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Server 2012 Updates on Windows 8

Jody Thornton

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5 minutes ago, JorgeA said:

 Maybe my Win7 PC doesn't make the cut to be included among those "some computers."  :)

And, even if it was included, that must have expired / be expiring by now (or maybe just soon), so perhaps I'll consider the update to IE11 again, later on... :)

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Awww - How dare I forget my duties  LOL.  I forgot that I had an important MSFN assignment due.

(no worries: greenhillmaniac called me into his office and gave me royal ca-ca.  I was told that if I got to work right away on this Windows Update thingy, he and will be able to (wait for it ....) "patch" things up (har har)

I'll get to it in a few minutes.


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So I will be installing the following updates for Server 2012 on to my Windows 8 installation:

KB3172729, KB3175887, KB3177108, KB3177725, KB3178034

Plus this update for Internet Explorer 10:


Rebooting now ...... in 3 ,   2 ,   1 ......

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Now KB3172729 did not install on my system (likely because I have Secure Boot not enabled on my system).  However all of the other updates installed with aplomb.

That makes it seven months of post-support updates for Windows 8.

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You folks might just want to read this:


Now while I'm sure that this may be viewed negatively, I can see a benefit here.  I can simply download Server 2012 update rollups for Security and .NET Frameworks (it targets all installed versions) and then just manually install those on to my Windows 8 system.  Just two rollup updates a month.

That's provided of course they don't introduce checks to make sure I'm running Windows Server 2012.  That would stink.  Also for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 users, it means you can no longer disect the telemetry updates.  That's crappy.  The latter issue doesn't affect me, but still you would have my sympathies.

Now I wonder what the difference is between security-only rollups and the regular cumulative rollup offered by Windows Updates?  What is missing in the security-only updates?  Since Windows 7 and 8.1 (I think) are both now in extended-phase support, would they not be both only receiving security updates and no new features?

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I guess now Vista is the only sane Windows version left... Let's pray that the Redmond bafoons don't exclude Windows 8.0 from the monthly rollups.

BTW, I just tested this on my laptop, and apparently Windows 8 Embedded Standard updates also work on Windows 8.0, which means x86 PCs can also have a fully updated client NT 6.2 OS. I would update the repository, but I'm currently on vacation, so only next Tuesday will I be available.

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On Wednesday, August 17, 2016 at 1:32 PM, greenhillmaniac said:

I guess now Vista is the only sane Windows version left... Let's pray that the Redmond bafoons don't exclude Windows 8.0 from the monthly rollups.

BTW, I just tested this on my laptop, and apparently Windows 8 Embedded Standard updates also work on Windows 8.0, which means x86 PCs can also have a fully updated client NT 6.2 OS. I would update the repository, but I'm currently on vacation, so only next Tuesday will I be available.

Well, Windows 8 will definitely be "excluded".  I guess what we mean to say is one of two things.  Let's hope that Windows Server 2012 (classic) gets either:

(a) rollup security and .NET updates -OR-

(b) continued access to individual updates

... in both cases, let's hope we can apply them to Windows 8.

Now bringing up Vista, I am going to research whether or not there is any software, web-based or locally installed, that allow me to NetFile my tax returns on Vista next year (apparently the is a new security protocol required in Microsoft's TCP/IP stack that is required by the Canada Revenue Agency to permit this, which is ONLY included in Windows 7 or higher.  That's what prompted my move to Windows 8 in December.  But if there is software that works on thw web with Vista, well that opens up my options.  Should this good fortune of applying updates to post-supported Windows 8 collapse, I might just return to Vista x64.  Using Server 2008 updates, we should be able to give Vista the same royal treatment after April 2017 that we gave Windows 8.  That would provide "support" until January 2020.  Besides everything else that I want to run would work in Vista.

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Ok, just got back home, time to update the repository.

This is an overhaul to the repository, as it no longer contains superseeded updates, has Internet Explorer 10, Flash Player and Kernel Mode Driver updates on the root directory, since those are updated every month and replace the previous versions, and (most importantly) X86 UPDATES FOR YOUR COMPUTING NEEDS! These come from Windows 8 Embedded Standard and work on Windows 8.0 (tested on my 12 inch laptop with a measly Intel Celeron Dual Core at 1.2 Ghz, from 2009).

