The Barfly Posted March 3, 2014 Posted March 3, 2014 I've been an enthousiast reading user of this forum since 2004, and i Always found out what i needed to know. But now i seem te end up on a dead end street. When windows 8 came out i bought the upgrade license. The iso that i downloaded was burned on a dvd and that version i use to make clean installs. (i also bought several licences for all my family-members) for the computers in my family.For xp, vista and 7, i always used an updated iso, and even some of the unattended. But with win8 this is a *&^%$ to do. Anyway, being sick and tired of updating online (or even wsus offline) i wanted to update my iso. Since 8.1 was already installed i downloaded the 8.1 iso through the well known microsoft-trick. I did this with one of my legal keys, and with an generic key provided on a MS page. Both 8.1 iso's downloaded perfectly. These iso's install ok but i want to slipstream the latest updates into them.The 8.1 iso (as well as the Original 8.0 iso) contained the install.esd instead of an install.wim. When i use a program like winreducer my iso is recognized as an upgrade version.I managed to use my iso and convert its esd file to a wim file. When i replace the ESD with the WIM file it accepts the extracted map and i can install updates but when i make it an iso again, that iso won't install. So, where do i go wrong ? or is it impossible to slipstream into my version ?
jaclaz Posted March 3, 2014 Posted March 3, 2014 On 3/3/2014 at 9:10 AM, The Barfly said: So, where do i go wrong ? or is it impossible to slipstream into my version ? Maybe instead of replacing the install.esd with the modified install.wim you should "convert" this latter back to install.esd.Something *like*: /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:"D:\install.wim" /SourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:"D:\install.esd" /Compress:recoveryjaclaz
NoelC Posted March 5, 2014 Posted March 5, 2014 My hat's off to you for trying.I've pretty much decided that if I'm going to keep up to date with the latest Windows I'm just going to buy full version discs - which I did with Windows 8.1. A few hundred bucks is cheaper than all the pain and anguish of trying to get through the quagmire of online updates/upgrades/configuration to end up with a stable and maintainable system.My systems (going back to Windows 2) have always needed only one installation for the life of each computer. But I figure that the first time I try to go "on the cheap" with the latest Microsoft cloud BS I'll find myself in some kind of "can't get there from here" situation not unlike what you've just described, Barfly. Then I'll put hundreds or thousands of dollars of time into trying to make it work.At one time in my life, decades ago, when time was less valuable than money to me, I might have enjoyed the challenge. Not that I don't enjoy tweaking, still, but more and more now I enjoy the work I do using the system. It feels less and less lately like Microsoft is sharing their software magic with us and rather like they're trying to fleece us with smoke and mirrors.Best of luck, and do keep us informed here on what you discover.-Noel
DosProbie Posted March 5, 2014 Posted March 5, 2014 Why don't you just make life easy and use "Win Toolkit" which can integrate Drivers, Language Packs, Theme Packs, Registry Tweaks, Windows Updates and more!
lurk&jerk Posted March 21, 2014 Posted March 21, 2014 (edited) @DosProbieHe still needs a disk with "install.wim" instead of "install.esd" to use win toolkit. And the easiest solution is pretty much as NoelC stated: buy a new retail disk, which has "install.wim" on it. Edited March 21, 2014 by lurk&jerk
gotenks98 Posted March 21, 2014 Posted March 21, 2014 Its not going to matter. The discs are the same except for the ESD and WIM files. The windows setup takes both. As far as the full vs upgrade what disc you use does not matter. Its the key and the way its installed. For upgrade keys the install has to be started from within Windows otherwise it won't activate. You can do the registry trick on a clean install to get around this issue and make the upgrade key work as full. Alternatively you can do the double install method which also works too. As far as the updates part, its kind of hit and miss. The problem is every time they go and change the service stack it makes it harder to update the wim via slipstream. You have to do the updates that change the service stack last and everything else before that. Sometimes thats not possible due to prerequisites and the updates must not be pending meaning it needs a reboot, but you can't reboot a wim. I find now its just easier to do a sys prep and capture in a VM to save time on this headache. You can do the convert wim to esd thing to save space.
