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I have not had much feedback on DirMove errors, but this is not the first one

to be safer, it is indeed perhaps good to use a distributable 3rd party (Yes), when I have free time, there is no emergency.

I mostly know Olof Lagerkvist for its great imdisk :thumbup:

strarc does not seem to have any Move option but it could be done with Copy + if success cmd.exe,"/C rd /s /q Sourcedir" it is an option

It can also be done on the principle of the Call,DirCopy that has been done previously

I will remember for free time

ps: Robocopy was the faster to write for me to do a simple test;) , gotenks98 found the reason before :)

Maybe making echo-log to dism operation on driver integration

+ I mean using tee.exe (dism.log) + echofile.exe (the one at support log)

is a good idea so error can be more visible on build-log (along with drivers info integrated by user ;)),

Yep, It is a good option to display a warning in the log, I like the idea :thumbup:, but unfortunately with the dism.exe.mui resource file

it is difficult to get the return code (by using tee.exe) for each driver (Error : 2 or in french Erreur: 2 or ...)

dism.log is difficult to read, already for human eyes ;)

By cons it could be done more easily with setupapi.offline.log by searching "<<< [Exit status: FAILURE"

I'll see, thanks


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JFYI, and of course if you are into experimenting, you can get rid of DISM too. :)

There is a brand new wimlib that is working exceptionally well:



(though at the moment it is not clear if it's -yet- compatible with latest 8.1 RTM that has seemingly changed *something* in the .wim :unsure:)


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Wimlib is an excelent initiative and a great challenge (ps: the link to http://sourceforge.net/projects/wimlib/ is enough ;) ).

with each windows version (Win7, 8, 8.1) there is some changes in the wim format.

although I appreciate this initiative, I think that it is safer for the moment to use MS Waik/ADK Tools in this type of project.

I use the great JFX's GetWaikTools to download only the needed tools (~6/10 Mb) and not the full Waik or ADK.



Also, from wimlib Documentation http://wimlib.sourceforge.net/

wimlib Limitations

wimlib does not provide a clone of the PEImg tool, or the Dism functionality other than that already present in ImageX, that allows you to make certain Windows-specific modifications to a Windows PE image, such as adding a driver or Windows component. Such a tool could be implemented on top of wimlib.

In win7(8)pese, I need some of these missing features, like /Add-Driver, /Add-Package, /Enable-Feature and others

in addition to Mount, Capture, Unmount...

So I can not, I do not take

Edited by ChrisR
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Wimlib is an excelent initiative and a great challenge (ps: the link to http://sourceforge.net/projects/wimlib/ is enough ;) ).

with each windows version (Win7, 8, 8.1) there is some changes in the wim format.

although I appreciate this initiative, I think that it is safer for the moment to use MS Waik/ADK Tools in this type of project.

I use the great JFX's GetWaikTools to download only the needed tools (~6/10 Mb) and not the full Waik or ADK.



Well, THEN, the link to http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/156869-get-waik-tools-wo-downloading-the-huge-isos/ is enough. :whistle:

Come on ... :).

Anyway, those were just ideas :), if it is possible to avoid the *need* of the otherwise excellent tool by JFX (please read as avoiding completely the use of MS tools from WAIK/ADK) it would be - as I see it - a step forward.


Edited by jaclaz
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a return trip, without spam ;)

As I said above, it is really great to see wimlib, I take my hat and I would be happy to get rid of Waik/ADK Tools :)

but unfortunately there are some limitations which prevent me to look at it more closely in this project.


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BIG Thanks to The Great JFX to rescue from experimental to stable for this project,

Well, Then, the link to http://TheOven.org/index.php?topic=287 is enough :whistle: no need .0 :zzz: Brrrrrrr

Maybe in some future, I feel by 7zip developers.... till that day everything nice.

BIG Thanks to The Great ChrisR making Good decisions for stable builds,

continuing development all these years with innovations, researches, developments, fixes with stability at root.


Copy + if success cmd.exe,"/C rd /s /q Sourcedir" it is an option

Well, I use this workaround to workaround winbuilder bug, later I create another faster workaround for winbuilder bug for some specific cases after figuring out more.. shortly I use dirmove with workaround when possible, if not than what I do what you wrote for "small size".

For such huge folder (\Windows\) , "copy+ Than rd" is not a solution, it is too big and will take a loooot time even with any fastest copy tool..

"Moving directory" as concept only changes address of files/folder on file table, which naturally makes it ultra fast and confortable, especially for above case/goal of postconfig...

I do not know what happens in "dism driver integration failure case",

as I wrote if move success with an empty sourcedir, than: move with erroroff (not copy+), check sourcedir exists/size (if 0 success) and rd sourcedir ---> would be quite nice and easy to implement.

