
 - Bug 1161684 - Allow JAR channels to be intercepted by service workers. Tests. r=jdm (9f9227bf9)
 - Bug 1157619 P2 Test that service worker is not intercepted on force refresh. r=ehsan (5d3a804c1)
 - Bug 1170550 - Don't crash when registering a service worker which has a strict mode error; r=baku (12783152a)
 - Bug 1131352 - Part 2: Add ServiceWorkerGlobalScope skipWaiting(). r=nsm, r=baku (f5a3f06b5)
 - Bug 1131352 - Part 3: ServiceWorkerManager::SetSkipWaitingFlag() updated CLOSED TREE (88657b944) (9eb17f625)
- import changes from `dev' branch of rmottola/Arctic-Fox:
 - Bug 1171486 - Part 2: Make it OK to call ServiceWorkerManager::GetInstance() during its Init() function; r=baku (c3c7bd78c)
 - Bug 1115820 - Add telemetry to ServiceWorkers. r=nsm, r=vladan (9a86f7466)
 - Bug 1172717 - Fail on UNKNOWN_APP_ID instead of crashing. r=bholley a=RyanVM (f950a7c59)
 - Bug 1154068 - rename relaxed to insecure scheme and add more runtime checks r=hurley (76e8ce41a)
 - Bug 1154061 - clear cached alt svc mappings on a variety of state changes r=hurley (9855ee544)
 - Bug 1153437 - rename proxyFlags to controlFlags with nsISocketProvider interfaces r=hurley (043a531c8)
 - bug 1153212 - 2/2 Necko explicitly track origin vs routed host and give psm only origin r=dkeeler r=hurley IGNORE IDL (d44c3d0e6)
 - part of Bug 935838 - Add per app network traffic statistics (d1861cb3d)
 - Bug 1109338: Part 1: Separate UDPSocket logging from network logging r=dragana (c2c887b0f)
 - Bug 1109338: Part 2: Sharing UDPSocket between PNecko and PBackground r=bent (90b2a09d2)
 - Bug 1133189 - Extend PrincipalInfo to handle expanded principals. r=bent, r=sicking (d3269d57e)
 - Bug 1155153 - about:serviceworkers should work in e10s mode, r=nsm, r=bholley (90dd0bb4b)
 - Bug 1061116 - Make the comparison query/hash insensitive for validity widget. r=fabrice (0969e8404)
 - Bug 1167603 - use string to replace nsIURI in aApps.widgetPages. r=fabrice (c528e2615)
 - Bug 1087469 - Add support for a start_url property in app manifests r=fabrice (0053f26d6)
 - Bug 1168783 - Expose principal in mozIApplication. r=fabrice (2fee4ed8e)
 - Bug 1169249 - Unregister service worker registration when uninstalling a service-worker-enabled application. r=baku (c881ee50b)
 - Bug 1174381 - ServiceWorkerManager::TeardownRunnable should be called when xpcom-shutdown notification is received, r=nsm (f47d59f19)
 - Bug 1167296 - patch 1 - ServiceWorkerManager::RemoveAll should use PBackground, r=nsm (8f8feda13)
 - Bug 1167296 - patch 2 - ServiceWorkerManager::Remove should use PBackground, r=nsm (fc931fffc) (3b1d2cdd8)

* Notice: the changelog above may not always applicable to XULRunner code which K-Meleon uses.

A goanna3 source tree that has kmeleon adaption patch applied is available here: https://github.com/roytam1/palemoon27/tree/kmeleon76

Edited by roytam1
Posted (edited)
38 minutes ago, roytam1 said:
38 minutes ago, roytam1 said:

Sadly :(, all four links above produce a 404 Not Found server response currently (ca. 00:00 UTC 20/02/2021) ...

Edited by VistaLover

Roy, your latest build (27.9.7.win32-git-20210220) renders my Adblock Edge 2.1.9 unusable.

The Ctrl+Shift+U shortcut (Blockable items) won't work anymore which is the one feature I badly need.

It's much preferable to the built-in "Network"-tool (Ctrl+Shift+Q).

Please have a look into it...



3 hours ago, VistaLover said:

Sadly :(, all four links above produce a 404 Not Found server response currently (ca. 00:00 UTC 20/02/2021) ...

should be fixed

Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, bernd said:

Roy, your latest build (27.9.7.win32-git-20210220) renders my Adblock Edge 2.1.9 unusable.

The Ctrl+Shift+U shortcut (Blockable items) won't work anymore which is the one feature I badly need.

It's much preferable to the built-in "Network"-tool (Ctrl+Shift+Q).

Please have a look into it...


{fe272bd1-5f76-4ea4-8501-a05d35d823fc}.xpi 178.57 kB · 2 downloads

I can confirm this, one of upstream commit causing this and it is still being found for reporting.