lurk&jerk Posted March 22, 2014 Posted March 22, 2014 (edited) @gotenks98Read The Barfly's post. It will matter. If he wants to easily slipstream updates into Windows 8.1, he will need win toolkit and that app only works with full retail disks that have the install.wim file. Alternatively, he can try converting install.esd to install.wim using the method jaclazd links to. But as Noelc suggests, it's really not worth the trouble. Edited March 22, 2014 by lurk&jerk
JesseGuthrie Posted May 1, 2014 Posted May 1, 2014 (edited) This way is all automated. It is very detailed and will do exactly what you asked. Just right click the batch files, Run as Admin and go have coffee. Prepare and Slipstream Updates In to a Windows 8.1 .wim or .esd Image (Including Update 1)What you need:install.wim image file from the Windows installation media. If it is an install.esd image file then you can read the instructions on page 3 of this guide to convert it to an install.wim image file or create a Virtual Machine to do it (See page 4). Your install.wim or install.esd file is in the “Sources” folder which is found in the Windows Installation Media.2 batch files called update.bat and udate1.bat (Batch Commands are on this page)Windows updates downloader: sure you also download April ISO and yank the 3 updates that are NOT in the first folder inside the ISO. The first folder has the Update 1 files: main computer that you will perform this task on should be Windows 8.1. You will need to Install Windows ADK for Windows 8.1 which is found here: Batch File Commands to inject the 40+ updates - name it update.bat MD %~dp0WIN8 "c:\program files (x86)\windows kits\8.1\assessment and deployment kit\deployment tools\amd64\dism\Dism.exe" /Mount-Wim /WimFile:%~dp0install.wim /Index:1 /MountDir:%~dp0WIN8"c:\program files (x86)\windows kits\8.1\assessment and deployment kit\deployment tools\amd64\dism\Dism.exe" /image:%~dp0WIN8 /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%~dp0patches""c:\program files (x86)\windows kits\8.1\assessment and deployment kit\deployment tools\amd64\dism\Dism.exe" /image:%~dp0WIN8 /Get-Packages | more"c:\program files (x86)\windows kits\8.1\assessment and deployment kit\deployment tools\amd64\dism\Dism.exe" /Image:%~dp0WIN8 /Cleanup-Image /StartComponentCleanup /ResetBase pause"c:\program files (x86)\windows kits\8.1\assessment and deployment kit\deployment tools\amd64\dism\Dism.exe" /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:%~dp0WIN8 /commitBatch File Commands to inject Update 1 - name it update1.bat MD %~dp0WIN8 "c:\program files (x86)\windows kits\8.1\assessment and deployment kit\deployment tools\amd64\dism\Dism.exe" /Mount-Wim /WimFile:%~dp0install.wim /Index:1 /MountDir:%~dp0WIN8"c:\program files (x86)\windows kits\8.1\assessment and deployment kit\deployment tools\amd64\dism\Dism.exe" /image:%~dp0WIN8 /Add-Package /PackagePath:"%~dp0patches""c:\program files (x86)\windows kits\8.1\assessment and deployment kit\deployment tools\amd64\dism\Dism.exe" /image:%~dp0WIN8 /Get-Packages | more pause"c:\program files (x86)\windows kits\8.1\assessment and deployment kit\deployment tools\amd64\dism\Dism.exe" /Unmount-Wim /MountDir:%~dp0WIN8 /commit Instructions (Page 2)We need to Download the zip file named ‘Tools U Need” from my OneDrive and extract it, it will create the folder and files structure for you. Don’t modify the file or folder names with the exception of the main folder, which can be named to whatever you want. Skip to step 4 when completed. OneDrive address: To manually create the folder structure you need to make a folder and name it to whatever you like. Open that folder and create another folder and name it: patches If you need to convert install.esd to install.wim you will need to unzip the “Tools U Need” zip file and copy and paste the ESDtoWIM folder and its contents to the folder you created. It should also be outside the patches folder. Make 2 blank text files and name each file update.bat and update1.bat. Now copy and paste the text for each batch file command from page 1 into the corresponding file. Update.bat is for the 40+ updates and update1.bat is for update 1. Place these to batch files outside the patches folder. Copy your install.wim file to the folder that was created, which will be outside the patches folder, “NOT” in the patches folder. If the original file was a .esd file then see my instructions to convert the install.esd to install.wim.. Now all you need is the updates that you will download from the “Windows Update Downloader”. Download the update list from this page: (It’s a small file). Once finished downloading you need to Double Click it to add the list to the Windows Updates Downloader. Start the Windows Update Downloader, choose the operating system update list In the Windows updates Downloader, and then choose the Security Updates, Non-Security Updates and both versions of .Net Framework. Updates in the Optional folder won’t work. Start the download. All updates MUST be in the .msu format. Once the updates are downloaded, you need to copy and paste all the updates in to the “patches” folder. Make sure that you only copy the updates to the patches folder. In other words, there should be NO folders inside the patches folder. Only .msu (update) files can be in the patches folder. You can delete the ESDtoWIM folder if you are not going to use the command line tool to convert install.esd to install.wim. Now, the Structure of the folder you are working in should have only 5 items: An ”ESDtoWIM” folder, a “patches folder”, update.bat file, update1.bat file and an “install.wim” file. All .msu updates should be in the patches folder. Now Right click the update.bat file and choose to run as Administrator. Once it installs all the updates it will ask you to hit any key. Hit any key until is shows all the updates and continues. You will have to hit any key many times until it begins the last phase. Once it is finish, you can repeat step 7 through 9 but use the update1.bat file for the Windows 8.1 update 1 .msu files (There are 6 needed downloading). Once everything is finished then you can replace the old install.wim file in the Windows install