One thing to keep note of is that security updates for Media Center will not be available for Windows 8.0, since the only NT 6.2 supported OSes, Server 2012 and 8 Embedded Standard, don't have this feature. Regardless, these updates only fix vulnerabilities when oppening .mcl files, so as long as you don't open those kind of files, you shouldn't worry too much :cool:

Here's the new link: https://mega.nz/#F!ExhDEbDA!pUhzXKVp5-hgzvylW_btfQ

BONUS: I'll also be starting a new thread, on how to install AMD drivers for Windows 8.0 (it's surprisingly easy, but still requires a few steps).
EDIT: The AMD thread: http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/175966-amd-drivers-for-windows-80/

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  • 4 weeks later...
Just now, JodyT said:

Cue the Circus music:

(daaah-daaah-da-da-dum  ... daaah-daaah-da-da-dum)

Step right up, yes ... step right up.  We are now going to witness the eighth month witnessing the Ultimate Updater (that's me ...lol) as he dare take updates from Server 2012 and hopes to accomplish the incredible feat of installing those updates on to a Windows 8 system.  You say it can't be done, ... he'll ruin his system.  He proceeds forward nonetheless.  Here are the updates that he will install....

For the OS itself => KB3175024, KB3177186, KB3184122, KB3184471, KB3184943, KB3185911

For the Adobe Flash Player:

and for Internet Explorer 10:

Has this man lost his mind?  Will he be able to reboot his system?  We'll find out.  Greenhillmanic, if you would roll the drums please ........................................................................................ see you after the boot!


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Repository updated: https://mega.nz/#F!ExhDEbDA!pUhzXKVp5-hgzvylW_btfQ

Changes and notes:

  • Replaced updates: IE11 (KB3175443 -> KB3185319); Flash Player (KB3174060 -> KB3188128); Microsoft Graphics Component replaces previous Kernel Mode Driver Update (KB3177725 -> KB3185911) and PDF Library Update (KB3175887 -> KB3184943)
  • In the Security Update for Windows section of the security bulletin (https://technet.microsoft.com/library/security/MS16-110) it only shows KB3184471 available for Server 2012, but KB3187754, that only shows as available on 8.1 in the security bulletin, appears on Microsoft Update Catalog for Windows 8 Embedded Standard. If @JodyT could test KB3187754 (it's in the repository, so no need for IE!) that would be great! Maybe it's a pre-requisite for KB3184471 that you couldn't install :w00t:

That's basically it. I'll be starting a new thread on how to install Powershell 5.0 on Windows 8.0 (yes, I found a way!), and maybe a few others that might be useful for Windows 7 and 10, regarding updating the Windows Update Client without installing the Cumulative Updates, and installing the Classic Calculator in AU without modding system files.

Stay tuned, folks!

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Cue the Circus music:

(daaah-daaah-da-da-dum  ... daaah-daaah-da-da-dum)

Step right up, yes ... step right up.  We are now going to witness the eighth month witnessing the Ultimate Updater (that's me ...lol) as he dare take updates from Server 2012 and hopes to accomplish the incredible feat of installing those updates on to a Windows 8 system.  You say it can't be done, ... he'll ruin his system.  He proceeds forward nonetheless.  Here are the updates that he will install....

For the OS itself => KB3175024, KB3177186, KB3184122, KB3184471, KB3184943, KB3185911

For the Adobe Flash Player:

and for Internet Explorer 10:

Has this man lost his mind?  Will he be able to reboot his system?  We'll find out.  Greenhillmanic, if you would roll the drums please ........................................................................................ see you after the boot!


After the Reboot! (for some reason I cannot post a new entry ... it says "time between new posts are limited and that I'd have to wait for -60834 seconds)

OK so I'm back.  Now interestingly KB3184471 was not consider required for my system, so that on did not install.  I'm going to re-investigate that one now.  However the rest installed.

So there is eight months done.  I wonder how October will go regarding cumulative updates.


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