David13 Posted September 21, 2013 Posted September 21, 2013 "Transparency checkbox in Windows 7" ??We are on win 8.1, which checkbox do you refer to ?
Hancoque Posted September 21, 2013 Posted September 21, 2013 (edited) "Transparency checkbox in Windows 7" ??We are on win 8.1, which checkbox do you refer to ?I mistakenly believed that full opacity would be achieved in Windows 7 simply by moving the slider fully to the right. I forgot that there's an extra checkbox to switch between transparent and opaque mode. I was referring to bigmuscle's statement that an opacity value of 217 never meant full opacity, not even in Windows 7, which can be viewed as the reference implementation of Aero Glass. Edited September 21, 2013 by Hancoque
inighthawki Posted September 22, 2013 Posted September 22, 2013 ... the slider gives you values between 26 and 217Wow, I didn't notice that before. We are left to wonder why Microsoft would put effort into making such a change. More of their gradual "weaning" away from allowing users to customize the UI at all?When does that ridiculousness end? When there's one and only one UI look and feel, I guess. Definitely goes against everything BigMuscle is doing.-NoelYeah there couldn't possibly be a good reason, perhaps mathematical, to clamp a value to these numbers. Clearly they solely wanted to limit the user experience to 75% of the color intensity range for no reason.
bigmuscle Posted September 22, 2013 Author Posted September 22, 2013 I see a good reason not to allow full range 0 - 255. If user selects "Enable transparency" and e.g. red color, the slider should provide only such settings that will maintain transparency and red tint (i.e. very low alpha would make the color invisible and very high alpha would make transparency invisible).
Windows8RTMUser Posted September 22, 2013 Posted September 22, 2013 When's The WinFlip 3D Thing Coming
NoelC Posted September 22, 2013 Posted September 22, 2013 (edited) BigMuscle, I was testing some UI work with one of my products, and I set the Win 8.1 desktop to 150% (slider all the way to the right to "Larger" in the Display dialog) and while testing some theme change logic I suddenly got instability from your product. It ended up getting into a loop where the DWM kept crashing. Finally I held down the Control key after a few restarts and it stopped the loop of failures (and of course eliminated transparency).Here's what the debug.log showed for that:[0x94C] Hook (USER32.dll!SetWindowCompositionAttribute from explorer.exe) installed[0x4B8] License file loaded[0x4B8] Machine ID: CG6OCCLNFHOH5LOSAU3ILTAPGVTLO335QDLJRAKI4LOGYZUQ[0x4B8] License code: 0[0x4B8] Hook (api-ms-win-core-registry-l1-1-0.dll!RegQueryValueExW from dwm.exe) installed[0x4B8] Hook (USER32.dll!CreateWindowExW from dwm.exe) installed[0x4B8] Hook (GDI32.dll!CreateRoundRectRgn from udwm.dll) installed[0x4B8] Hook (USER32.dll!DrawTextW from udwm.dll) installed[0x4B8] Hook (GDI32.dll!CreateBitmap from udwm.dll) installed[0x4B8] Delayed hook (UxTheme.dll!GetThemeStream from udwm.dll) installed[0x4B8] Aero Glass for Win8.1 Alpha 2 correctly loaded.[0x1354] DBGHELP: Symbol Search Path: .;SRV*C:\BIN\symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols[0x1354] CTopLevelWindow::UpdateOcclusionHints hooked successfuly[0x1354] CGlassColorizationParameters::AdjustWindowColorization failed (0).[0x1354] DBGHELP: .\uDWM.pdb - file not found[0x1354] DBGHELP: .\dll\uDWM.pdb - file not found[0x1354] DBGHELP: .\symbols\dll\uDWM.pdb - file not found[0x1354] DBGHELP: udwm - public symbols C:\BIN\symbols\uDWM.pdb\DD3C8972CDAC4CFC8B46002E393E434D2\uDWM.pdb[0x1354] Symbols loaded for udwm.dll as 3 (#0)[0x135C] Propagating user logon successful.