media with the new one. Again, if the original was an install.esd file then it needs to be converted first to install.wim file.File Conversion Instructions (Page 3)Convert install.esd to install.wimFrom the “Tools U Need” folder which can be downloaded here:, find and open the ESDtoWIM folder Right click the file named ESD2WIM.cmd and choose “Run As Administrator” Copy and paste (or type) the complete path location of the install.esd file. Example: C:\Work Folder\install.esd Press the enter key and wait for the process to finish. The location of the install.wim file will be in the “C” drive when the process finishes. C:\install.wim Continue with step 4 on the instructions page (Page 2).Convert install.wim to install.esdIf the original file was an install.esd file then you will need to convert the install.wim file back to an install.esd file.Before we begin, make sure there is no file in C:\ called install.esd. In other words delete any file in this exact path C:\install.esd Copy the install.wim file to the C:\ directory. Example: C:\install.wim Click “Start” and do a search by typing: cmd Look for a file called cmd.exe in the search results. Right click cmd.exe and choose to “Run as Administrator” A black box will open. In the black box, Copy and paste the command in step 6 below and then hit the enter key. dism /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:"C:\install.wim" /SourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:"C:\install.esd" /Compress:recovery It will take a very long time and a lot of processing during the conversion. So have patients. When it’s finished you will find the file called install.esd at this location C:\install.esd JJJCongratulationsJJJYou have completed the process of slipstreaming Windows updates and update 1 in to Windows 8.1 Install media.J Good luck JInstalling Windows 8.1 to a VHD and using imageX to capture back the image as install.wim (Page 4)If you prefer not to use the command to convert the install.esd file to an install.wim file then you can create a virtual machine and install windows 8.1 in to it and then capture the VHD image back to an install.wim file. Here is how you do it.What you need:Windows 8.1 ISO, DVD or USB stick made bootable with Windows 8.1Microsoft Hyper-V (included as an add-on in Windows 8.1 Pro) or Virtual BoxThese generic keys are "ONLY" to allow the correct version of Windows 8.1 to be installed when you only have a Windows 8.0 key. You will have to use your purchased Windows 8.0 key to activate (It will work)334NH-RXG76-64THK-C7CKG-D3VPT for Non-Pro versionXHQ8N-C3MCJ-RQXB6-WCHYG-C9WKB for Pro versionKnowledge of these Virtual machinesImageX which comes with the Windows ADK for Windows 8.1Knowledge of the CMD command prompt.Knowledge of “SysPrep”InstructionsCreate a Virtual disk. The disk should be either VHD or VHDX Install Windows 8.1 in the virtual machine Press Ctrl + Shift + F3 when the Installation gets to the screen where you create a computer name. This will log you in automatically as the Administrator and start the SysPrep process. In the SysPrep preparation tool, make sure you choose “Enter system out of box experience”, and then check the box that says “Generalize”. The next drop-down menu: choose “Shutdown”. Click OK and the Virtual machine will shut down when finished. Now locate where the Virtual Disk that has Windows 8.1 installed on it. Mount that drive and give it a drive letter Make sure you installed ImageX which comes with the Windows ADK for Windows 8.1 Click the Start button and type cmd for command prompt. In the search results choose “Deployment and Imaging Tools Environment”. A command black box will open. Type the following: imagex /compress maximum /capture F:\ C:\install.wim "Windows 8.1 Pro" (F is the drive letter you gave the virtual drive when you mounted it, change it to whatever it is) Hit Enter and wait for it to finish. Look in the C drive where you copied the virtual drive and you will also see the install.wim file. This is the file you need to inject all those updates in to. You can now delete the Virtual drive and the ESD file. On 3/3/2014 at 9:10 AM, The Barfly said: I've been an enthousiast reading user of this forum since 2004, and i Always found out what i needed to know. But now i seem te end up on a dead end street. When windows 8 came out i bought the upgrade license. The iso that i downloaded was burned on a dvd and that version i use to make clean installs. (i also bought several licences for all my family-members) for the computers in my family.For xp, vista and 7, i always used an updated iso, and even some of the unattended. But with win8 this is a *&^%$ to do. Anyway, being sick and tired of updating online (or even wsus offline) i wanted to update my iso. Since 8.1 was already installed i downloaded the 8.1 iso through the well known microsoft-trick. I did this with one of my legal keys, and with an generic key provided on a MS page. Both 8.1 iso's downloaded perfectly. These iso's install ok but i want to slipstream the latest updates into them.The 8.1 iso (as well as the Original 8.0 iso) contained the install.esd instead of an install.wim. When i use a program like winreducer my iso is recognized as an upgrade version.I managed to use my iso and convert its esd file to a wim file. When i replace the ESD with the WIM file it accepts the extracted map and i can install updates but when i make it an iso again, that iso won't install. So, where do i go wrong ? or is it impossible to slipstream into my version ? Edited May 1, 2014 by JesseGuthrie
steniooliv Posted January 31, 2015 Posted January 31, 2015 The microsoft released an ISO with Update 1 but are still made more than 1.5 GB of updates. I used the above methods to convert the image ESD, integrating atraver updates from Windows Updates Downloader (first .net framework, then security updates, after non-segurity update after optional updates).But after I created the iso, she's boot and lock ..anyone have any light?
NoelC Posted February 1, 2015 Posted February 1, 2015 (edited) Never mind; I misread something. -Noel Edited February 1, 2015 by NoelC
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