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Fake Screenshot Contest

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Hello, this is a fake screenshot contest where you make a fake screenshot and then upload it here on this topic, so here is a fake screenshot to kick things off, have fun!

Hey look guys! I got a copy of Windows 9 Build 9600, this got leaked on the internet yesterday so i decided to have a look at it, it looks exactly like Windows 8.1 but it's got a few changes, first of all, the flag has now been colored to match the original colors of the Windows flag, secondly, winver has been changed, interestingly the version number is 7.0 and last but not least, there's a watermark at the bottom right hand corner, including the Microsoft Confidential watermark.


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Also from my top secret sources, this is the Pychedelic themed interface for Winhdoze Nein.....

Only the active window on "top" will be displayed in normal colors. Everything else is phasing in and out of the space time continuum, swirling around on a spaced-out trip. Groovy, man.


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Also from my top secret sources, this is the Pychedelic themed interface for Winhdoze Nein..... Only the active window on "top" will be displayed in normal colors. Everything else is phasing in and out of the space time continuum, swirling around on a spaced-out trip. Groovy, man. 2u59usn.jpg

Windows Nein huhh. Was the pun intended. (Nein means no in german)

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  • 3 years later...

Hello! I'm new, and I saw a Fake Screenshot thread from 2014. I made some fake screenshots in the past, and I wanted to share them!

Starting with Windows 2001:


^ This is the first build of Windows 2001, codenamed Odyssey.


^ An October build of Windows 2001. Bootscreen was changed to a more Win9x like one.


^ The first RC build of Windows 2001. It changes the logo to a WinXP like one.


^ The final build of Windows 2001. The OS was divided to three editions: Home Edition...


^ ...Professional, with a blue background...


^ ...and Server, with a darker shade of blue.

I hope that you will enjoy :P

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Some more screenshots:


^ Windows Cloud, build 18043. Uses OneDrive for storing all of the user's data. It won't see any hard disks.

Windows MT, version 1.0, build 19577. This is the first OS on the new Midori kernel, comes in 3 editions:

- Professional


- Home


- Server


All 3 still have some code in common with the old NT architecture, mainly for backward compatibility with all old software, but all built-in apps were rewritten in order to use the advanced instructions that Midori kernel has to offer. Note that it's not recommended for running NT apps, as the backward compatibility with them is not perfect. Some older games may run way slower than on Windows 10, and some NT apps may not work at all.

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Again, some more screenshots!


^ Windows 2001, build 2231 desktop. This is the October Test Release. Sorry for the weird colors, this is the fault of Paint.net :P


^ Windows NT 4.1, build 1664.


^ Internet Explorer NT, bundled with NT 4.1 Service Pack 2


^ And here is Windows NT 4.1 SP2 Update splash screen.


^ And an updated version of IE NT, 2.0, bundled with NT 4.1 SP3.


^ And a special version of Windows 95, used in embedded systems before Windows NT 4.0.

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Maybe should be titled "Fake Screenshot Showoff v2".

Out of curiosity what is the scope or usefulness (if any) of these?

The "original" thread was started by a new user that posted only that initial post and never came back, and to be very, very kind to him, at the time it might have had some satirical purpose given the never-release of a Windows 9 and the doubts on the name of the next Windows versions.

But yours?

Show how clever you are in using paint.net?


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Well, I just enjoy making those and I thought that I may share them here as well as see other people's creations. And to be honest, I made all of them in Photoshop :D but I made the desktop in paint.net because I couldn't do it in PS, I just didn't know how.

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4 hours ago, Neffe said:

Well, I just enjoy making those and I thought that I may share them here as well as see other people's creations. And to be honest, I made all of them in Photoshop :D but I made the desktop in paint.net because I couldn't do it in PS, I just didn't know how.

Good :).

You just won the contest. :thumbup


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