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KernelEx 2022 (Kex22) Test Versions (

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Avoiding the problem is of no help in solving the problem! Please try to reproduce the "MPREXE caused an invalid page fault in

module KERNELEX.DLL" problem with first release.0 and then release.4.

The latter should detect the NULL pointer before the crash and display first a "storage #x is NULL" messagebox and then a deep stack dump messagebox. I need to know the value of #x and the contents of the stack dump (should be on the clipboard).


The latter should detect the NULL pointer before the crash and display first a "storage #x is NULL" messagebox and then a deep stack dump messagebox. I need to know the value of #x and the contents of the stack dump (should be on the clipboard).


Installed release 4 and it still crashes here but I don't get either of those expected message boxes.

MPREXE caused an invalid page fault inmodule KERNELEX.DLL at 0177:bfa08b36.Registers:EAX=00000000 CS=0177 EIP=bfa08b36 EFLGS=00010246EBX=833411f8 SS=017f ESP=0072f4d4 EBP=0072f508ECX=86fa4f98 DS=017f ESI=bfa00000 FS=40cfEDX=00000024 ES=017f EDI=00000000 GS=0000Bytes at CS:EIP:89 48 04 8b 45 f4 80 60 1c 00 8b 45 f4 80 60 1d Stack dump:bfa0d390 0072f518 00000018 86fa4f40 0000003c bff6a501 86ea6000 86fa4f7c 00000020 00000020 00000000 86ea6046 86fa4f57 0072f588 bfa081d8 0072f554 
Posted (edited)

Release 4: 8 messages in spoiler and afterwards the mprexe error 


I believe the four stack dump messages are identical. But I haven't checked exactly.


1 error
storage #2 is null

Stack dump:
ffffffff bfa09698
0072f096 bfa0d068
bfa0d068 bfa0d060
00000000 00000007
63617453 7564206b
203a706d 6666660a
66666666 66622066
36393061 300a3839
66323730 20363930
30616662 38363064
6166620a 36306430
66622038 30643061
300a3036 30303030
20303030 30303030
37303030 3633360a
35343731 35372033
30323436 320a6236
37613330 20643630
36363636 61303636
3636360a 36363636
36362036 30323236
330a3636 33393336
20313630 61303033
39333833 3336360a
33373332 30322030
39333633 330a3033
36313630 20323636
36333833 34363033
3631360a 30323636
36332061 34363033
360a3033 32323636
20383330 34363033

Copy to clipboard?

3. error
storage #1 is Null

4. Strcpy(Null,...)
Stack dump: 
ffffffff bfa09698
0072f176 bfa0d068
bfa0d068 bfa0d060
00000000 00000007
63617453 7564206b
203a706d 6666660a
66666666 66622066
36393061 300a3839
66323730 20363731
30616662 38363064
6166620a 36306430
66622038 30643061
300a3036 30303030
20303030 30303030
37303030 3633360a
35343731 35372033
30323436 320a6236
37613330 20643630
36363636 61303636
3636360a 36363636
36362036 30323236
330a3636 33393336
20313630 61303033
39333833 3336360a
33373332 30322030
37333633 330a3133
36313630 20323636
36333833 34363033
3631360a 30323636
36332061 34363033
360a3033 32323636
20383330 34363033

Copy to clipboard?

5 error
storage #2 is null

6 Strcpy(Null,...)

Stack dump:
ffffffff bfa09698
0072f176 bfa0d068
bfa0d068 bfa0d060
00000000 00000007
63617453 7564206b
203a706d 6666660a
66666666 66622066
36393061 300a3839
66323730 20363731
30616662 38363064
6166620a 36306430
66622038 30643061
300a3036 30303030
20303030 30303030
37303030 3633360a
35343731 35372033
30323436 320a6236
37613330 20643630
36363636 61303636
3636360a 36363636
36362036 30323236
330a3636 33393336
20313630 61303033
39333833 3336360a
33373332 30322030
37333633 330a3133
36313630 20323636
36333833 34363033
3631360a 30323636
36332061 34363033
360a3033 32323636
20383330 34363033

Copy to clipboard?

7 error
storage #2 is null

8 Strcpy(Null,...)

Stack dump:
ffffffff bfa09698
0072f176 bfa0d068
bfa0d068 bfa0d060
00000000 00000007
63617453 7564206b
203a706d 6666660a
66666666 66622066
36393061 300a3839
66323730 20363731
30616662 38363064
6166620a 36306430
66622038 30643061
300a3036 30303030
20303030 30303030
37303030 3633360a
35343731 35372033
30323436 320a6236
37613330 20643630
36363636 61303636
3636360a 36363636
36362036 30323236
330a3636 33393336
20313630 61303033
39333833 3336360a
33373332 30322030
37333633 330a3133
36313630 20323636
36333833 34363033
3631360a 30323636
36332061 34363033
360a3033 32323636
20383330 34363033

Copy to clipboard?


