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Windows 8.1 unattended install fails, could not parse. Very frustrated

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Right... I have wondering myself as to why its refers to that path.

It is how it is designed. Sysprep will make an XML file there with either the default settings, or using the settings provided in the file specified by the file in the /unattend option. As an example, if I have an image that I want to make a change to, I mount the image and edit that XML, save changes and unmount.

I took a quick look at your file just now, but I will try to do some testing tomorrow to see if I can replicate.

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K-Mart-ian Legend I did more tinkering around, and was able to get past that error, to a point where I was presented with set/verify your region/time zone, and msoobe screen, create account and then continued with my sysprep "first login commands" options.


Progress just now need to figure out if I change those options and will I still get that far to my "first login commands".


One item I did change is I removed the static IP address for DNS for the interfaces option from the specialized pass.


I will keep you updated.

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K-Mart-ian Legend

If you insist on referring to me by my title, then I'll have to start calling you Newbie! :lol:

to a point where I was presented with set/verify your region/time zone, and msoobe screen, create account

Yes, your XML does not specify that information so OOBE will ask it of you.

In your XML you had attached before, I don't see any static IPs for DNS in the specialize pass. The ones I do see are in the WinPE pass. But I do see in specialize you have it set to enable DHCP on the two NICs. This is a default setting and you can remove that component.

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Call me the FNG if you wish, I've been called worst.


So far a few test runs and no issues so far. I know that Win8.1 is different, wouldn't think it would handle an option like that so much differently than Win7.


Once again I appreciate all the help.

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Example (to disambiguate):

jonfrederick, Tripredacus, jaclaz <- Member Name

Newbie, K-Mart-ian Legend, The Finder <- Member Title

Member, Super Moderator, Developer <- Member Group



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Call me the FNG if you wish, I've been called worst.


So far a few test runs and no issues so far. I know that Win8.1 is different, wouldn't think it would handle an option like that so much differently than Win7.


Once again I appreciate all the help.

If you have a Working .xml file now perhaps you can post it here so that it may help others with similar issues.



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  • 7 months later...

Like the rest of you the next project(s) take over after a struggle has been conquered, however now that I'm in a project that we are integrating Microsoft Surface 3's into our environment made me think of this thread.


Sorry for the delay in posting an example of the working XML file for Win8.1.


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