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POSReady 2009 updates ported to Windows XP SP3 ENU

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Hey, guys! What do you think on this one: KB3055973???

It adds support for TLS 128-bit & 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) cipher suites in Windows XP. This update exists only in English version.

But it's very strange update. RC Data section of rsaenh.dll contains 2 resources, 666 and 667, and both of them are empty. In all previous versions of rsaenh.dll these rsources were not empty.

So far, I can not figure out is it an error or not :angrym:


KB3055973 is a port from Win2003 of KB948963 from seven years ago. Adds the same ciphers.

666 and 667 are not empty when checked with Resource Hacker v4.2.4. What are you using to view the resources?


Using PE Explorer 1.99R6. They are empty - see in hex mode - you will see only zeroes. But it's OK. Checked the latest versions from W7x86 and x64 (rsaenh.dll 6.1.7600.16385) - it looks in the same way.

It looks like these resources are not used in the new versions of rsaenh.dll and left there just for compatibility.


Hey, guys! What do you think on this one: KB3055973???

It adds support for TLS 128-bit & 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) cipher suites in Windows XP. This update exists only in English version.

@eGo®Z: Thanks for the heads up! I had missed that one... You rock! :thumbup



Hey, guys! What do you think on this one: KB3055973???

It adds support for TLS 128-bit & 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) cipher suites in Windows XP. This update exists only in English version.

@eGo®Z: Thanks for the heads up! I had missed that one... You rock! :thumbup


Despite on the fact that it was released in May 2015, really it was placed in the downloads only on July 23rd :)

Posted (edited)

Let me know when non-English versions of KB3055973 are available.

Edited by dencorso
Content recovered.
Posted (edited)

For non-English Windows XP where KB3055973-v3 can not install. Because the files "rsaenh.dll" and "schannel.dll" are in English in all language versions of Windows XP, can thus "KB3055973-v3" also be installed in other language versions of Windows XP, if it were not a restriction of the installer on Windows XP English. For this reason I have "KB3055973-v3" far changed that it can be installed on all language versions of Windows XP. Those interested on the update please PM to me.



Edited by heinoganda

heinoganda, please explain to me how these files are English only? I used DXUPAC to add them to my Dutch POS addon, and they seem to be included just fine. On the other hand I must admit I don't even know what these files actually *do*!

Please share some more info on this, I would really appreciate that!

Posted (edited)


As can be "KB3055973-v3" only on English-language Windows XP install, I have (Windows XP German) under "%windir%\system32" file "rsaenh.dll" and "schannel.dll" looked under Taken shaft language where these are available in english (US). For this reason I have changed so that it can be installed "KB3055973-v3" is International (any language of Windows XP)!

https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=48214&WT.mc_id=rss_alldownloads_securtiyupdates (only for english Windows XP installable)

Adds support for TLS 128-bit & 256-bit Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) cipher suites

(You can "KB3055973-v3" download, then extract with parameter "-x". In the file under "update\update_SP3QFE.inf", under strings in "LangTypeValue = 0x09" Change "LangTypeValue = 0x0" and the "Update.exe" file  replace with HEX Editor "E8 02 BA 02 00 85 C0 75 41"  BY "E8 02 BA 02 00 31 C0 EB 41")


Edited by heinoganda
Posted (edited)

Below (in code box) is my list of the .NET Framework patches for my XP post-EOL. I ran them in manually without any problems on a fresh XPsp3 source (English) integrated with OnePiece AIO v106 and an addon made from post-EOL patches for XP Embedded


(regular patches POSReady used to build Addon -- KB2926765, KB2939576, KB2957509, KB2961072, KB2989935, KB2991963, KB2993254, KB2998579, KB3004361, KB3011780, KB3019215, KB3020338, KB3020393, KB3021674, KB3023562, KB3033395, KB3033889, KB3033890, KB3039066, KB3046482, KB3055973, KB3049874, KB3065822, KB3065979, KB3067903, KB3069392, KB3070102, KB3072630, KB3072633, KB3074886 (included in DL folder for KB3605822), KB3079904).