Modul KERNELEX.DLL 0177:bfa097e5
EAX=00000000 CS=0177 EIP=bfa097e5 EFLGS=00010202
EBX=82507950 SS=017f ESP=0072f500 EBP=0072f510
ECX=83a535b4 DS=017f ESI=bfa00000 FS=1c17
EDX=00000001 ES=017f EDI=00000000 GS=0000
Bytes CS:EIP:
8a 08 88 4d f0 8b 55 f0 81 e2 ff 00 00 00 8b 45
Stack dump:
bfc02e60 83a535b4 00000000 00000000 0072f588
bfa080a2 00000000 83a535b4 bfc02e55 bfa0d390
83956000 00000040 00000000 bfa00000 00000000



Release 0: no messages - KernelEX works


I just note differences between loblos and mine mprexe error.

Edited by schwups

Release.4 sources posted above.

Release.5 will have 77 new Ntdll forwards to Msvcrt (from my stubs.ini!)

About 19 dlls from ReactOS should now load.

Processing the debug data now. Looks like we may multiple issues.

:) Thanks, everyone! :yes:

p.s. Cloudme should now load in Slimboat, but be prepared to wait if you have a slow connection or computer--they are both very slow!


loblo's crash is in the XTREE code, while schwups's crash is in sstring, however, all roads are leading back to a failure in the 'new' constructor.

'new' is implemented via HeapAlloc, so I've made the heap growable and added the HEAP_GENERATE_EXCEPTIONS flag to HeapCreate.

I've also tweaked my stack dump code so it should work better. And it should appear just once right before the main crash. schwups, please also include the standard error text as it contains the register values needed to fully trace the assembly code.

For everyone not experiencing mprexe problems, I've added 78 new Ntdll function forwards, all needed by something I've tested in the last year (including IE8, KM74, and ReactOS).



Posted (edited)

Still no problems here with the new dll's !!


Thunderbird 11.0.1 is working great even in default comp. mode.

Versions 12.x. were starting too but did hang after a few seconds. Will check later if this was because I did not created a 'complete' profile.

No progress unfortunately on the browser bookmark issue though.


Edit/Follow up: Same situation on SeaMonkey 2.8 and 2.9 ! They start but hang after a few seconds. But, of course, it is amazing that they fire up at all !!

Edited by MiKl

Checking with ktree I find:


FindActCtxSectionGui_ instead of FindActCtxSectionGuid
FindActCtxSectionStrin_W instead of FindActCtxSectionStringW


Only problem so far is that it seems to have broken FlashBlock under BonEcho and Firefox 3.6.28.

No big deal. I just disabled FlashBlock. Don't really need it with NoScript.

Posted (edited)

Due to the server crash several postings seem to be gone - however, this time I had some problems with release .6 !!

After reaching desktop explorer crashed mentioning kexbases.dll in the error message. A manual downgrade of kexbases to the version from .5 helped.

I tried to save the stack dump but no app worked !!

Does anyone know what to do in a situation like this ? (I mean, except writing it all down on paper.)


@ Jumper. You asked about Thunderbird and SeaMonkey. I have to admit that I did not tested these builds/versions for a very long time and just started again with your KernelEX upgrades but I am pretty sure that especially TB 11 and SM 2.8 and 2.9 would have never worked with the latest release from Xeno.

That these two are freezing may have something to do with the fact that I am on a German 98SE and I have implamented 982ME and SP only up to the point where files caused troubles, like Kmixer.sys from ME !

Would be interesting if maybe DougB could test them as well.

Edited by MiKl

I had some problems with release .6 !!


After reaching desktop explorer crashed mentioning kexbases.dll in the error message. A manual downgrade of kexbases to the version from .5 helped.


I got the same problem with Release 6 (manually installed):

  EXPLORER caused an invalid page fault in  module KEXBASES.DLL at 019f:bfa56000.  Registers:  EAX=00000000 CS=019f EIP=bfa56000 EFLGS=00010246  EBX=004504e8 SS=01a7 ESP=0094f4e4 EBP=0094f4f8  ECX=0094fe04 DS=01a7 ESI=0044f3fc FS=23e7  EDX=00000010 ES=01a7 EDI=0094f8f0 GS=0000  Bytes at CS:EIP:  8b 40 04 8b 4d 28 8b 40 10 89 41 08 8b 45 28 ff  Stack dump:  0094f8f0 0044f3fc 004504e8 00000000 81c1c2f8 0094f7c0 668099ee 00000000 0044fe34 00000000 00000000 00000000 04000210 00000000 0044fc24 004504a4

The message was displayed on bootup, but the desktop appeared anyway and *seemed* ok.  But then, nothing (not even non-KEx-dependent apps) would run -- they produced similar Explorer crashes.  I couldn't even shutdown!  

Reinstalled Release 5 -- everything ok again.  

W98SE, U98SESP 3.37, 98SE2ME, RP 9.7.2, KStub822, iphlpapi4.  (I haven't tried it without KStub or iphlpapi.)  


I tried to save the stack dump but no app worked !!

Does anyone know what to do in a situation like this ? (I mean, except writing it all down on paper.)


I retrieved the above dump later from the FaultLog.txt file in the Windows\ folder.  You can enable fault logging via TweakUI under the "Paranoia" tab at the bottom.  


- Doug B.

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