[0x1354] CDrawingContext::DrawGlass failed (0).[0x1354] CDrawingContext::DrawGlass failed (0).[0x1354] DBGHELP: .\dwmcore.pdb - file not found[0x1354] DBGHELP: .\dll\dwmcore.pdb - file not found[0x1354] DBGHELP: .\symbols\dll\dwmcore.pdb - file not found[0x1354] DBGHELP: dwmcore - public symbols C:\BIN\symbols\dwmcore.pdb\36D905E5B57C49E48A0964A5662379F02\dwmcore.pdb[0x1354] Symbols loaded for dwmcore.dll as 3 (#0)[0x9FC] License file loaded[0x9FC] Machine ID: CG6OCCLNFHOH5LOSAU3ILTAPGVTLO335QDLJRAKI4LOGYZUQ[0x9FC] License code: 0[0x9FC] Hook (api-ms-win-core-registry-l1-1-0.dll!RegQueryValueExW from dwm.exe) installed[0x9FC] Hook (USER32.dll!CreateWindowExW from dwm.exe) installed[0x9FC] Hook (GDI32.dll!CreateRoundRectRgn from udwm.dll) installed[0x9FC] Hook (USER32.dll!DrawTextW from udwm.dll) installed[0x9FC] Hook (GDI32.dll!CreateBitmap from udwm.dll) installed[0x9FC] Delayed hook (UxTheme.dll!GetThemeStream from udwm.dll) installed[0x9FC] Aero Glass for Win8.1 Alpha 2 correctly loaded.[0x9F0] DBGHELP: Symbol Search Path: .;SRV*C:\BIN\symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols[0x9F0] CTopLevelWindow::UpdateOcclusionHints hooked successfuly[0x9F0] CGlassColorizationParameters::AdjustWindowColorization failed (0).[0x9F0] DBGHELP: .\uDWM.pdb - file not found[0x9F0] DBGHELP: .\dll\uDWM.pdb - file not found[0x9F0] DBGHELP: .\symbols\dll\uDWM.pdb - file not found[0x9F0] DBGHELP: udwm - public symbols C:\BIN\symbols\uDWM.pdb\DD3C8972CDAC4CFC8B46002E393E434D2\uDWM.pdb[0x9F0] Symbols loaded for udwm.dll as 3 (#0)[0x9F0] CDrawingContext::DrawGlass failed (0).[0x9F0] CDrawingContext::DrawGlass failed (0).[0x9F0] DBGHELP: .\dwmcore.pdb - file not found[0x9F0] DBGHELP: .\dll\dwmcore.pdb - file not found[0x9F0] DBGHELP: .\symbols\dll\dwmcore.pdb - file not found[0xFFC] Propagating user logon successful.[0x9F0] DBGHELP: dwmcore - public symbols C:\BIN\symbols\dwmcore.pdb\36D905E5B57C49E48A0964A5662379F02\dwmcore.pdb[0x9F0] Symbols loaded for dwmcore.dll as 3 (#0)[0x1004] License file loaded[0x1004] Machine ID: CG6OCCLNFHOH5LOSAU3ILTAPGVTLO335QDLJRAKI4LOGYZUQ[0x1004] License code: 0[0x1004] Hook (api-ms-win-core-registry-l1-1-0.dll!RegQueryValueExW from dwm.exe) installed[0x1004] Hook (USER32.dll!CreateWindowExW from dwm.exe) installed[0x1004] Hook (GDI32.dll!CreateRoundRectRgn from udwm.dll) installed[0x1004] Hook (USER32.dll!DrawTextW from udwm.dll) installed[0x1004] Hook (GDI32.dll!CreateBitmap from udwm.dll) installed[0x1004] Delayed hook (UxTheme.dll!GetThemeStream from udwm.dll) installed[0x1004] Aero Glass for Win8.1 Alpha 2 correctly loaded.[0xD50] DBGHELP: Symbol Search Path: .;SRV*C:\BIN\symbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols[0xD50] CTopLevelWindow::UpdateOcclusionHints hooked successfuly[0xD50] CGlassColorizationParameters::AdjustWindowColorization failed (0).[0xD50] DBGHELP: .\uDWM.pdb - file not found[0xD50] DBGHELP: .\dll\uDWM.pdb - file not found[0xD50] DBGHELP: .\symbols\dll\uDWM.pdb - file not found[0xD50] DBGHELP: udwm - public symbols C:\BIN\symbols\uDWM.pdb\DD3C8972CDAC4CFC8B46002E393E434D2\uDWM.pdb[0xD50] Symbols loaded for udwm.dll as 3 (#0)[0x1198] Propagating user logon successful.[0xD50] CDrawingContext::DrawGlass failed (0).[0xD50] CDrawingContext::DrawGlass failed (0).[0xD50] DBGHELP: .\dwmcore.pdb - file not found[0xD50] DBGHELP: .\dll\dwmcore.pdb - file not found[0xD50] DBGHELP: .\symbols\dll\dwmcore.pdb - file not found[0xD50] DBGHELP: dwmcore - public symbols C:\BIN\symbols\dwmcore.pdb\36D905E5B57C49E48A0964A5662379F02\dwmcore.pdb[0xD50] Symbols loaded for dwmcore.dll as 3 (#0)By the way, you might want to consider adding a time stamp to one of your messages in the log (e.g., the "user logon" message) so it's easier to tell what log entries go with what issues after the fact.The exact same operations work perfectly at the leftmost (smallest) setting in the Display dialog.-Noel Edited September 22, 2013 by NoelC