EDIT: extension also tested in firefox 45esr and it gets same error and it is an intended change in firefox 41: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1146136

you may need to update the extension to newer version.

Edited by roytam1
58 minutes ago, roytam1 said:

you may need to update the extension to newer version.

Adblock Edge v2.1.9 was the last version released before being discontinued and removed from AMO:


It only ever supported Fx 26.0-39.0 to begin with... If NM27's current "upstream" are implementing Fx 41.0 code, then more breakage will take place, not only restricted to this one, but possibly with other extensions originally supporting/designed for Mozilla 38.0, which is what the original Tycho (in NM27) was forked off...

@bernd will probably have to change his adblocker extension altogether... Can you try
https://addons.palemoon.org/addon/adblock-latitude/ or
https://addons.palemoon.org/addon/abprime/ ?

Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, VistaLover said:

Adblock Edge v2.1.9 was the last version released before being discontinued and removed from AMO:


It only ever supported Fx 26.0-39.0 to begin with... If NM27's current "upstream" are implementing Fx 41.0 code, then more breakage will take place, not only restricted to this one, but possibly with other extensions originally supporting/designed for Mozilla 38.0, which is what the original Tycho (in NM27) was forked off...

@bernd will probably have to change his adblocker extension altogether... Can you try
https://addons.palemoon.org/addon/adblock-latitude/ or
https://addons.palemoon.org/addon/abprime/ ?

hackfixing that extension is possible:

in lib/ui.js, line 405:

				({CustomizableUI}) = Cu.import("resource:///modules/CustomizableUI.jsm", null);
			catch (e)
				// No built-in CustomizableUI API, use our own implementation.
				({CustomizableUI}) = require("customizableUI");

change into:

				({CustomizableUI} = Cu.import("resource:///modules/CustomizableUI.jsm", null));
			catch (e)
				// No built-in CustomizableUI API, use our own implementation.
				({CustomizableUI} = require("customizableUI"));


an article describing that parser change: http://whereswalden.com/2015/06/20/new-changes-to-make-spidermonkeys-and-firefoxs-parsing-of-destructuring-patterns-more-spec-compliant/

Edited by roytam1
Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, roytam1 said:

hackfixing that extension is possible:

in lib/ui.js, line 405:

... and here is AdblockEdge v2.1.10 for NM27:


Changes from v2.1.9:
1. Implemented patch to ui.js as per @roytam1
2. Removed signature related directory/file
3. Removed references inside chrome.manifest to non-existing localisation dirs
4. Cosmetic changes to install.rdf
5. Changed Fx related entries inside install.rdf to


... so it could install and work in FxESR 45 fork (hopefully...)

6. Introduced NM27 targetApplication block inside install.rdf, so it could install as a native extension:

        <!-- New Moon 27.9.7+ -->

7. Removed fennec2+seamonkey+thunderbird targetApplication blocks...
8. Changed homepageURL to the last working webarchive snapshot:

DISCLAIMER: Use at your own risk - not tested extensively; as I said already, users of 2.1.9 should probably move on to a more current/maintained adblocker extension... ;)

Edited by VistaLover
Posted (edited)
17 hours ago, VistaLover said:

If NM27's current "upstream" are implementing Fx 41.0 code, then more breakage will take place

Another not welcome :angry: (at least by me) implemented change in latest NM 27.9.7 (32-bit) (2021-02-19), as a result of backporting Fx 41.0 code, is the disappearance of extensions' version numbers inside addons-manager (AOM):


This is a direct result of Bugzilla Bug #1161183 landing in


as: Bug 1161183: Don't show the add-on version in the list view. r=dao (559bfa7a5)

That change was one I objected to with vigor at the time (being a Nightly Tester), but when Firefox 41 stable arrived with it merged, I was already using Classic Theme Restorer, which soon provided a setting to restore AOM to the way it was pre-41...
Of course, other Firefox users complained to Mozilla about this change, but Mozilla by then were already on a steady course to degrade their browser into one targeting 10yr-olds, so, unfortunately, Bugzilla Bug #1175324 was WONTFIXed :realmad:

I don't know how @roytam1 feels about this change, but Aris is here again to the rescue:


Download the very first version (1.0.1) of "Add-ons Manager - Version Number", patch install.rdf to add a NM27 specific targetApplication block (see my previous post) and install:


Edited by VistaLover
5 hours ago, roytam1 said:

hackfixing that extension is possible:

in lib/ui.js, line 405:

Repositioning just two round brackets and that's all. Pretty simple (If you only know how...)

Just a brilliant job, Roy!! THANK YOU A THOUSAND TIMES...


51 minutes ago, VistaLover said:

... and here is AdblockEdge v2.1.10 for NM27:



And thank you too for that EXTRA mile and job!! Priceless...

Just works OOB. Great, VL!!

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