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Jump2RegTen for 10, 11 and 7


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Try reading a little closer.

Example for me on the 64 bit side you can't see this. It was on the 32 bit side. I want to be able to delete them keys to stop Catalyst from starting up with windows 10. MS forces drivers on me so I take it then disable afterwards.

Should I hilite the pertinent parts?

I note that you joined nearly ywo years ago and all of a sudden you come back as an Expert on WinX. I suppose you didn't notice all the folks getting th Previews or the tragically long WinX First Impressions thread?

Please also note my status on MSFN. I didn't get it from providing misinformation or belittling someone's accomplishments. Who's the rude one here, Sir J. Monroe? YOU came onto this thread and trounced on someone. NOW (once again) STOP IT, please! :angry:

I've already proven this guy has major issues with reading. Even jaclaz proved this also.

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Right here.

You're making the disabling of startup items and services far more complicated than it needs to be. There are legitimate uses for editing the registry directly... this is not one of them, mainly because you are literally making what you're trying to accomplish far more difficult than it needs to be.
"Literally" not belittling... I suppose you can write something that does that?
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Well, you didn'ty pay attention. Are you using an iPhone and not see it?


I could care less how many posts you've made, who you are

You don't get to be Patron, Moderator, Supervisor, Developer, (whatever) based on post count. Is that your intent? If so, then cease posting. It won't help. Better yet, post with actual helpful information - you, too, may become a Patron. But definitely not by your methods.  :no:  ;):thumbup

Edited by submix8c
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jmonroe, our developers can make and post what they want. You don't have to use it.

Also your signature is too large. Please see our forum rules for guidelines. You can post the specs (and pictures if you like) of your computer here:


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One would have to choose to install CCC, as it doesn't just magically appear.


jmonroe0914 You don't have much experience with this 10 do you?


After install and I hit desktop first thing happens is it installs Onedrive or updates it. I run script to remove.


Next thing comes down is display drivers which is full CCC for me. I didn't choose anything it just happens on each and every fresh install. MS installs drivers it wants.

I have even unplugged ethernet and tried installing just driver but it knows best and installs Catalyst soon after I hook back up

Have done installed many times and seen this happening because I have to wait till its done before my disabling will work. I'm just disabling certain components from starting with Doze

Edited by Yzöwl
unnecessary quoted section(s) removed
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@maxXPsoft - I may need some help with some of those "unwanted items". My brother is (or was) considering WinX and I'm pretty sure he (nor I) would want some of it. He's sitting tight on Win7Pro HP OEM right now (a PC he got from a business) but asked about the "Free Winx". I warned him off (Win7 support->2020?) but told him he would need to Upgrade once pretty soon (then restore his Win7) if he expected to use it after Win7.


This is going to be fun (not!), and thanx for the tool. :thumbup

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Perhaps you're having difficulty reading, as I never once belittled the OP... to the contrary, I gave them a compliment.

On a side note, I could care less how many posts you've made, who you are, or your hubristic perspective... your social skills are horrendous, and I really would encourage you to research how to interact with people in an amicable fashion. By all means, you can continue to behave in this childish manor and you'll be ignored.


I suggest you look inward my friend, to see why some folks think very little of you and your posts.  It's not them.  You have a way of wording things that insults those you try to interact with.


My suggestion:  Try humility.  Start with the assumption that you are not smarter, better, nor more experienced than anyone here.  Understand that respect has to be earned.  Otherwise you're going to continue to be just so much noise between interesting posts (not to mention drawing responses out of irritation).



...script to remove...

...help with some of those "unwanted items...


A question for submix8c and others here (MaxXPsoft, I think I already know your perspective)...


How much of Win 10's "App" environment are you really interested in using?


Inasmuch as we can change anything we want on our computers (at least for now), Win 10 can be deprovisioned and deconfigured so that it is a desktop-only animal, but that's clearly paddling against Microsoft's current.  This is clearly evidenced by Microsoft's having restored all the Apps with the 10586 in-place installation.


Since Win 10 doesn't bring anything to the party - AT ALL - beyond what I guess they consider are improvements to the Metro/Modern/Universal App world, it kind of comes off as a "why bother?" system if you're not interested in that.


Honestly, if I want a weather forecast - or a map or most any other information - I use a web browser.  I don't see any problem with that nor any advantage in an App version of same.  I'm not in the slightest bit interested in games, though I can see how some folks find a diversion occasionally nice, and of course REAL games (i.e., those that require teraflop GPU power) aren't in Apps - at least not yet.


Does Windows 10 seem interesting because of something it doesPromises to do?


Is it attractive because it does what you want and you'd like Microsoft to take over the entire task of running your system?


Are you concerned that if you don't keep current you'll be overrun by malware?


Did Microsoft just wear you down with their insistence on delivering Win 10 through Windows Update?


Put another way, what is it you want from Windows? 


On a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being desktop ONLY, 10 being Apps ONLY, what is it you expect / want to do with Windows 10?


With me it's 1 - strictly desktop.  When I tried Apps I found them irritatingly poorly constructed, childish, and frankly insulting.  They reminded me of programming in Basic in the 1970s.  So far, I only find Win 10 interesting (to run in a VM) because it allows me to keep up with what Microsoft is doing - which is disturbing on many levels.



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@maxXPsoft - I may need some help with some of those "unwanted items". My brother is (or was) considering WinX and I'm pretty sure he (nor I) would want some of it. He's sitting tight on Win7Pro HP OEM right now (a PC he got from a business) but asked about the "Free Winx". I warned him off (Win7 support->2020?) but told him he would need to Upgrade once pretty soon (then restore his Win7) if he expected to use it after Win7.


This is going to be fun (not!), and thanx for the tool. :thumbup


That's close to what I had HP but had upgraded to Pro and kept installing it with OEM's unattended.


I held out for awhile keeping a couple but the Metro Apps are really junk. No telling how much longer we will be able to git rid of junk like Noel and I have done with cortana post. We can only hope once they change things others will come up with ways to eliminate or we figure things out ourselves.


I have to keep up since my very large company is headed towards Win 10 and I work on everything from Dos machines on up to .Net programming. Course they won't have the rubbish like rest of us with Enterprise.

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  • 1 year later...

Did that in place Upgrade to W10 Creators Update and my right click "Jump2RegTen with key" quit working. Other things messed up also. Have to look at installing with an Unattended possibly to get rid of overhead garbage but will have to test in a VM to tweak it up before I completely wipe it.

Noel's script put me back but still a bunch of problems that were working before.

Was using powershell to capture clipboard and open registry with it but this no longer works.

Working on a C# fix

Untill then I use this

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\Jump2RegTen with key]
"MUIVerb"="Jump2RegTen with key"

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\Background\shell\Jump2RegTen with key\command]
Edited by maxXPsoft
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Update to 1.0.5

Adding TrackWatch to this under ? icon where I export before and after of 2 Drives and all Registry settings. Then do a quick export of settings that have changed between the before and after. Its not where I want it to be but still working on it. I am exporting the Results to Temp folder so you most likely want to do a Disk Cleanup removing all files from Temp also because it gets really big. Its my replacement to InstallWatchPro that expired.

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