Requires gotenks98 prodiving error creating reproducable drivers + your time -> to be sure and implement :whistle: or if not to think what to do next :ph34r: .... better to talk about things on table instead of empty air when it comes :thumbup

Edited by Lancelot_Real
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Since we are in the acknowledgments,

BIG Thanks to The Great Lancelot, for all the help, support, knowledge and work done on PE for years.

I added a control on the successful integration of drivers sought in setupapi.offline.log.

In case of Failure, a warning message is displayed with the number of error and written to the log.

If needed, there is allready a checkbox 'pause', to keep on screen the dism result.

The Driver Integration script is on server.


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I tried with the preview and now with 8.1 RTM

There are some problems with explorer and the system account especially the taskbar that is locked.

also, Ex7forW8 does not work in 8.1, by cons, StartIsBack+ works well but with the same concern for the taskbar.

For information, we have nearly the same problem with explorer (a little better in PE) and the system account in the true Win8.1.

To test it, Kill explorer and then launch PsExec.exe -i -d -s explorer.exe

It could be a challenge for a guy like Tihiy or others ;)

Currently, with 8.1 RTM, it could work with BsExplorer as shell, or with ObjectDock and SIB+

But until there is no solution for Explorer, I do not see the interest compared to Win8PESE (with win8 RTM) or Win7PESE.

I am at an impasse for now and so I have not looked further for other concerns.


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  • 3 weeks later...

Project Updated: Win8PE_SE_2013-10-02

Main changes, Updated, improvements:
Extract Wim Folders: The extraction is now available right away, right out of the box, without the need for a build, in advance. To use once, for a safer and faster construction.
Retrieve Tools: Copy bcdboot.exe, bootsect.exe, WimMountInstall.exe in tools folder. Downloaded by GetWaikTools.
PreConfig: Install WIMMount driver with WimMountInstall.exe. Installation unchanged for XP, that is no longer supported by ADK for Win8.
CdDrive - X: - Y: Fixed a timing issue on some hardware. Ability to rename the "Programs' folder (Run from CD/USB) for x86 or x64 Architecture.
IE Flash (ActiveX only): v11.8.800.175 Adobe Flash Player for Internet Explorer.
MS Visual C++ Runtime: VC++ 2012 Update 3. VC++ Embedded version (8.0 - 9.0) following the source Win7SP0, Win7SP1, Win8.
Hotplug: Safely remove hardware from your computer with Hotswap! 6.1, MyUSBEjector and MountStorePE.
Q-Dir Nenad: v5.49 x86/x64. Folder management with Quadro-View technique.
Flash Player: v11.8.800.168 for other browsers, Opera here.
Opera v12 SL: v12.16 build 1860. Ever one of the best browsers.
ServiWin: v1.57. ServiWin utility displays the list of installed drivers and services on your system.
Attribute Changer Petges: v7.10e. Attribute Changer shell extension is a power user tool to change all kind of file and folder attributes, date, time.
Driver Integration: Get the number of errors when integrating drivers in setupapi.offline.log. It is displayed in case of failure.
Multi-WIM: Fix patching BOOTMGR with Win8PESE80_Builder.
BootIce Pauly: v1.2.0.1 x86 and x64 now. Container file in Utils folder that is used by BootIce Apps , CopyToUsb, CopyToUSb BCD BootMGR.
GetWaikTools: v1.5.1.0. Download Win8.1 RTM ADK tools & Win8.1 Dism.
Grub4Dos: grub4dos-0.4.5c-2013-07-24. Container file in Utils folder that is used by Create ISO, CopyToUsb, CopyToUSb BCD BootMGR.
PostConfig: Include files in boot.wim Root (Ram).
Create ISO: Oscdimg switch to boot in UEFI.

Note that Win8PE_SE is not compatible with Windows 8.1 for now.
There are concerns, in particular with explorer shell, the start menu and taskbar due to changes made by MS, that wants to get rid of them.

Important: Always Check Win8PE SE topic post 1 to get latest updates and informations.


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Project Updated: Win8PE_SE_2013-10-03

Information on Parted Magic, I had not seen before blink.gif

Please note that the latest releases of Parted Magic are no longer available as free downloads.
See the download page for information on how to purchase your copy.


I updated the script accordingly:
There is no longer automatic download of the latest version, you must provide the ISO file now and point on it.

The package has been updated to prevent problems.

For those who have already downloaded, if you prefer, you can download the script independently here: PartedMagic

Important: Always Check Win8PE SE topic post 1 to get latest updates and informations.


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There are some reasons for the change, see here:



Obviously (but I doubt how much "fairly") all old versions have been removed from the sourceforge repository.


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Thanks for the links

A legitimate choice considering his situation. His choice.
In all cases, thanks to him for all the great work he has done for years on Parted Magic :thumbup:

Obviously (but I doubt how much "fairly") all old versions have been removed from the sourceforge repository.

They were still present at sourceforge early September, I had downloaded pmagic_2013-08-01 and pmagic_2013_09_07_UNSTABLE at this time, but they were ALL removed since.

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