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XP support officially ends today. I bet you could safely, fully use it for about 2 more years, then we may get unofficial updates.

Is anyone planning to keep XP?

Posted (edited)

I am. For as long as they make secure browsers for it. After that, I'll probably switch to Linux or start running the browser under SandBoxie.

Edited by -X-

Is anyone planning to keep XP?

Yes. :yes:

In which way this piece of info may be of any use to you, it remains a mistery for me. :unsure:


In which way this piece of info may be of any use to you, it remains a mistery for me.

In the same way burglars are interested to know if you're going on holiday in the next weeks. :ph34r:

Posted (edited)

Yes for the short answer ... unless of course, when I decide to download and install the last XP updates my notebook should happen to catch fire and explode, then I may have a problem !!!

I plan to wait a week or two to see if there are any update problems reported.

added ... I see where China may be an exception and XP users there may get more security updates after today.

China's Windows XP Users to Still Get Security Support

03 March 2014


Microsoft is making a special exception in the way it retires Windows XP in China, and will continue offering security support for the OS to users in the nation.

To do so, the U.S. software giant is partnering with China's leading Internet security vendors, Microsoft said in a Sunday posting on its official account with Sina Weibo, a top social networking site in the country.

Outside of China, Microsoft is dropping support of Windows XP on April 8, meaning that users of the OS will no longer receive security patches meant to fix vulnerabilities in the software.

.... more at the link, perhaps some of those updates will make it around the globe, who can say !

Also, this is interesting:

70% of China XP Users Never Applied Updates

Thirdly, data shows that 70 percent of China's XP users in the last 13 years have not chosen to use Microsoft's periodic security service updates. For most of the users, XP's retirement will have a limited impact. In spite of this, Microsoft and several domestic vendors will soon release a series of security measures, and offer continued protection to these users, before they eventually decide to upgrade to a new OS.


Edited by monroe

In the same way burglars are interested to know if you're going on holiday in the next weeks. :ph34r:

Planning to go on holiday next week doesn't actually mean that I will actually be away next week. :whistle:

For NO apparent reason:


though of course:




Posted (edited)

Doubting that it will be two years before Unofficial Updates, if I understood this correctly.

I bet you could safely, fully use it for about 2 more years, then we may get unofficial updates.

As for me, I have multiple OS' depending on the purpose and hardware, so yes/no. Go ahead and try to break in, that is if you think I'm not home (PC on and connected at random times) and CAN break in (through NAT and two firewalls and a running antivirus). Wonder which OS you'll be trying to attack?

Ooohhh I'm scared! :ph34r:

Seriously, the Topic/Question is the same as the other Topics. Are you a News Reporter, attempting to get us to be distraught as possible of the impending disaster (yet to occur)? :w00t: I noticed the NEWS stations running short blurbs about this with recommendations to UPGRADE NOW TO WIN8! Got the idea of all of this nonsense? I do! :yes:

"I ain't afraid of no ghost!"

Edited by submix8c

I'm not just planning - I'm using it! :) I have hardware capable of running it (in terms of drivers) so why not?


Yep :), but what i find senseless is talking over and over about this, some starting months (or years) before this deadline, now on the day of the deadline and possibly for many weeks/months/years after today.

I mean, I personally went through both Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000 EOL's/End of support, and I continue to use a few machines with them fine, like many other members do, and like as well many members running 9x/Me's systems do, but there was not all this chatting about "what if","what are will you do when" "what will happen" "do you plan to", etc., etc..

And the world did not end on any of those occasions.

People that wanted (or could) upgrade (now in the case of Vista or 8 one could use more properly the verb downgrade instead ;)) to the new version of the MS OS, did that.

People that did not want (or could not) upgrade continued using the "previous" OS and learned to either solve or workaround the issues caused by new hardware and new software incompatibilities and/or learned to live with the few (or many) inconveniences that this caused.

A third category entered (like myself) a "mixed mode" running whatever OS he/she sees fit, depending on machines, use and what not.

But there wasn't all this talking, AFAICR.



Those were simpler times. Security has always been an issue, but it is a substanially more visible issue now and it changes the decision and the conversation.


Those were simpler times. Security has always been an issue, but it is a substanially more visible issue now and it changes the decision and the conversation.

I can hardly confirm that, and in any case this specific topic has been already discussed at length, like here (examples):




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