MagicAndre1981 Posted September 22, 2013 Posted September 22, 2013 you should create crash dumps of the DWM and send the dump to BM by importing this .reg filehttps://www.dropbox.com/s/h81n7hfbc47pw6i/WER_DWM.regWhen DWM crashes you see a dmp file in C:\localdumps.
Soukyuu Posted September 22, 2013 Posted September 22, 2013 So what exactly do I have to do to get the alpha2 working? I tried copying the rest of the files from the 8.0 version, but i keep getting the incompatibility message (YES, I did download the alpha2, not 1.2). You might want to update the archive with necessary files.
bigmuscle Posted September 22, 2013 Author Posted September 22, 2013 NoelC: alpha version is supposed to be unstable. The current goal is to get feature-state similar to Win8 version, then I will refactor the code and move to the beta state where the stability and performance will be improved. Now I just need to know what features are still missing and if glass is correctly rendered on all places where it should be.to others: please, next time you want to test alpha version of some software then read properly the instructions: This version does not include hardcoded DWM function patterns and thus it needs public symbols to be present - symbols are downloaded automatically from MS server for donators (i.e. if license.key is present).
NoelC Posted September 23, 2013 Posted September 23, 2013 (edited) I'm not complaining, mind you; I figured you'd want to know about a potential crash bug.Would you rather not hear testing feedback at all?By the way, I've improved the themeatlas I use a little bit... I made the window edges a little more definite, and made the buttons look a bit better.http://Noel.ProDigitalSoftware.com/ForumPosts/themeatlas.png-Noel Edited September 23, 2013 by NoelC
Tusticles Posted September 23, 2013 Posted September 23, 2013 We can't hide the console window even if we donated?
bigmuscle Posted September 23, 2013 Author Posted September 23, 2013 As stated, this version is for preview/testing which has been released as it is with many additional debug checks, logging etc. It has no sense to hide debug output in debug version...
Soukyuu Posted September 23, 2013 Posted September 23, 2013 (edited) to others: please, next time you want to test alpha version of some software then read properly the instructions: This version does not include hardcoded DWM function patterns and thus it needs public symbols to be present - symbols are downloaded automatically from MS server for donators (i.e. if license.key is present).I only read the forums and didn't expect one set of instructions to be less complete than the other. Alpha 1 worked fine without them, Alpha 2 needs them, fine. Edited September 23, 2013 by Soukyuu
bigmuscle Posted September 23, 2013 Author Posted September 23, 2013 Alpha 1 does not need them, but Alpha 2 needs them and that's why I wrote it in the instruction ... and any other alpha, beta, release candidate, non-finished version will need them too.
David13 Posted September 23, 2013 Posted September 23, 2013 (edited) Hum .. are my questions that dumb that i dont get a single answer ? :-)http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/163570-aero-glass-for-win81-rtm-alpha-2/?view=findpost&p=1049972 Edited September 24, 2013 by Yzöwl link to post added
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