The .NET patches below installed without any registry changes, like those given by Harkaz in post #1. (i.e. No need to spoof XP Embedded, as needed to use Windows Update.) I used Aaron Stebner's (or MS?) tool, .NET FRAMEWORK SETUP VERIFICATION TOOL to verify. (netfx_setupverifier.exe in netfx_setupverifier_new.zip linked from http://blogs.msdn.com/b/astebner/archive/2008/10/13/8999004.aspx)

KB         MS        date       filename                       XP Embedded  Other OS        -- replacesKB2932079*(MS14-026, 05/13/14)  NDP20SP2-KB2932079-x86.exe     XP Embedded, Server 2003 sp2 -- none -- *replaced by KB2978124KB2931365*(MS14-026, 05/13/14)  NDP40-KB2931365-x86.exe        XP Embedded, Server 2003 sp2 -- none -- *replaced by KB2978125*the above replaced -- thanks heinogandaKB2894843 (   --   , 09/09/14)  NDP20SP2-KB2894843-x86.exe     XP Embedded, Server 2003 sp2 -- KB2656352 (MS11-016)KB2972214 (MS14-053, 09/09/14)  NDP20SP2-KB2972214-x86.exe          --      Server 2003 sp2 -- KB2898856 (MS14-009), KB2833940 (MS13-052)KB2973115 (MS14-053, 09/09/14)  NDP30SP2-KB2973115-x86.exe          --      Server 2003 sp2 -- KB2756918 (MS13-004)KB2894842 (   --   , 09/09/14)  NDP40-KB2894842-v2-x86.exe     XP Embedded, Server 2003 sp2 -- KB2901110, KB2656351KB2972215 (MS14-053, 09/09/14)  NDP40-KB2972215-x86.exe        XP Embedded, Server 2003 sp2 -- KB2898855 (MS14-009), KB2835393 (MS13-052)KB2972105 (MS14-057, 10/14/14)  NDP20SP2-KB2972105-x86.exe     XP Embedded, Server 2003 sp2 -- KB2633880 (MS12-016)KB2979574 (MS14-057, 10/14/14)  NDP20SP2-KB2979574-v2-x86.exe  XP Embedded, Server 2003 sp2 -- noneKB2972106 (MS14-057, 10/14/14)  NDP40-KB2972106-x86.exe             --      Server 2003 sp2 -- KB2633870 (MS12-016)KB2979575 (MS14-057, 10/14/14)  NDP40-KB2979575-v2-x86.exe          --      Server 2003 sp2 -- noneKB2978124 (MS14-072, 11/11/14)  NDP20SP2-KB2978124-x86.exe          --      Server 2003 sp2 -- KB2932079 (MS14-026)KB2978125 (MS14-072, 11/11/14)  NDP40-KB2978125-x86.exe             --      Server 2003 sp2 -- KB2931365 (MS14-026)KB3037577 (MS15-041, 04/14/15)  NDP20SP2-KB3037577-x86.exe          --      Server 2003 sp2 -- KB2901111 (MS14-009)KB3037578 (MS15-041, 04/14/15)  NDP40-KB3037578-x86.exe             --      Server 2003 sp2 -- KB2901110 (MS14-009)I used KB2931365 above (not KB2938708). Both  issued on same date. Both NPD40. But former is specified as XP Embedded latter as Windows7, Server08.KB2938780 (   --   , 05/13/14)  NDP40-KB2938780-x86.exe                     Windows 7sp1, Server 2008 R2 sp1 -- replaces KB2633870 (MS12-016)The OnePiece AIO has .NET 1.1sp1 installed. Sadly, the following patches refused to install, claiming "Version of Windows does not match."KB2972207 (MS14-053, 09/09/14)  WindowsServer2003-KB2972207-x86-ENU.exe     Server 2003 sp2 -- KB2898860 (MS14-009)KB2978114 (MS14-072, 11/11/14)  WindowsServer2003-KB2978114-x86-ENU.exe     Server 2003 sp2 -- KB2931352 (MS14-026)KB3037572 (MS15-041, 04/14/15)  WindowsServer2003-KB3037572-x86-ENU.exe     Server 2003 sp2 -- KB2901115 (MS14-009)

The XP Embedded list was made by going to https://catalog.update.microsoft.com/v7/site/Home.aspxand putting "XP Embedded" in the search box. Then go thru 6 pages and select ADD for any .NET update. MS creates a local folder for selected patchs and downloads files into them.

Each XP Embedded patch for .NETxx comes with a second "cleanup" file. It has various names. AMD64_IA64_X86-all-msipatchregfix-x86_94a84b80b8b45a1ac53a0e5d085513da0f099655.exe but the size is 130,600 bytes and date is 10/23/2012. Does anyone know what it does, or if it should be run manually after each patch, or just be present in the folders from which each patch in run, or simpley run once after all patches are done, for a final cleanup, or just ignore it?

Also, are there any unattended switches that can be used with these installers to accept EULA and etc. and run the patches from a batch file?

Thanks to ALL!

Edited by Molecule
Posted (edited)

To enable POSReady 2009 updates on a fully patched 32-bit Windows XP with service pack 3 installed, save the following text as a file with extension ".reg" and double-click it, then reboot the system.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\WindowsEmbedded\ProductVersion]"FeaturePackVersion"="SP3"[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\WPA\WEPOS]"Installed"=dword:00000000[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\WPA\WES]"Installed"=dword:00000000[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\WPA\PosReady]"Installed"=dword:00000001
Before you do so, I recommend to install these two additional updates:

Windows Installer 4.5 (KB942288): https://www.microsof...ls.aspx?id=8483

exFAT file system driver (KB955704): https://www.microsof...s.aspx?id=19364

You should also consider installing EMET 4.1 for an extra layer of security: https://www.microsof...s.aspx?id=41138

Newer EMET versions can be used, but these may cause some problems under Windows XP.

Please note that those updates below will not be offered to you via Windows Update.

This is a list of .NET Framework 2.0/3.0/4.0 updates released after end of support for Windows XP:

You should remove .NET Framework 1.0 and 1.1 if installed, as both no longer receive updates.

To update the list of root and revoked certificates, see: http://www.msfn.org/...27#entry1110568

Rerun this program when there are new certificates available.

You can check your certificates with:

Run... / certmgr.msc / Trusted Root Certification Authorities

Run... / certmgr.msc / Untrusted Certificates

To disable SSL 3.0 support in Internet Explorer 8, uncheck:

Control Panel / Internet Options / Advanced / Use SSL 3.0

Edited by dencorso
Content recovered.
Posted (edited)

NDP20SP2-KB2932079-x86.exe from 05/13/2014

replaced by

NDP20SP2-KB2978124-x86.exe from 11/11/2014



NDP40-KB2931365-x86.exe from 05/13/2014

replaced by

NDP40-KB2978125-x86.exe from 11/11/2014


Could be if KB2978124 is installed, which one because a newer patched files already exists KB2932079 can not install.

Just as it is KB2932079 and KB2931365 unnecessary.



Edited by heinoganda

Hello ... I have one question regarding the POSReady updates after April 2014 ... I decided not to install any additional updates after April 2014 ... except for the MS Office 2007 updates that show up every month or two ... I have MS Office 2000 installed.


My question is about one update ...  KB3050995 (rvkroots.exe released 25 Mar) ... can I install that one update into my regular XP SP3 sysytem and would it install or work?

. . . .


Can the update be changed in someway to be correctly added?


I just noticed something, the WEPOS updates MS15-057 KB 3033890 and MS15-069 KB3067903 will install as-is, no modifications needed, in plain XP. For some reason these do not have the same blocking code MS puts into most of the other updates. Maybe that will continue to hold true for future MediaPlayer updates?


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